Mercenary Server

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Roleplay Here, Feb 10, 2024.

  1. Roleplay Here Journeyman

    How about one of the new servers with mercenaries unlocked at launch and only one character per account. Possibly with mercenaries usable inside raids as well. Wouldn't it be cool if you could go to a raid with 1 character instead of having to bring boxed naked accounts? It might even quell the market on people who are controlling multiple groups using special software to raid content for RMT. Plus with mercenaries in a raid the loot would be spread better across the existing players instead of having to drag along half naked box clerics and such.
    Defenestrated Vase likes this.
  2. Ghost Of Fippy Augur

    Because they would have to launch the server at the expansion the Mercenaries were introduced.
  3. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    If they wanted to make the server focused on mercenaries they could flag them for use starting at classic. The issues with the idea are limiting it to a single character per account which doesn't seem to serve any purpose and allowing them in raids which would likely lead to many scripting issues.
  4. Laronk Augur

    Believe it or not you don’t have to box on raids or box at all. Generally also tank mercs are too powerful and cleric mercs suck
  5. Weathervane New Member

    I understand that you’re not here to be productive or contribute anything other than snark. The problem remains that TLPs struggle to gain players after classic and Kunark due to the lack of solo viability in early eras.

    I don’t think that Mercs from launch would be the worst idea, but it still seems like a worse solution than “relaxed” truebox. There are still a number of classes (bard, paladin, ranger, rogue come to mind) where even having a mercenary does not alleviate the lack of a low level grouping scene if you miss the initial launch wave.
    Defenestrated Vase likes this.
  6. brickz Augur

    No? Tank mercs are incredibly broken from levels 10-60. They have more damage and HP than players and have hundreds of passive combat health regeneration so they don't even need a healer. A merc server is a horrible idea
  7. Manafasto Augur

    I prefer players > boxer > mercs but I can see the appeal.
  8. Weathervane New Member

    After testing on Bertoxx I agree. I hadn't had the low-level merc experience in a long time, and I agree that enabling mercs would be the wrong decision. A solution is still needed for players to catch up or level when groups are not available in their level range. Allowing people to conveniently 2-3 box on one machine would also mean additional gold accounts rather than just a ton of mercs
  9. Ghost Of Fippy Augur

    No they cannot just turn them on. They will have to write new code to introduce them before the expansions they were intended for. And they also have write new code for the entire game to add and balance mercs into raids.

    If the OP wants to open his own wallet and pay for a new development team for DB, I am sure they would entertain his idea.
  10. Kahna Augur

    Not the entire game. Mercs aren't allowed in raid zones. They are allowed in DZs, just not raids like Time. That being said mercs in classic would completely ruin the game.
  11. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Why would they have to write new code to have them enabled on a server during classic? As for allowing them in raids it isn't just a matter of writing new code as it isn't nearly that simple with trying to get raid emotes to work with mercs.
  12. DeadRagarr Augur

    I mean they put in dev work to literally redo entire drop systems. It wouldn't be that hard to make a "Classic Appropriate" merc system. Even if they just do a Reverse MOTM system <Debuff that alters stats based on expansion>.

    I think it would probably be more popular than Oakwynd ruleset.
    Defenestrated Vase likes this.
  13. Doezit Lorekeeper

    Allowing mercs in raids is a terrible idea. Mercs were intended to make up for a shortage of players to group with while leveling. This is unneeded early in a new server. (unless the server is DOA anyway)
  14. Ghost Of Fippy Augur

    No. Mercs are only allowed in DZs if you are a single group. Try putting a Merc in a Raid format window, one in each group. You cannot no matter what zone you are in. Your groups will show with the mercs dropped from the raid window.
  15. Ghost Of Fippy Augur

    Because the game would be unbalanced. Mercs way OP in those eras. Player characters would not have any AAs or upgrades to compete. Raids would become trivial. You would only need one to two players with their mercs to own raid targets.
  16. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    What mercs do to the game balance wise isn't an issue to making the available to players at the launch of a server with just classic. I don't think it is a simple code issue to make them balanced on early TLP servers while not nerfing them on live or late TLP servers. Those balance issues are why they would be unlikely to do them rather then then the amount of work to get them implemented.
  17. Psalmz Elder

    Allowing only apprentice level mercs would reduce the op issues.
    Barton-Vox likes this.
  18. ibc93 Elder

    I mean if we can't get relaxed truebox, then early mercs is the next best thing.

    I'd even push for having more than 1 merc if possible. Daybreak should monetize extra mercs themselves instead of letting 3rd party programs sites profit off player mercs basically.
  19. Kahna Augur

    By the time Mercs come out who on earth is doing any TLP DZ with more than one group?

    And you can't take them in non-DZ raid instances (other than LDONs?) even if they are in a single group.
  20. fransisco Augur

    umm... I seriously think a single tank merc could solo naggy. They're crazy OP below lvl 70 or so. You wouldn't even need a raid guild pre oow. Imagine what that would do to a tlp population, not needing guilds