EQ community can learn from AI pokemon

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by uberkingkong, Feb 11, 2024.

  1. uberkingkong Augur

    I feel like this game is hugely community driven.

    If its not doing well, its because of the community.
    Let me explain,

    Community is too set on super lowbar expansions, they give kudos, positive reinforcement even if its a hot garbage.

    Back in the days, when community had good expectations of games, they called out games, they called out expansions when they weren't up to par.

    Well the result is you just have people who support the game no matter how hot garbage it is, and no one is a critic of the game anymore. It's they drop and someone their first response is to give kudos, give it 5 stars regardless, and talk about EQ 20 years ago. Remember corpse runs? Yeah that was 20 years ago, long gone today. Remember 72 people raids? Yeah long gone, 20 years ago stuff.

    So from watching a Pokemon AI got me thinking thats how EQ is too, community giving the developers reinforcement on how to make the expansions, its outta wack.

    Then you have this, all I see so far from that is, 1M people saw the video, EQ gets free advertising.

    The video has someone saying its not in a good shape, do something.
    EQ do something, quit looking at "EQ good enough for your friends to play too", quit looking at EQ needs to more marketing and what not.

    Look at the main point of the video, not the 1M people means people gonna play EQ.
    Fix your stuff.
    - genre moved on
    - did EQ get better after 60 hours of playtime?
    Got better but was dependent on other people to play with

    One of EQ biggest issues.
    consider boxing
    lack of group, lack of LFG system
    He had to rely on discord someone watching him to get them to play with him, due to BAD LFG system.

    BAD BAD BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD LFG system, no one uses it means its BAD. fix it.

    - less than a game than it is a long term hobby
    - not impressed with EQ
    - do not expect a modern MMO experience
    - still enjoyable FOR THOSE who want to remember the old days, and have 1000s of hours
    - for newplayers, elvis has left the building
    AKA not good

    So instead of eyeballing 1M players, EQ, people gonna come give us $$$ now.
    No, fix your stuff.

    So this what the EQ community can learn from the Pokemon AI video, too much positive reinforcement on
    - its ok you didn't finish the assignment, kudos, keep it going, you are great
    - its ok you didn't do more, kudos keep it going you are great

    wake the up, accountability.
    Got some real feedback and viewers and what does EQ do, go back to your old ways, just doing what it does, doesn't really listen critics people saying EQ needs to do something it just ignores that and only listens kudos kudos kudos kudos, those people.

    - so what if they didn't finish on time, so what the assignment isn't done. Its life, kudos.
    Next year
    same stuff, kudos!

    Nothing is gonna improved if the positive reinforcement is on its ok to not do well, its ok not to be great, its ok to not finish assignments.

    ignore that LFG system no one uses it.
    ignore Got better but was dependent on other people to play with
    consider boxing instead, everyone from now on, consider boxing, the LFG system no one uses, it has issues. But you know what. Consider boxing.

    casual - I duo'ed, can't do missions, can't do T1 nameds.
    T1 named in LS compared to T1 named in SoD, is night and day difference. LS wayyyy too much hp, hits wayyyy hard, every round is scary situation.

    LS raids.
    Beaten day 1
    25 guilds beat TIER 2 raids DAY 1
    SoD raids, not huge percentage of guild beat them day 1.
    4 guilds beat T1 within the first month.
    1 guild beat it before everyone else, and 3 other guilds after 1 whole week beat it.
    no one was crying about raids are too hard either, raids were hard for a reason.

    EQ raids today are disgustingly easy.
    I do not want to hear any EQ compared to other MMORPGs EQ raids are harder. WRONG.
    EQ raids are disgustingly easy.

    The only thing harder in EQ is casual content vs another MMORPG casual content.
    Thats backwards too, casual is suppose to be casual, not hard. raids are not suppose to be disgustingly easy, suppose to hard.

    Also in SoD, you could get currency not only from missions (which in LS case, you need a really good group or box). Again, LS = HARD casual content. disssgustingly EASY raids. 25 guilds all done T2 raids day 1.

    EQ got its head twisted around, weird stuff.
    Sure go ahead call EQ a unique game, it's not top 10 top 20 top 30, so the uniqueness factor, well you know you know. not top 30 is not good simple as that.
    Especially when one cannot name 30 MMORPGs.

    Your not in top 30 and difficult to name 30 things before it, thats bad.

    So many issues, and the #1 issue today, is the L F G system.
    Go ahead tell us about how easy it is to form groups.
    Go watch the youtube with 1M views, I guess he should be learning about how to form groups too. 1M views player, don't need education, fix the game, period.

    The LFG system has been bad for a long long loooooooong time. Long time neglected.
    DeadRagarr likes this.
  2. DeadRagarr Augur

    The only problem with Ubers posts is that they are so long I have to scroll so far to give it a like :(
  3. FranktheBank Augur

    It was downhill from here.
  4. Drencrom Beimeith's Supervisor

    Wow, that's crazy.