Celebratory Opal Stein Ornament - flag as Placeable

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Jedis, Feb 15, 2024.

  1. Jedis Arch Mage

    Could we get the Celebratory Opal Stein Ornament flagged as Placeable? It would be neat to display them on the various counters/tables in the guild hall/housing.
    Barton-Vox likes this.
  2. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    While I, too, wish that ALL weapon slot ornaments were marked as placeable on their own, you can put an ornament into a crap rusty weapon and place it. The visual will be the ornament, the mouse over name will be the weapon.
    Angahran likes this.
  3. Jedis Arch Mage