The Official "We DO want BST/BER regardless of epics and minor quests" thread

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Litoeon, Mar 13, 2024.

  1. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    What a coincidence, I consolidated all the Velious Armor Quests on Allakhazam for Berserkers and Beastlords almost 8 years ago!
    Berserker - Kael , Skyshrine , Thurgadin
    Beastlord - Kael , Skyshrine , Thurgadin

    Which is crazy cause there's at least one person that religiously posts about how these 2 classes aren't properly itemized before their respective expansions. ;)
  2. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    Ha! If it is that one person who insists on posting on every TLP thread, about servers they don't play on or first hand play-experience with FTE - amongst most other things in EQ - which probably qualified them to be in CRC (that alone shows EQ is sunsetting, if nothing else!) , just remember this: You actually might play a lot of EQ, identify quests walkthroughs, post on allakhazam, but you don't stand a prayer against their lack of knowledge and comprehension . Just accept a loss right away! :p

    I, and many, came to the conclusion about their lack of EQ knowledge from their generic posts here and in veteran forums.
    Demetri and Manafasto like this.
  3. Kahna Augur

    Comments on the forums are rarely, if ever, the driving force behind choices. As for the Planar/Velious armor. The amount of work to turn those back on (they did take the time to turn them off) is minimal. Not like completely re-writing an epic so it can be done in Kunark. Epics it is fine to wait on, the 30 minutes of work to turn back on the class armor is not a huge ask. And if that ask truly is what is stopping them from doing it than it's never going to happen, because they strongly don't want to do it. The armor issue is so minimal that it would just be them grasping at straws for an excuse not to do it.

    Put Bst and Zerker in at launch, take the 30 minutes to give them back their planar armor and maybe put the Bst spells on a vendor in CL. That's all it would take, the rest can wait. As for a disclaimer? If you have played EQ long enough that you play on a TLP you know darn good and well that these classes are not optimized to be in these eras and you accept that by creating them. I can't see that there would be many complaints. Surely no one who has played the game this long is that big a newb. (I am probably wrong on this and that kind of kills my faith in humanity.)
    Keella likes this.
  4. ShaggyG Lorekeeper

    The thing about the serker epic, nothing would have to be rewritten because the devs at the time thought that because epics are kunark era, they would keep everything in kunark for this epic (with the exception of 1 drop in stonebrunt).
  5. Basak Augur

    I vote yes. Why not?
    Keella likes this.
  6. Varyk Lorekeeper

    Litoeon likes this.
  7. Manafasto Augur

    Yes, please add BZK/BST at launch within classic.
    Keella and Litoeon like this.
  8. Litoeon Lorekeeper

  9. Demetri Augur

    Hah, I honestly didn't realize they had been backfilled for SoV - I would've said "don't bother adding it for them" thinking it hadn't been done.

    That's great and just adds more strength to the argument.
  10. Zinkeh Augur

    100% agree with OP.
    Keella and Litoeon like this.
  11. PriestofDiscord Journeyman

    At this point in the games life I think it's a good idea for them to roll this out, as mentioned before here they can then use that as a base moving forward. They can flesh the classes out as needed over time (years?).

    100% they're going to get a ton of whinging from players about no epics, things being incomplete, or bugged and a bunch of other stuff.... you can't stop that... but if players aren't whinging about BST/BZR they'll be whinging about something else here anyway.

    For sure it'd be positive and generate a fair bit of hype if they are added in this years TLP.
    Keella and Litoeon like this.
  12. Kiaro Augur

    Yup, ridiculously they even change the name of the warrior PoG armor, so that berserkers could have "Berserker" armor (Which is what the warrior's was originally called)
  13. Zansobar Augur

    Beastlords are OP for early game. The game needs more balance not more OP classes like Monk and Enchanter charm.
    fransisco likes this.
  14. Basak Augur

    Not so much if they don't give them the pet proc buffs.
  15. Litoeon Lorekeeper

    They need at least Venom of the Snake (kunark for bst), and Burst of Power for double attack (PoP) to hold a candle to other T1 dps in my honest humble opinion.
    They would be cool to test with others in the same era though.
  16. Cfuson Journeyman

    Even if they did you wouldn't be allowed to use them in a raid, like someone else mentioned earlier the pet procs would just rip aggro off tanks. So it's perfectly fine for them to be OP in group content, i mean hell enchanter has been op forever.
  17. Arclyte Augur

    That's his point though, is it wise (or fair) to add an obviously OP class to the game when classes like Rogue and Pally go untouched? What is the beastlord's hand to hand ratio anyway?

    The spells they have seem to be balanced except for that pet proc line. If they would delay those spells until luclin BST would be a great addition to TLPs.
    Keella likes this.
  18. Kahna Augur

    I have my doubts on their OP status. Their pets fall off quickly after 30 or so and even with procs are not OP in the 50-60 range. There is one proc that reduces aggro and all the rest generate it, which during raids is going to get you killed. They are a support class, and for most of the early game are pretty mediocre DPS. By early game I mean basically the entire first two years of any TLP. Any good BST is going to have a fero rotation in raid that they are keeping up with and you would be surprised how badly that cuts into your DPS up time. Especially when the damn rogue is SoS'ed when his spot in the rotation comes up.
    Keella likes this.
  19. pipo Lorekeeper

    And if we are in a kunark start server beastlords will be overpowered for 4 month maximun. Then luclin will unlock.
  20. Crabman Augur

    Pet/charm classes are much stronger in classic because of overall item quality but bsts would still be the worst of the 4.

    They have a slow but it’s worse than chanter/shm.

    They have heals but they are worse than anyone other than ranger.

    Just because here’s one more class better than rogue (and one arguably worse with how bad classic 2handers are) doesn’t feel like a real argument to keep them out of the first 6/10 months of a tlps life
    Keella likes this.