QoL: Autofollow Distance

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Allayna, Mar 21, 2024.

  1. Allayna Augur

    I would love a command that allowed setting the distance from the follow PC.

    Something like /follow Allayna #.

    Something that could be set in increments of maybe maybe 5. So /follow Allayna 5 would be setting the follow distance to 5'.
  2. Conq Augur

    How bout a working autofollow?
  3. Zeelot Elder

    Would be very nice if autofollow is improved. If you move around using strafe without running forward with the current autofollow, it actually works much better and more accurately without overshooting. Even if they could just change running forward so it behaves like autofollow with strafe, it would be a huge improvement. It is annoying to have to strafe everywhere to avoid losing my group.
  4. JeffHanson Augur

    It's kinda amusing how the legit autofollow works so poorly, and yet...
    Flatchy likes this.
  5. Bernel Augur

    One other autofollow QoL would be to automagically increase the background FPS setting when in /autofollow. I have my background FPS low since I usually don't need the background clients taking up CPUs. But then when I want to autofollow, I have to go into the graphics settings, boost it up, and then move it down when done. I wish /autofollow would do it itself to increase the FPS while in follow mode and then move it back down when done.
  6. Eaedyilye More stonehive bixies.

    Mercs and pets usually do a good job of following. It's rare I lose them. But the rest of my team gets hung up on something frequently. It's annoying. Auto follow needs to be improved.

    I use max FPS. I've used it for years.
  7. Flatchy Court Jester

    I must agree here. Especially since the trend seems to be box or die. I see loads of groups that stick together like glue and some of us are rewarded by stopping every 15 feet to see who is running in circles now.
  8. Allayna Augur

    This can be fixed by settings with background FPS to unlimited. Somewhat. Occasionally I do still start NASCARing my toons though.

    I was thinking the distance would be cool for changing to be extremely tight for movement across zones and maybe increasing distance for engaging mobs and not having everyone run past me to the other side of the mob.
  9. Angahran Augur

    Another useful option would be to match Z axis of the person being followed.
    Rijacki, Jack and Allayna like this.