The Official "We DO want BST/BER regardless of epics and minor quests" thread

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Litoeon, Mar 13, 2024.

  1. Litoeon Lorekeeper

    As the title states
    Lets' show full interest in adding in these classes for everyone to enjoy at the start of a server
    Like and comment and keep it going
    Goomba, Duder, scaethach and 48 others like this.
  2. Cfuson Journeyman

    Yeah i saw that in the ama and the people who have been asking for this have generally been fine with not having epics or quests until those specific expansions launch. You can still buy all your spells and discs in era since every starter race has those specific vendors so the only thing your really missing out on is era quests, epics and races.

    Not sure what's actually holding them back at this point. Just ignore the loud minority and lets go.
    Montag, Keella, Popknot and 3 others like this.
  3. Bartholomo Journeyman

    agreed. I don't even play these classes in era but it would be nice to see a change of pace, it also changes the amount of people rolling on chain/leather in earlier expansions :)
    Keella, Litoeon and Demetri like this.
  4. Flexin Not an amateur

    I want this to be seen. I'd love some new flavor on early TLPs. Needing a slower in Chardok - No enchanter or shaman.. BOOM insert Beastlord. I'd also love to see more Berserkers running around. It would just change up the game enough and offer options that would be enjoyable.

    Personally, I've always felt bad for Zerkers having to leveling and then getting AAs and then playing catchup when some people already have 500 AA+ going into GoD.
    Kaenneth, Appren, Bobbybick and 3 others like this.
  5. Arclyte Augur

    Been looking over the BST spell list for "Classic" and most of it seems fair. Their healing looks like it would be better than Ranger but behind Paladins. They get the benefit of the shaman poison revamp so their DoTs are very good for a hybrid of their level

    How strong are their pets compared to mages / necros in early TLP eras? and how does their auto attack DPS compare to other melee? Their pet proc spells seem like they could be a bit too strong depending how often they proc
    Keella and Demetri like this.
  6. Doezit Lorekeeper

    I would be all for early BSTs and zerkers, but people won't listen. Players will lie and say it's fine. Then the forums would fill with pleas and complaints demanding quests, epics, and more. The angry posts would express betrayal that DPG was being true to their word about what was being offered. Nothing good will come of it.
    Kaenneth, fransisco and Demetri like this.
  7. code-zero Augur

    Well it wouldn't be a "Progression" server since those classes come with progression so it'd need to be called something else
  8. Cfuson Journeyman

    Beastlords would be extremely strong in the early expansions, almost as good as enchanters. Their pets do a ton of damage via procs and they are tankier then mage pets and that's not to mention they have healing spells and slows which means they could flex depending on the group comp.

    Now on the flip side zerkers would be rather weak.
  9. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    This would pair well with the more "chaotic" type ruleset servers, like triple xp mischief loot style servers. Probably keep it off the pure nostalgia chaser phinigel clone type servers. Imo.
  10. Hekkthebank Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds

    I like bear pet
  11. ShaggyG Lorekeeper

    My worry is this might mean 0 quests for them like they don't want to put in the minimal effort to flag velious armor for serkers/bsts as velious quests instead of luclin/god. They don't want to reimplement the original planar serker/bst armor that might have been pushed back so it doesn't waste drops in fear/hate pre god/luclin. Even the serker epic, everything for it is completeable in velious, 1 drop in stonebrunt for velious, without that it would be completeable in kunark. But flagging it as a velious or kunark quests might be more work than they want to do for this. The beastlord epic though has a lot of luclin stuff so it not being implemented until luclin is entirely reasonable.
  12. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    Planar Armor already drops in classic for classes not in game, on TLPs.
    Demetri likes this.
  13. DeadRagarr Augur

    It boils down to why not.

    Worse thing is they don't have as many options, and PoSky is basically worthless for them.
    Best thing is you have new buffs for classic.

    Seems fair to me.
    Keella, Litoeon and Demetri like this.
  14. ShaggyG Lorekeeper

    Ahh I thought they had fixed it at some point, so really the only issues would be flagging their velious armor as velious quests, and flagging the berserker epic as velious since everything is in for it in velious anyways. Worst case they don't do that and the serker 1.0 is never relevant since it is pointless in GOD as it is. Almost like the people who designed the serker epic had the forethought for TLPs so they made everything about it ready for them.
    Litoeon and Demetri like this.
  15. Demetri Augur

    Yawn... where was similar trolling with the other changes that have been made outside of progression, like the melee aug vendors and spell rescaling?

    It's a nebulous term, implying specificity is head on pants tier lunacy.
    Kaenneth and code-zero like this.
  16. Demetri Augur

    Speaking to a BST savvy friend, those proc spells are a non-issue unless they get moved as only the earliest and most resisted is a vendor spell.

    And they're not tankier than Earth - and they will lose 1:1 against an Earth pet without the proc spell.

    SD/SV and proc spells not being brought over are nobrainers though.
    Keella likes this.
  17. Leorium The Fluffy Wolf

    +1 - Let people play the class they want. They won't care and they will understand that BST/Ber won't have epics, quests and maybe certain armor beforehand.

    Just let them play the class they want!
    Kaenneth, Keella, Demetri and 2 others like this.
  18. Kelvack New Member

    If they can fundamentally change the game with FTE, then BST/BER at a TLP launch should be perfectly doable.

    As someone who always mains a Beastlord, main switching and playing catch up in Luclin is tough for both me and my guild. I spend 3 expansions gearing up one toon, only to put it on the bench for a undergrared, low AA Beastlord. I always let the guild know I’m doing this from day one. But that’s a lot of time 40 people spent to gear up an alt.

    Add in if it’s a truebox server it’s extra effort to try and box the original toon.

    So please, release Beastlords and Berserkers at TLP launch!
  19. Delphwind Augur

    Honestly, even if it unbalances the game, I think it would make a very attractive ruleset that would bring back a good percentage of players just to try those classes in classic. I think we're talking record numbers and multiple servers type of returns.

    Kaenneth and Keella like this.
  20. kain200 Augur

    I'd definitely love these classes at launch. Add a small warning box popup or something that says "These classes do not have certain quests enabled until later, etc etc - Recommended for experienced players only" or some such thing to warn new players (all 3 of them?). Everyone else will fully understand why they don't have epics and love the little extra bit of freshness thrown into the 1-50 classic experience.
    Kaenneth, Keella, Flexin and 3 others like this.