Alternate persona Monetization. Is this a joke?

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Kririna, Feb 3, 2024.

  1. Spacemonkey555 Augur

    Ah, but you're playing free aren't you? That's an enormous discount from 1999 launch price. And ya, you're incredibly entitled for a free to player. Expansions have tripled? What drugs are you on? SOL was $30 iirc, LS was $35. Fan bundles are not base expansion cost, they're base expansion plus bundled in cosmetics, mounts, and gimmicks.
  2. Herf Augur

  3. Iven the Lunatic

    The drugs are called logic and math. Take some of them, and we can discuss on the same level. The free player is a myth that does only exist in your mind.
  4. Vumad Cape Wearer

    You're still talking about money and my original comment had nothing to do with money. You have a thought in your mind and you are debating that and it's not what I am talking about.
  5. Vumad Cape Wearer

    Here's what I said...

    What I said has nothing to do with money. It has nothing to do with the price of subs. You're trying to debate with me the costs, profits and things of that sort as if I'm not smart enough to understand the decisions DPG is making.

    All I said is that the current pricing gimmicks have taken away from the magic that a RPG can create. Accomplishments are tied to credit cards rather than quests. The end. Nothing to debate about money.

    The very fact that you included the 500 DBC in your subscription costs is evidence that you don't understand what I am talking about. I wish the DBC store didn't exist. I wish that anything you had came from completing a quest. Let me emphasize that I never said I thought my subscription price should be lower because I don't want DBC as part of the game.

    And I also understand that I can wish for no DBC as much as I can wish for winning the lotto.
  6. Valys New Member

    Persona tradeskill skill caps are broken and locked at 200 (even with AAs) for tradeskillers.

    Doesn't affect people who don't tradeskill, but it's a big deal for some of us. Access on our main toons to different racial and class recipes for the 7 basic tradeskills was pretty much the reason we bought LS

    (I'm not talking about gnome personas to tinker with - the non-basic tradeskills work fine on personas. I mean things like being able to make a wood elf persona to make mithril arrows on a non-wood elf main toon, which is currently impossible).
  7. Iven the Lunatic

  8. Cuzon Elder

    Ah, see that isnt something I would have come across because I personally hate tradeskills.
  9. Gnomie Denser than most

    At this time, Persona's share lockouts with the main character, have to share bags, Do not share AA's, and do not share progression achievements such as DoN AA's, MPG Trial AA's. The only things they share are key flags and tradeskills. You are also not allowed to change outside of sanctuary zones.

    As it stands, there are pretty much zero benefits to rolling a persona over a normal alt. And alts come with additional bag space, and are free.

    I love the idea of personas, and was excited about them. But they are poorly implemented and rushed at this time, and honestly not worth the investment. I believe if/when they are reevaluated and adjusted, they could be very interesting in the future, but right now they are underwhelming and inconvenient at best.
    Quatr likes this.
  10. Soulbanshee Augur

    The AA kick in when you get to kindly for the proper faction because thats the way the DoN progression works.
  11. Gnomie Denser than most

    Ahh, that still kind of defeats the whole point, as grinding faction is the only tedious thing about DoN progression.

    I can confirm that none of my MPG trial AA's converted over. I know someone mentioned they did when you zone in for the first time, but I stayed at 0/6 afterwards.

    My biggest gripe with persona's is still probably the shared lockout timers with your main persona. Alts on the same account don't share lockouts, so there's no reason that an alternate persona should share a lockout timer, since they're essentially being treated like alts in every other aspect.
  12. uberkingkong Augur

    Play for free like many other games.
    Play the content you bought like other games.

    EQ though its a group game with no one looking to group.
    Consider boxing.

    Now if you want to get your AAs pay sub, you box you sub of your boxes.
    Now if you want AP pay for each slot.

    FFXIV you do it free, you don't have to box, so if you do sub its 1 sub.

    FFXIV, GW2, ESO.

    they make money from cash shop, nice skins, and what not.

    EQ.......... Lacks nice skins in cash shop.
    Hardly any good armor skins even worth talking about.

    30 expansions and people still stuck with armor skins from decades ago.
    30 expansions, should have a lot of armor choices.

    EQ makes $$$ you boxing
    EQ makes $$$ you doing AP
    its all services, not nice things to have, like skins.
    Other games they make $$$$ off of nice things to have, not services.
  13. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    There is no math or logic that fits the claim. Expansions have been $25-$35 since the first one, with a few exceptions like LoY being just $20, and a couple later ones being as much as $40. The price of an expansion has in no way tripled.

    Free to play players explicitly do exist. I run into them all the time. They play sporadically and come and go regularly, depending on their mood.
  14. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    Alts on the same account also do not share progression or gear.
  15. Cimbaeth Elder

    Um. Well that's funny- my personas tradeskills AAs are at 300 at least the 115 ones are- haven't checked other levels. As far as Heroic AAs being broken, they are not. Why are you expecting heroic AAs to work for a level 53? Heroic AAs don't even happen until what was it.. level 100 at least. Mine work fine, at high levels.
  16. uberkingkong Augur

    Also, note.
    Other MMORPGs they don't dish out expansions ever year.

    They can survive having a couple years of no expansion.

    Some MMORPGs they generate free content, you don't buy any expansion anything you get free. As in a new zone new quests etc., free.

    If you wanna talk EQ and it making money thats their problem, don't worry about their problems, worry about the game being fun. And you know this game's store is hot garbage, theres no fun attires, fashion wars, etc. Thats something fun they can add to the game and make money off of it.

    AP, I agree you shouldn't have to pay for that, they kinda wasted their time, I don't have issue with I'm running out of character slots and AP would be a solution.

    This game, AP is not good because you have to invest sooooo much time on one character.
    Other games, you get to max level and AAs if they got em, and its enjoying the end game its not level level level like EQ. Always leveling. Always behind so always leveling. Never enjoy the actual game unlike MMOs.

    So if your always leveling on one character, you aint got time for personas, and those people that have all the time they probably another server like TLP. Whats a AP gonna do for you, aint squat. Because you gotta put a lot lot lot of time into and its not worth it, just play a TLP have fun, do fun stuff.

    EQ lacks a lot of fun stuff too. Quests and Raids. Thats not really fun. Playing with others thats kinda fun. Doing fun activites, EQ doesn't such fun activities. It's all quests and raids, no fun. LFG on live, nonexistent so no one to play with meaning no fun. Goto TLPs. It's MMORPG. Not BoxingRPG. LFG is active on TLPs, so TLPs is where fun is at. You got a lot of work to again, leveling, levelquest. Thats all you do in EQ. You aint go time for AP. And its pointless. People want your main out if your a raider, they don't want that bad geared AP out.