Laurions inn WHY

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Zekeel, Feb 21, 2024.

  1. Zekeel New Member

    why in this xpac is there no bankers to be found?
  2. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    You can always summon one or go to the bank in PoT which is 1 zone away.

    But, there were no bankers in the other expansion spell purchase areas so why would you expect one in the Inn?
  3. Bobokin Augur

    This inn is one big party, so why no ATM (banker)? Gotta get those brews!
    Jack and I_Love_My_Bandwidth like this.
  4. Velisaris_MS Augur

    It's laggy enough without one...why would you want another reason for MORE people to stand around AFK 24/7?
  5. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    There's a banker outside in PoTranquility. No other recent expansion has a banker in it, save for recycled NPCs in Shar Vahl and Shadowhaven.
  6. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    Tranquility banker should be added to Find. Last I checked they were not listed.
    Velisaris_MS likes this.
  7. JetZeppelin2h Augur

    Correct NoS didn't have a banker in the Shar Vahl, Divided...
  8. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    Sh--, you got me. That was the exception. They also re-used many of the original Shar Vahl NPCs, could be why there's a banker there.

    Agreed, though, would be nice if there were a banker. There's plenty of space.
  9. Eaedyilye More stonehive bixies.

  10. Paladin Augur

    NoS did have a banker... 2 of them in Shar Vahl, Divided.

    However, I have never understood why they were OK with adding assorted NPC's, Group (Parcel) / Raid vendors and the like... but not a single banker? There is certainly room for one in the encampments in Western Wastes CoV, Eastern Wastes ToV, Maiden's Eye ToL...
    Fenthen and Yinla like this.
  11. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    It's a combat-enabled zone so buffs count down. Hence, much reduced chance people will AFK there.

    But, point taken. Banker would be kind of nice.
  12. Brickhaus Augur

    There should be a NPC that you have to give plat to spawn a banker for 5 minutes.

    That would be like a real inn.
  13. Paladin Augur

    Seems to me they do that anyway, Banker or no Banker, as they are now doing in Laurion's Inn, standing about one of the doorways.
  14. Cimbaeth Elder

    Until someone trains a named into the Inn and upstairs to where all the afk people are standing and the massacre ensues. Which happens at least once a day because.... people.
    Nennius and Fenthen like this.
  15. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    Happened constantly on beta, where there's no exp loss!
  16. uberkingkong Augur

    Its an Inn not a bank.
    I suppose that expansion does deserve a bank, the bank would make sense in being in Heroes Forge not at an Inn though.

    Why doesn't MPG have a bank, why doesn't dranik scar have a bank, or RCOD have a bank?

    Long story short, this is an MMORPG, RPG. RPG. You goto cities for banks. Roleplaying factor.
    Not just any RPG too, this is an old school RPG, where roleplaying is suppose to big deal.
  17. Velisaris_MS Augur

    Someone trained one of the bats to the inn one time.

    Fade effects don't work on mobs that can see invis. :D
  18. Hegsheoshed Augur

    Shard's Landing has a banker. RunnyEye has a banker. Chardok has 2 bankers but they aren't listed on Zam's if you search for bankers. The Hole should have bankers but they would be undead and hard to use for most. Overseer has a Banker. Befallen had a banker, I never saw this one but it caused quite a problem.
  19. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    Yea its freaking stupid there's no banker in starting zone.
  20. JetZeppelin2h Augur

    At least they added the outhouses which is a first in all the expansions!