Clients randomly going poof

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by adad, Mar 14, 2024.

  1. adad New Member

    I 5 box and randomly in or out of combat, a client will just not be there anymore. No crash, no errors, just gone. It doesn't have a predictable way to make it happen, all kinds of scenarios. I can be fighting, running someplace, afk'ing in the lobby, its 100% random and it doesnt affect then same client. Ideas?
    Cazmac and Iven like this.
  2. Feliney New Member

    I 2 box on the same computer, playing in windowed mode. I have the same issue. One client will randomly crash, sometimes both, with no errors. This has only happened since the most recent patch.
    Cazmac likes this.
  3. Iven the Lunatic

    Same here in fullscreen mode since today while being in Stone Hive. Client crashed many times now, and always with a short freeze. Does happen every few minutes up to one hour and does get worse. The second client does get bugged then and has to be forced to close. The whole game is graphics wise very laggy when moving around.
    Cazmac likes this.
  4. Cazmac Augur

    I've been having this problem on Firiona Vie, not noticing it on Test or AB, my other "homes". It got so bad that I decided to use one of two F2P alts to zone into the Guild Lobby to see if they poofed; if they did, I would use Go Back Home on the alt I wanted to use, just to be able to exit my GH. I created the second F2P alt just for this purpose! I use Windowed, if that is relevant.
  5. Nennius Curmudgeon

    It happened to me on BB the other night. Utterly random and the character still showed up in the group. In windowed mode and in PoK.