If you had to choose..

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Vetis, Mar 4, 2024.

  1. Vetis Augur

    If you had to choose a stopping point for one of the new TLP's. What expansion would you choose? (Only rule is it can't be Laurion's Song.)
    jeskola likes this.
  2. AzzlannOG Elder

    TSS probably, but I dont think they should have stopping points. Just let them go as long as they can and then merge.
    Rijacki and Bobbybick like this.
  3. NuffanTuit Nuffan Tuit on Innoruuk Server

    Generally after Omen of War, but If the server is in solid shape I will stay until defiant armor starts falling.
  4. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    Rain of Fear, but that's probably only because that's as far as I ever got, and even then I'm conflicted because 105 seems pretty high for MOST people to even consider reaching.

    TSS is also a good answer, while TBS wraps up the Mayong Storyline the expansion itself is real meh and probably doesn't have as much of an impact.

    And even then it's like, is it worth going through PoR to reach TSS if you aren't going to see the Mayong storyline through?
  5. Tyranthraxus Grognard

    The one before the beefeaters are inserted randomly. Otherwise continue to live.

    It's the first one that looks like they just threw a bunch of random junk at it, and called it an expansion.
  6. Zansobar Augur

    Do you mean a stopping point where the server is deleted or a stopping point where the server remains open and players keep playing at that stuck expansion point?
  7. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    You can stop at wherever you want. Just stop playing.
    Rijacki likes this.
  8. Sethisto Elder

    Nowhere. I don't understand the point in servers that stop. Do you really just want to sit in 1 expansion forever? what do you even do once your character is maxed? This game really has nothing extracurricular to do.
    Polekn likes this.
  9. NuffanTuit Nuffan Tuit on Innoruuk Server

    A server that stops at a certain point works for a lot of players. it is not just one character...you can level more than one character after you first character gets to max with all the AA and stay busy...many do not like features added later in the game or the higher level stuff which is quite frankly ridiculous....I get it to keep players progress everything has to scale...at the high end game when a mob one rounds for the hp of 20+ warriors early on in EQ....is stupid. If you like it ,it is there...and you do not need a TLP to have it...lol
  10. Elabone Augur

    Whatever expansion releases level 75.
  11. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    TDS maybe or TBL, I'm not a fan of TBM which comes between the two TDS.

    EoK onwards has too much rehashed content. 2 Kunark expansions, 2 Velious expansions, 2 Luclin expansions. :rolleyes:
  12. Krizem Augur

    SoF was some of the best content for me, both group and raid. Heck, even the music was good (loved Steam factory). Also, it's the last xpac before mercs. I enjoyed content after that, but for me it's more about the quality of the guild and the friends you have still playing on your TLP. Attrition usually bites eventually, but there's no reason to stop if you have a good group of folks to progress with. There's some interesting things later...more interesting than classic Kunark lol.
  13. Azzlann Elder

    More and more I wish I could kick the TLP habit and just move to live to see all the later content. Never made it to Rain of Fear that I remember.
  14. Kharnage New Member

    As I pretty much don't like any content past TSS, I'd say TSS. After that I just dound everything too gimmicky. I'd remove dodh entirely tho ;p
  15. MileyVyrus Augur

    Classic. Lizards were too OP'd and unbalanced the game.
  16. fransisco Augur

    I think a better way would be a differnet starting point. What if we started in TSS? Everyone has the classic/kunark/velious/ect treadmill memorized. Do something totally new.
    Yinla likes this.
  17. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I'd love a TSS start.
    fransisco likes this.
  18. jeskola pheerie

    Laurion's song
  19. Muramx Augur

    Around VoA. By that time I was burned out with the time investment to do Anything.
  20. Chanaluss Can spell Doljonijiarnimorinar, Iqthinxa Karnkvi

    The expansion where the Jal`Raeth are the bad guys. Since that expansion doesn't exist yet, i guess we keep going.