Give us a Type 3 aug that fits in charm slots (POP era) for the Tower Charm...

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Xeris, Mar 18, 2024.

  1. Xeris Augur

    Currently on Agnarr we get this awesome Remarkable Charm of Distant Echoes. It's got a Type 3 slot, however there are 0 augments available on the server that are Type 3 and fit in Charm slots.

    For some reason, some of the LDON augs are type 1-12, except type 3. Anyhow, would love an update to some of these augs to make them placeable in a Charm slot! There are a lot of cool Type 3 augs that are totally useless in the POP era that would be awesome to slot into this charm.
    Donroy, Yinla, Montag and 4 others like this.
  2. nekkra New Member

    Ya I agree. I'm giving this a bump because I don't want the post and Agnarr's needs to be forgotten or overlooked.

    Hopefully they already got something really nice planned for like a final reward.
  3. Donroy Elder

    +1 please
  4. coltongrundy Augur

    Stop crying like you're uniquely disadvantaged. Oakwynd and Yelinak also don't have type 3 augs for charm slot and Yelinak is 6 expansions passed Agnarr. What is with Agnarr people constantly begging for post-PoP content but refusing to play on a post-PoP server?
  5. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    There are reasons expansion locker servers lose their shine over a period of time.

    This is one of those. What next, ask for mercs to be unlocked, but keep server at PoP? :p
  6. NinjutsuMMO Augur

    OP requested a solution to a problem and you label him a cryer and begger?
    You seem negative and not cool or normal.
    News flash, people request quality of life improvements all the time. Especially when they pay for a product.
  7. Xeris Augur

    It's a solution that can apply to all servers. Nice that you woke up on Easter and thought "let me be angry on internet forums this morning" cheers lol
    Indigo_Quarmite likes this.
  8. nekkra New Member

    So let me get this straight, I agreed with original poster to look at the aug slot on our charm and you go off? Was this post an acorn to you? You come out blasting? Did you even stop to think that you know the devs might have overlooked this since they are short staffed? Saying we are begging for post Agnarr content? The tower is new where do you even come up with this crap you spew.
  9. nekkra New Member

    What does anything you are saying have to do with the original post?

    They created something new called anniversary tower with new items

    The new item that was recently created has an aug type 3 slot and but no type 3 augs can fit it on Agnarr. We do have type 3 augs though, so Aug 3 is not out of era for us

    How would I even know what's available in later expansions if all I play is Agnarr? From what I was told the people playing in later expansions have more items opened up for them at the tower merchant that match closer to their expansion gear.

    If what the other poster is saying is true about 6 expansion later and still no aug available for it then what would even be the point of putting a type 3 aug slot in a charm that's on par with POP gear. I can't imagine this charm being worth anything 7+ expansions later