Test Update 02/13/2024 - New Bugs Only

Discussion in 'Test Update Notes and Bug Roundup' started by EQ Dev, Feb 13, 2024.

  1. Meeko Developer(Code)

    Having any AAs while trying to swap personas or having the max number created will both cause persona swapping to fail currently. The cause is known and we'll get it fixed for the Live release.
  2. Captain Video Augur

    So for the Test server, we have to wait for a fix until after the Live patch (one week) and then the Test sync-up (two more weeks). Drat. Is there any possible way this can get hotfixed on Test before the Live patch? Just to be absolutely sure it works?? It's really a very fundamental thing, IMHO.
  3. Cuzon Elder

    Are the devs or CS able to change which persona is active on a character until the fix goes live? I am currently on one that isnt my main and I would really like to be able to go back to my main class.
  4. Sain_Rathe Lorekeeper

    - Beastlord - Reduced the power of pets summoned by the Howling at the Moon line and increased the chance for two pets to be summoned
    Currently this isn't increasing the chance of summoning swarm pets on the Feralgia line of spells.
  5. Lessw Journeyman

    - Rogue 110 - Persona - Created shortly after January's Patch
    Hero's Barracks 0/4
    Hero's Fortitude 0/98
    Hero's Resolution 0/49
    Hero's Vitality 0/98
    Journyman's Speed 0/6
    Trials of Mata Muram 0/6
    Curse of Blood 0/6
    Trophy Collector 0/4
    Banestrilke 0/4

    Lessw - Druid 125 main on Test Server - AA's Completely maxed
    Hero's Barracks 4/4
    Hero's Fortitude 98/98
    Hero's Resolution 49/49
    Hero's Vitality 98/98
    Journyman's Speed 6/6
    Trials of Mata Muram 6/6
    Curse of Blood 6/6
    Trophy Collector 4/4
    Banestrilke 4/4

    rogue Persona unable to get any of the above listed AA's as of 7:20pm CST 2/14/2024
    have tried swapping back and forth, and Logging out and back in.

    I've also tried Turning the Rogue off (by insulting him and saying his daggers are Rusty)
    and then Turning him back on. (by Telling him how sharp and pointy his daggers are)
    DeadRagarr likes this.
  6. Beldrune Apprentice

    New bug since patch: Replaying missions isn’t awarding experience or aa to characters that have already completed them. Characters being taken through for the first time are receiving achievement rewarded experience and AA, but the AA amount is much lower than before when we had to spend some halfway through. Expansion range is ToV to NoS.
  7. Revolio New Member

    Confirmed here too, but with Final Fugue mission. At chest open the chat dialogue reads:

    Your task 'Final Fugue' has been updated.
    Your task 'Final Fugue' has been updated.
    You have received a replay timer for 'Final Fugue': 0d:5h:0m remaining.
    The memory appears to be complete, though the things that happened here to not match what Shalowain seems to remember happening.
    You receive 350 platinum.
    You have gained 2 mercenary ability point(s)! You now have 14 mercenary ability point(s).
    You gain experience!
    You received 135 Laurion Inn Vouchers.

    Note that there is no exp amount indicated (generally seen because it's too low to display) nor are any AAs awarded. I have 100% of my exp set to going to AA if that makes a differences.

    I've repeated the mission 4 times now with the same result each time.
  8. Barraind Grumpy Old Bastage

    Tests name filter has always been weird.

    I have names on alt accounts on test that are immediately flagged as "The name you have entered is part of a basic list of names we have excluded from use by players" on live.
  9. Endlesse New Member

    I'm also not seeing the alt persona inheriting any of the AAs from the main.

    Character name is Endlesse

    - Players will now have full health after swapping personas.

    Also still seeing when swapping, the hp/endurance is still dropping. HP drops to about 75% & endurance drops to 30%.
    DeadRagarr likes this.
  10. Daedly Augur

    After many hours of trying to figure out why I wasn't seeing any weapon procs from Mage, SK, or Enchanter pets, it seems that all pets using weapons with proc's stopped proc'ing after this patch. I have checked every filter I could think of and made sure nothing is hidden.

    My logs show proc's before this patch, then nothing after. Was this change intentional?
  11. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    The desktop issue is now worse than ever for full screen, it will no longer return to full screen after tabbing out.

    Plane of Knowledge it also darker than it was previously.

    Whatever you have done to try to make this better reverse it you have made it worse.

    *Edit* Spamming alt enter worked adventually to get it back to full screen. :rolleyes:
  12. Klucifer Master

    Is it intended that the DON AAs are not included in this? Because they're not, and with the wording i don't know if it's inclusive of the listed AAs or there are more...
  13. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Faction is not included in personas, so you need to do the faction and the DON AAs will be there on completion of faction. A main does not keep the AAs if they lose faction in DON.
  14. Klucifer Master

    Thanks for the schooling Yinla! My question still stands for the Dev team as it's achievement based in addition to being faction based, and they should put some thought into it if it's not meant to be included because it's really just a time sink that doesn't need to be in place.
  15. Beldrune Apprentice

    A few have mentioned it now, so I’m going to document it here. Textures are loading a lot slower than they were before the patch. I just upgraded my PC and it’s loading slower than my old PC did since then. PoK is starting out white and textures are being drawn in slowly. My guild hall is the same and placed items take forever to load as well. Unsure why this started happening, but super frustrating with a relatively new PC and I’m getting 1fps while textures are filled.

    *edit* everything in advanced display options has been turned off and it’s still chugging while trying to load textures.
  16. Soulbanshee Augur

  17. Meeko Developer(Code)

    Yes, it's intentional. The list in the note are the only ones that will be shared with this patch. DoN and other potential AA lines are a bit more complex under the hood so we're still exploring options with those.
    Yinla and Barton-Vox like this.
  18. Cairbrae Developer

    This is a bug and it's fixed internally. Thanks for the report.
    DakineRathe, SteamFox and Svann2 like this.
  19. Meeko Developer(Code)

    Thanks for the report. This issue was fixed and should work correctly on Live with tomorrow's update.
    Barton-Vox and SteamFox like this.
  20. Wanuven Lorekeeper

    same issue here. extremely annoying. please fix this!
    Sunawar likes this.