Tormax and Teek servers

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by jeskola, Mar 5, 2024.

  1. kain200 Augur

    It makes me sad that this is very likely a case of a dev putting an incorrect number into the calendar. If you change it to be June, it lines up with the usual launch day in may and the usual timeline of classic, then kunark time etc. I would absolutely love a kunark with launch server. Iksar necro and monk from the get go and so many more leveling paths! But I fear we're getting the usual.
    Shalom likes this.
  2. Crabman Augur

    yea... june 20th is also a thursday which is the standard day of an expac release, unlike may 20th which is monday, and it is 4 weeks and a day after the expected launch date of may 22nd and its expected mischief rulesets which last time had 1 month of classic. it all really lines up with that ole 5 vs 6 mix up.
  3. Tyranthraxus Grognard

    They won't launch with Fabled mobs, they wait till all the fun stuffs over. As much chaotic fun as it would be.
  4. Indigo_Quarmite Augur

    I don't think that matters. They launched in March before it's pretty simple on/off switch. That being said it isn't launching early :p it was a pipe dream.
  5. coltongrundy Augur

    It's obvious the May entries on the calendar were meant for June. HH is in June. TLP Expansions unlock on Thursdays. May 20 is a Monday but June 20 is a Thursday. A Kunark unlock on June 20 would would follow a Classic Launch May 22. Completely inline with TLPs launching in late May.

    May 22 - Classic launch, 4 weeks (plus 1 day since expansion unlocks were moved from Wednesday to Thursday, maybe they launch May 23 to match the new expansion unlock day, but TLP launches have always been Wednesday)
    June 20 - Kunark unlocks, 8 weeks
    August 15 - Velious unlocks, 8 weeks
    October 10 - Luclin unlocks, 8 weeks

    All of the dates line up and make perfect sense if you adjust for June entries mistakenly being entered for May.
    Barton-Vox and Cfuson like this.
  6. liquidarrows New Member

    Lore on tormax didnt realize he worshiped rallos zek and tallon zek.

    Storm Giants worship area, with temples worshipping Rallos Zek and his sons. The south path leads to the keep of the Storm Giant King Tormax. The western area of the city is in direct conflict with the Savage Land, which fights as if it were a living being with Kael Drakkal as a parasitic growth it wants removed.

    The Storm Giants are children of Rallos Zek, and Kael Drakkal reflects this. Symbols and statues paying homage to the war god can be seen throughout the city, and the northern end of the city has three temples dedicated to the Zek gods. These three temples overlook a large battle arena that the giants use for entertainment.
  7. Hekkthebank Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds

    P. V. P.
    DeadRagarr likes this.
  8. Gheed Is not reading your response

    Well said, brother.
  9. Indigo_Quarmite Augur

    HH has no bearing on TLP. Literally meaningless. And cmon man it was like June 3rd one year, june 7th another...they aren't going to postpone it until June 15th...more likely it is moved an earlier start and extended then postponed and shortened.

    4 weeks of classic wouldn't be the worst though.

    TLP launches have not always been Wednesday. That's just a recent trend.
    Lockjaw - Friday (may)
    Mangler and Selos - Saturday (march - special note the last anniversary servers)

    A Monday (as the test calendar indicates) would be real nice though. It's always better for players to not launch on patch day. It's the worst when patch day coincides with an expansion opening. Means not all the mobs are up in OW.
  10. Arclyte Augur

    I just want to know when to put in a few days vacation so I can no life to 50 ;)
    Demetri likes this.
  11. Demetri Augur

    Personas now, bro - use two weeks of PTO!
  12. coltongrundy Augur

  13. Magic Augur

    Hope this true, many ppl (like me) love to see classic launch!
    I understand someone not like it, so maybe 2 month too long, but at least 4 weeks of Classic will be great.

    Also hope to see server like Mischief was, with free-trade (maybe not with random loot).
  14. DeadRagarr Augur

    Everyone said Teams PvP was legit. Tormax = Rallos + Tormax = allied factions fighting other allied factions. EZ PvP Teams server.
  15. Tsuaruanni Elder

    D. O. A.
    WeCameWeConquered likes this.
  16. Tsuaruanni Elder

    Not sure we understand the definition of "everyone".
    WeCameWeConquered likes this.
  17. IheartEQ Elder

    I wouldn't be so quick to call a PVP server dead on arrival. P99 Red and Zek players have been wanting a new PvP server for quite awhile. A lot of PvP enthusiasts have probably given up on a new server and moved on from it. A new PvP server could bring the players back.

    I bet that a PvP server would be a one and done idea. You either player on it now, or it will get scrapped in the near future. Whatever happens on it happens. Don't ask for another unless you can prove it can sustain itself.

    I could also be very wrong.
  18. Tsuaruanni Elder

    P99 is free. TLP costs money. That's a significant difference and a factor in how people play EQ I would imagine.

    DPG is a business that wants to make money. I'm not sure anyone can argue that a PVP server would bring in the same #'s as the other TLPs they've launched.

    Then you have to factor in longevity to keep getting subs every month. Are people going to keep playing if they're getting stomped almost immediately by people who no lifed launch?
  19. IheartEQ Elder

    I would have agreed with your first point about costs 100% if I hadn't played on Oakwynd. A lot of P99 Blue/Green players joined the server who seemed quite happy with the QOL changes. I was actually kind of amazed as to how many joined the server.

    I would never argue that a PvP server would bring in the same numbers as a Mischief or a Oakwynd server. I actually think that its population could outdo Vaniki but not equal Yelinak. This is all speculation obviously.

    Your last point would depend entirely upon the ruleset. A team's PvP would create a sense of comfort within certain zones. An ogre would be more likely to help a fellow ogre out or a rallos zek player would be more likely to help out another rallos zek player. It was common back in the PvP days for guilds to offer temporary truces so each guild could kill a raid boss without the other guild interfering. We have AOC's now which would make this issue almost a non-issue. I guess guilds could camp the AOC lol.

    Not a lot of people will probably believe me when I say this but PvP players are usually quite nice. They tend to adhere to a set of rules and police themselves. Of course cheaters and not-so-nice players will try to ruin the game for everyone else but you can't avoid that in online gaming these days.

    A Mischief 2.0 would be financially smart.
    A PvP server could end up being like a charity donation.
  20. Cfuson Journeyman

    To be fair the devs have already told people what they would have to do in order to get a new pvp tlp and they didn't do it.

    Frankly even if a pvp tlp we're to launch you would only get like 1k max and even then that number would dwindle extremely fast when they see how toxic a server like that really is.