Veteran asking newb question

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Solaar Esten, Feb 11, 2024.

  1. Solaar Esten Journeyman

    Been playing since 99. Off and On....Mostly pure melee. That being said, when raiding and grouping, i hardly ever pay attention to the buffs given me. In the latest expansion I've taken a larger interest in it. make a long story short.

    Is there any sites, that a rogue can look at, so when i go to GL, I can ask intelligently from the different buff classes what buffs to ask for, for a group setting.

  2. Samatman Augur

    Go to the Guild lobby, afk, profit. That's what we all do.
  3. FYAD Augur

    Buffs are overrated. game is so easy they're unneccesary.
    CatsPaws likes this.
  4. Flatchy Court Jester

    What server is that on? Seems everyone on BB sits outside by the task of the day guy, in the lag pile in Pok.
    Nennius likes this.
  5. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Welcome Back!

    I never ask for specific buffs from specific players. Its easier to just /ooc any cleric buffs? Etc.

    There are a few buffs I like to get - but many times I just play with what I have and I don't worry if I don't have them all.

    On top of that most players are afk in the lobby so they won't answer you. Most servers use the lobby but some do use the tree outside or the bank. Make sure your in the right place for your server.

    I like to get haste but I don't care if its enchanter haste or bst or shaman haste. I like floaty but again don't care if its druid or ranger or off an item. And a DS but again any class ds is good. Cleric ones are nice but if none are being cast then I just pop my healer merc and make do with her.

    Drop all "shadow of whatever" buffs - you already got the permanent version when you cast it. Now its just a icon taking up room

    If your in a group and they are not keeping up on the buffs you can just say "how about refreshing buffs?" without anything specific- after all there are usually more than one other buffer in your group so that would get them all. But most players can see when your buffs or the group buffs are running low or gone and will re buff as needed.

    So just hang out for a bit and get what you can and then head out - usually if your all buffed to the gills you die right away anyway. And like said above you can play with little or no buffs.
  6. Samatman Augur

    This is EMarr but for sure every server has a different place to afk. The only thing consistent between servers is that 'one guy' that sits there 24X7 selling power leveling and power achievement with his bot army.
    Flatchy likes this.
  7. Iven the Lunatic

    A friendly drood would be happy to share some weed or crack with you.
  8. Cadira Augur

    For pure melee:

    S tier:
    Shaman - unity, lesser extent tala tak
    Beastlord - unity if no shaman available

    A tier:
    Ranger - skill/attack buffs
    Beastlord - fero, and sv if rangers aren't avail

    B tier:
    Enchanter - haste

    C tier:
    Cleric and/or druid - hp buffs cause dead dps is no dps?
    Solaar Esten, Yinla and Brickhaus like this.
  9. Alnitak Augur

    As a rogue you are generally interested in several groups of long duration buffs:
    Shaman/Beastlord Focus line of buffs. Those are equivalent.
    Combination buffs from Paladin/Beastlord/Ranger. Those are mutually exclusive, I listed those in the order of higher-to-lower AC with lower-to-higher Attack. As a rogue you'd prefer RNG combo buff with the highest ATK.
    Haste buffs from Enchanter/Shaman/Beastlord. Enchanter's is the best, Beastlord's is the longest duration, but you have to be groupped with the beastlord to receive it.
    Damage shield combo from a mage and a ranger. BIG mage's DS is stackable with a "smaller" ranger's DS. Current level spell names are Forgefire CoatCoat (mage, 8955 DS) and Cloak of Needlespikes (RNG, 2984 DS). Both last over 2 hrs.
    Also ask for Spirit of Tala'Tak from a Shaman/Beastlord. It's not only a good long duration run speed (many classes have a run speed buff), but also adds 200'ish ATK. Ask for "Tala'Tak" when /ooc.
    Cleric's AC/HP line of buffs is routinely casted by healer mercenaries. Obviously, at level 110 you may want to soak in level 125 versions from players, which is better than your level 110 healer merc's versions.

    When groupped, you may want to periodically request buffs from your group-mates.
    Ask for refreshes of "Merciless Ferocity" (or just "Ferocity") from your group beastlord, "Cry Carnage" from your group zerker, "Mammoth Force" from the shaman, "Night Perpetual Terror" from a chanter.
    Those buffs help a rogue and can be on with continuous coverage, although you may want to remind the caster when to refresh. Be courteous, it is on you to keep watch for your buffs.

    I did not list buffs without continuos coverage (such as AA abilities etc)
    That's about the bulk of what you may want as a rogue besides a levitation.
    Brickhaus likes this.
  10. Annastasya Augur

    You don't have all the buffs for EQ memorized by sight? BLASPHEMY.

    Oh, you play a class with no spells or buffs, just combat discs and abilities that might affect other players in the group. Well then, time to learn something new, or not. Depending on whether you want to be someone who is very good at piloting your toon to maximum effect, or someone who is just having fun and doing a good enough job to succeed, you may want to inspect all those buffs to see what they do, and dive into which interact well or poorly with others, or not.
  11. fransisco Augur

    Errm... enchanter haste is massively underrated.
    Aside from actual haste, it gives increased chance to crit, increased crit damage, and increased chance to triple attack.
    Cadira likes this.
  12. Cadira Augur

    Yeah it might be a tier.

    Crit chance is worse than zerkers buff if you have one with you though.
    I imagine the crit damage and triple attack chance don't parse out insanely huge though. Says it also has attack on it which I didn't know, making it even better.
  13. fransisco Augur

    I'm inclined to ignore a zerker buff, as most people won't have one. In a raid setup when you have everything, sure. However you are garunteed to have everything. In a group situation, you're not gonna have every buff. Its more of a pick and choose situation.
  14. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    Just make buff bots i got druid, shm and enc traders works well very nice since you can bind in the baz. Plus my main trader can TL my characters around.
  15. Lianeb Augur

    You only need 30 buffs and you will have everything you need!!!

    Just saying