Talk about T3 raids upcoming

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by uberkingkong, Feb 14, 2024.

  1. uberkingkong Augur

    Tier 1, 28 guilds beaten all. not 1, all of T1 raids. day 1.
    Tier 2, 22 guilds beaten all. not 1, all of T2 raids. day 1.

    So beta, to make sure raids are ok.
    Its not make sure you can beat them day 1.

    EQ raids back then, after 3 months still only a handful beaten them, beta isn't even 3 months, back then you'd be in beta and you'd come out of beta, and the raids still not beaten.

    So don't go into this, they beat it beta so on live it can be beaten day 1.
    Back then, you'd be in beta getting whooped, you'd out of beta you'd still whooped.

    Not today disgustingly easy, do it in beta, dumb it down to disgustingly easy status in beta, then do it disgustingly easy on Live.

    I want to see whose the best, the best of the best.

    So I'm asking for, throw in a lot lot lot of curveballs in T3.
    Slowly take em away, week after week.

    Let guilds struggle, be challenged.

    Some ideas is whirl to you hurl whiled charmed. Aka you are whirling and you cannot do squat, can't click any can't open anything your charmed and your twirling.
    Plus teleported some place. So after you finish twirling you have figure out where your at and rush back, or rush to safety or else big boom instant death.

    People be standing crowding a mob until they drop. disgustingly easy, just turn on auto attack, press the macro button every 30 seconds. too easy.

    Have MMM stuff, being bombarded by adds while you gotta figure out some message. Have mobs lower their horns and instant death you if you don't react.

    Make raids have curveballs.

    They did beta T3, they know how to beat day 1.
    It's tuned to be beatable and workable.

    Throw in the curves week after week, dumbs down until its what its like in beta, the beat it day 1 disgustingly easy status.

    EQ this games raids are a joke compared to other games. If EQ has a leg up on anything on other MMORPGs, its defiantly no raid related difficulty, raids in EQ easy.

    No other MMORPG you have a bunch of guilds doing beta and dumbing it down so its beaten day 1 by many guilds.
  2. Act of Valor The Newest Member

  3. Knifen Augur

    I think what Act of Valor is so eloquently trying to say, is perhaps this game isnt for you, as much as you dislike everything about it.
    Varillian, Xyphen, Thren and 16 others like this.
  4. uberkingkong Augur

    dislike? suppose EQ being disgustingly easy for raiders, and casual players having difficult time. Yeah I dislike that.

    Raiders should be experiencing difficult times, not casuals doing casual content.

    I like EQ how it was back in the days. Modern EQ, ew, dislike. You right.
    Casual I could be karnor like nothing, casually doing it, not experiencing difficulty doing it. I can kill the nameds not difficult. Then the raiders, doing VS, they experience the difficulty. Thats how its suppose to be. It was fun back then. Modern EQ backwards, raid = easy disgustingly easy. casual = difficult. Dislike. Smashing that dislike button.
    15 minutes, all the raids done. wow disgustingly easy. I wish I could 15 minutes all the casual content done, get gear and what not too. Nah I'm stuck with 3 hour if lucky named spawn chances and thats just for spawn, now I have to be lucky for 20 minutes of fighting them. J5 merc with a J5 healer merc can't do it, J5 merc has decent chance to get deleted in 2 rounds. crazy, gotta be lucky for 20 minutes.

    So T3, thats the last tier. Make those raids tough.

    You already know what beatable is, you already know 20+ guilds can beat it day 1.
    Throw in the curve balls.

    Instead people whining about 0 loots.
    They talk about strategies of how to beat it.
    It's T3 raids, final raids. Make it tough. If no one beats it day 1, week 1, good. Get good.
    People didn't beat the raids back then day 1, week 1. If any, a few did.

    3:23, 7:12

    Nobody even moved, if they moved they just moving to act like they doing something, no purpose in moving.
    Just autoattack and press that macro button every 30 seconds. Easy T2, disgustingly easy. Thats T2 not T1. Don't even move.
    EQ raids are joke. Compared to other MMOs, you dont even move in EQ raids, too much a joke.
    22 guilds. all. all. all of T2 beaten. day 1 day 1 day 1

    Step it up. T3, final raids. Throw in them curveballs.
    Make people whirl to they hurl, that'll be a wakeup call theres curveballs, change the strategy pay attention theres new stuff its aint gonna be no day 1 beat em all easymode beta to make raids dumbed down easy. Curveballs everyone pay attention.
  5. Alnitak Augur

    Rule number one - do not feed a troll.
    Rule number two - if you are feeding a troll then stop feeding that troll.
    Rule number three - do not talk to a broken chat bot even if it is a troll.
  6. Knifen Augur

    Its like a scab, I just gotta pick at it.
  7. uberkingkong Augur

    thinking of a curveball dealing knifen.

    have several adds spawn in a circle around the boss, while everyone is expecting to stand on the boss not move autoattack spam every 30 the macro button.

    Well the mobs they move towards the boss and then if someone is in their way, BACKSTAB. Instant death. Knifen.

    Everyone has the AA to teleport 300 feet, so gotta use it.
    Everyones got these AAs to do stuff, developers put them to use. There is a item for a jetpack, put it to use. gotta jetpack on a platform, floor is lava.

    Whoa big curveball the floor is lava? What do we do?
  8. Knifen Augur

    Group together, AE Heal, and DPS from the dogpile.
  9. fransisco Augur

    time to beat raids is a worthless metric. Everyone spent weeks and weeks practicing the raids on beta. I'd be embarrassed for any guild that didn't beat it day 1.
  10. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    Not all guilds beta tested, and not all guilds are competing for the top spot. Some just casually go when it's their day to raid, and there's nothing wrong with that.

    I'd much rather raid when able than to find loopholes in the raiding system and exploit them.
  11. Windance Augur

    I think a better metric would be the first to complete all the achievements.

    The PoM raid where you unfreeze people is going to be interesting to get. Unless you can bypass doing that by having overwhelming dps ...
  12. Knifen Augur

    Best part of the event, I can hear the sound of the ball from PE class smacking someone upside the head with that thoink sound every time I throw it.
    Toukan likes this.
  13. Krazzi Elder

    Tier 3 raids are easy too. Any guild that beat tier 1 and 2 should beat tier 3 the first day too.
  14. KushallaFV Playing EverQuest

    Raids are just a form of Bingo for all these senior citizens (age or mentally). They’re not supposed to be challenging.
  15. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    That one really isn't hard to get.
    alanus likes this.
  16. Zarkdon Augur

    Or you just get lucky once and your raiders remember they are people.
  17. uberkingkong Augur

    Yeah exactly, its pretty sad. Thats why I'm pushing EQ3. EQ series turning into retirement home, thats how I remember the old days of EQ. It wasn't a game catered to be a retirement video game.

    You can tell this push they do silently, by looking at the box art or the graphics art. It's like the characters are a bit more older looking. Retirement looking.

    It may be harsh but its true. Thats we EQ3. EQ toooo much missed opportunities.
    It's like 15 years ago, this game has a lot of potential.
    10 years ago, this game has a lot of potential
    5 years ago, this game has a lot of potential
    today, this game has a lot potential

    They do anything though, see track record, its easy. Common sense.
    Pretty much any game has potential too btw.

    Tons of outdated stuff in this game. I'm not gonna type extra 100 lines going over all those things, just look at other posts of mine.

    Sad thing is thing is, you look at reddit on EQ. It's all back in the old days stuff. EQ is a tough game, corpse runs, this and that. Raids are tough.

    Back in the old days.
    Today, 20+ guilds beat T2 raids all of them not 1 encounter, all the encounters day 1.
    20+ guilds did that. Not 3-4 best of the best.
    20+ pretty much whoever desires to beat the raids beat it. Thats how it easy it is.

    EQ raids are easy. Those people on reddit saying EQ is tough game. I like EQ because its tough. Yeah that was long time ago.
  18. Nightops Augur

    All of this coming from the same guy who just two weeks ago was endlessly complaining how LS T1 named mobs were too hard and took him 20minutes to kill.
  19. uberkingkong Augur

    That is casual T1 named mobs.

    Same stance.
    Casual named mobs in EQ === TOUGH (T1 fight, duo tank merc plus healer, can't do it, tank merc gets whooped eventually)
    Raids in EQ === easy, day 1, if you want it done it gets done

    To upgrade and get better, you gotta take down named mobs.
    Some will argue nameds mobs in CoV are equally or just about as hard as named mob in LS.
    And if your struggling against LS named, and CoV is just about equal. Gonna struggle 3 expansions or so behind.

    Casuals === TOUGH time (duo tank + healer not good enough, too tough, as in mob hits hard, thats it, not really tough at all just hits hard, can't do anything about that) The only thing you can do really if they hit too hard, just keep stunning the outta them, and then people consider that cheesing it, and then back to square 1 they just hit too hard. Stunning for 20 minutes gotta keep it going miss a stun stun at the wrong time, that tank is gonna drop quick, gonna drop dead. 20 minutes is a long time to keep this cheesing going. Can't do squat when they hit too hard. Too much HP too. 20 minutes worth smacking them and staying lucky. Takes a lot of luck to stay lucky for 20 minutes.
    Raids === joke, day 1, not just 1 raid, all of them beaten day 1. Within the hour.
    fransisco likes this.
  20. fransisco Augur

    Uber isn't wrong that the raiding route is a very easy route.