Raid: Ankexfen Keep: Prisoners of Ankexfen

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by blood & gufts, Feb 13, 2024.

  1. blood & gufts Augur

    The raid got some aura and there come an effect in your effects window.

    At same time there come a message : Perform your protective rites!

    Could the message be changed to 4 different ones, dependent of what it i, as being color blind makes it random if you see the right aura ?
  2. Windance Augur

    While I hope for your sake they make some changes to make it easier for you ...

    For now you probably just need to memorize which corner each color aura is at and when your raid leader yells the color you know which one to run to.

    Other aids:

    - When he does the emote he will warp to the spot you need to run to.
    - Use raid mark to highlight the boss.
    - Watch where the pets go streaming off to.
    - Watch where everyone else goes.
    - Just run through all of the auras.
  3. 666DPSweDeliver Augur

    Guilds waste time with colors on this event? Follow the pet swarm, it's so much faster.
    Annastasya, Maedhros, Allayna and 2 others like this.
  4. Svann2 The Magnificent

    When he says that, get out of the aura youre in then look. You can see better that way.
    FYAD likes this.
  5. Cadira Augur

    Rmark boss, find the ring and aura with two mobs in it (specifically boss).

    Or follow the 50+ people that run to the aura and their 100+ pets.
    Maedhros, Axxius, FYAD and 1 other person like this.
  6. Lianeb Augur

    The fact that you are color blind doesn't make this harder. I see color and still would do the same thing if they were all grey.
    I am not disagreeing with some messaging needed for the auras, but being color blind does not put you at a disadvantage to others seeing the colors.
  7. FranktheBank Augur

    The bigger offender of visuals is the pbae blinking on Shadow of my Shadow (Wave of Hatred). I'm gonna have epilepsy by July
    Marton likes this.
  8. Winnowyl Suffering is optional.

    Our raid leader is color blind. We put the banner in one corner by the stairs, then he calls colors (I'm guessing he marked them on his map), plus directions. We also have the boss marked, and are often already following the ring and the pets to the next location anyway.