Krono prices crashing on Mischief

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by nazgull2k1, Sep 24, 2023.

  1. fransisco Augur

    krono prices crashing is a good thing for a server. That means less interest in rmt activity. Its only bad for those involved in the rmt trade.

    If you use krono for your sub, this is a great thing. If you just sell stuff for rmt, then you pollute the server economy anyways.
  2. Risiko Augur

    That's not the reason why krono prices sky rocketed.
    Fenthen likes this.
  3. Muramx Augur

    They should be dropping across the board, not just on Mischief. The dup caused massive inflation (I believe it was way worse than they acknowledged) and anyone with half a brain knew it would never be the same, but prices would eventually drop. On Oakwynd we were hitting around 1.2m for the average but now your hard pressed to get 850k. Like Mischief and people doing the shawl quest, people on Oakwynd are dropping plat on TS's to do the PoK signet of might/arcane. There was also a ban wave on the PLer's (at least on Oakwynd) and chat went silent for a week. They push a lot of krono. You also have to remember we should be hearing details about the next TLP soon. The RMT Krono farmers, more than likely are prepping for that launch because if it's a halfway good server it will be big business.
    OldTimeEQ1 likes this.
  4. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casualâ„¢

    I saw someone on Oakwynd trying to sell on for 860k about an hour ago, so they have come down even more than last week. As far as PLer's, more have started up, I've added four names to ignore just since Saturday, and I didn't even play Sunday or much of yesterday.
  5. Muramx Augur

    The power levels only got a week ban and the reason for it... Get this... Was for spamming chat.
    OldTimeEQ1 likes this.
  6. Blastoff Augur

    Pre ts depot dupe on Mischief, yes it was. Prices were stable until Marcia went into the game and slowly climbed and accelerated as more people found out they could pull millions out of ToV / ST dz's.
  7. Ambee Elder

    lol krono prices were orders of magnitude higher than other TLPs in the same era long before Marcia was even in the game.

    Not sure if you're lying or just ignorant, either way you should probably stop
  8. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Are you guys ever not complaining? :confused:
    fransisco, Shalom and Rijacki like this.
  9. Blastoff Augur

    Yeah because there were other dupes. Krono prices were stable for a couple expansions at 3-400k before Marcia. Not sure what you get out of being toxic.
    SnapVine likes this.
  10. Blastoff Augur

    Kronos were at 1.9 mil the week marcia got nerfed fully and fell to 1.1 mil between then and now. It isn't hard to figure out that a single character soloing a couple million plat out of ToV and ST dz's plus people socking open world was a boat load of plat.
  11. Achillez Elder

    And now out of nowhere in the past week, there are several barters buying krono at 1.9M+ and only a handful of krono for sale at 2M. Normal behavior. Funny how in January they were 1.2M and even a few days ago 1.7M.
    WeCameWeConquered likes this.
  12. Mithra Augur

    Krono prices generally climb. How long do you expect them to stay under 2M?
  13. Achillez Elder

    Nah, definitely new stuff going on. It went from people selling them at 1.7M 2-3 days ago with 50-100 regularly up for sale in the bazaar, to not a single krono for sale and people selling them for 3M. Wonder if Wednesday's patch had something to do with it?
  14. Appren Gnomercy

    And we reached 2 mill on barter and none in bazaar. Sad times.
  15. Achillez Elder

    RIP economy
  16. Blastoff Augur

    SoF was actually an expansion everyone expected krono prices to go up because of how much plat could be pulled out of MG and with MG being a private 6 hour dz. Instead they fell to below 1 mil by SoD because Marcia was no longer dumping 1-2 mil per week per toon into the server. She was in the game for 5 months, a single character could have pulled in 20 mil+ in that time for a couple hours per week.
  17. Blastoff Augur

    Not to mention the people who had bags full of the stuff spread across accounts ready to sell at TSS launch.
  18. Achillez Elder

    Today people are auctioning WTB krono at 2.5M+ ... tomorrow 3M - next week 5M? How long will it go, nobody knows!
  19. fransisco Augur

    Its a hobby - complaining. Krono goes up = tears. Krono goes down = tears.
    Rijacki likes this.
  20. Achillez Elder

    The price of krono fluctuating over time and trending up is expected. The price of krono skyrocketing by 50% (1.7M selling to 2.5M buying) in a 3 day period, and sustaining that increase is at least cause to investigate. The volume of people who all of a sudden are auctioning WTB tons of krono at 2.5Mish now when there have regularly been 100+ for sale in the bazaar at 1.7M is concerning to say the least.

    This also happened almost immediately after Wednesday's patch. Have there been any recent exploits that occured shortly after an update that took weeks to be acknowledged and fixed?
    WeCameWeConquered likes this.