EQ needs to learn from Palworld

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by uberkingkong, Feb 1, 2024.

  1. Kyzvs Augur

    I strongly disagree with that. If you clicky to 85 or whatever than yes. If you only level through TSS then yes. If you actually explore and don't rush to endgame there is so much content that even after over 20 years, I've not experienced all the 1-80 stuff the game has. The later expansions that funnel all the players together, I get your sentiment, but my answer is take off the blinkers and don't play the stale parts if you find them boring, you are casting an opinion on a game world after experiencing less than 1% of it.
    Ndaara and Rijacki like this.
  2. Vumad Cape Wearer

    PalWorld is a brand new game who's popularity is primarily based off being similar to a very popular franchise that is locked behind a specific piece of hardware. When I describe it to my friends, I describe it as the spinoff of Pokemon and Zelda. PalWorld is just a PokeZelda splash of Arc, Conan, and so many other similar games built on the same engine. It does nothing more than prove that Nintendo is missing out on a large player base by locking their IP behind their hardware gate. There's very little for EverQuest to learn from it.
    Rijacki likes this.
  3. uberkingkong Augur

    EQ has changed a bit, well not a bit, a lot since classic days. Classic as in since after SoF expansion.

    See this what I was saying earlier,

    Weather, sound, environment, magical effects, look better than modern effects.

    They pretty much downloaded EQ, just to live the old days, old EQ was great. Then after SoF, EQ hasn't done much really and they produce expansions year after year.

    How about and expansion that is 40% kill stuff and quests, and 60% actually modern day ideas.
    Look at Palworld for them.

    EQ less RPGlike. No coin weight, raids on easymode, you spawn all your gear.

    Palworld very RPGlike. Weight, can't move, you die you gotta run back for your gear, boss fights where you can get 1 shot, massive AE 1 shot, building, collecting, putting things to work, open world bosses.

    EQ back then was great, over time, less RPG factor, taking out more RPGness of the game. Another year and more RPGness is removed from EQ.

    So my ask is, 40% kill stuff and quests. 60% actually modern ideas. In the next expansion.
    Look at Palworld, the game to look for ideas in, its Palworld.
  4. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    If this allegation were true, there would be a significantly larger portion of the EQ player base playing Ogres and playing with only the old models and that's not true even on the TLP servers. Many players are amused by the old model Ogre but don't want to play one ever even if they had more classes available.
    Yinla likes this.
  5. fransisco Augur

    ehhh... Palworld gets WAY to much flax for "copying pokemon". Guess which video game invented elves and dwarves. There is only one game where you fight dragons I bet. What about that one where we fight orcs and goblins? Remember that one nobody played that had wizards in it?

    ALL games copy basically everything from every other game. People just make fun of palworld because its popular to.
  6. Strawberry Augur

    Pokemon copied everything from Dragon Quest. Dragon Quest which I'm sure copied their designs from a Western game.

    It seems people have forgotten that Japan plagiarized just as much from the West as China does now. Honda, Toyota, Yamaha, Nikon, Sony, the whole Japanese entertainment industry, they plagiarized and stole designs like crazy. From who do you think China learned it in the first place, if anything China is tame in its copying compared to what Japan did.

    Japan's most famous character is probably Hello Kitty and Cathy, which is a straight ripoff of European characters Musti and Miffy. I once looked up the most 10 famous characters in Japan, all of them are plagiarized.


    Godzilla isn't Japanese, it's a ripoff from the 1953 The Beast movie from Warner Bros.


    That's why I don't care one iota if anyone wants to rip off or emulate Nintendo games. And why it rings completely hollow if Nintendo claims X or Y can't emulate their games. Nintendo....Japan's economy was built on copying stuff, including your company that frequently ripped off IP.

    fransisco likes this.
  7. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    My only question is why Uber hates eq so much?
    Ndaara, Rijacki and CatsPaws like this.
  8. Nennius Curmudgeon

    But then who would I have to ignore?
  9. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    Hating EQ is ok. Insisting that everyone else hate EQ as much as one does is not. Insisting that the game should change entirely to be another game that one would rather play no matter how many other players like it as it is is not just not ok, it's also daft and self-centred. Insisting that the changes one wants to make EQ into a completely different game would somehow attract other players spits in the faces of its current players.
  10. KushallaFV Playing EverQuest

    DPG really needs to open a website dedicated to fans. This place is all haters like UKK. We need a place for only fans of EQ. I want to see all of these ugly haters gone and only fans of EQ.
  11. Captain Video Augur

    I wish we had FanFaire again. We could have this big long rope, with all the Live players at one and, and all the TLP players at the other end, and the tug-of-war would decide once and for all who is actually supporting the game.
    Rijacki likes this.
  12. CdeezNotes Augur

    DPG needs to lean from Palworld? How so? Shameless plagiarize another IP and market it as new?

    If you like PokeArk Palworld so much...just go play it? Stop spamming the forums with your incoherent garbage.
    Zarkdon, CatsPaws and Windance like this.
  13. CdeezNotes Augur

    Pokemon itself - the actual pocket monsters were based primarily off of yokai (spirits/entities in Japanese folklore). One example is Vulpix/Ninetales. They are clearly just Kitsune or the Korean equivialent, Kumiho, which quite literally translates to...nine-tailed fox.

    To say Pokemon copied everything from another game is a bit absurd considering some of the most well known Pokemon are based off folklore/mythology.

    And let's not pretend US doesn't rip off anything from Japan. Ever hear of A Fistful of Dollars or The Magnificent Seven? Some pretty well-known Western movies. Where do you think they were inspired from? One of the most culturally impactful sci-fi movies of all time (Star Wars) is just a rip off of a Japanese movie, The Hidden Fortress.
  14. Windance Augur

    Yet another turn EQ into something its not thread ....

    From something like Palworld its mostly about being in the right place at the right time, and getting enough attention to have it blow up.

    Everquest had its 15 minutes of fame, 25 years ago.

    They would need to tap some current "hot trend" and create some new IP. Anyone hearing about EQ, WoW, etc, already have preconceived ideas that would be hard to change.
    Rijacki likes this.
  15. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I play both, which side wants me? :p
  16. fransisco Augur

    I don't think he hates it. He just wants things you don't. You want to do things to the game I wouldn't want, yet I don't think you hate the game...

    I also don't know much of what he thinks because his posts are so poorly formatted and rambly that they are just hard to read. He would greatly benefit from being more concise.
    Windance likes this.
  17. uberkingkong Augur

    Every game had its fame on release. It's can it stand the tests of time.
    EQ was what like top 5 in 2006?
    2024 49/140 is not really standing the tests of time.
    WoW #1 back in 2006. #1 in 2024.
    Thats standing the tests time.

    MapleStory, 2003 released. 2D game.
    24/140, beating EQ by a longshot in player count, popularity.

    It seems like with MMOs everyone claims best MMO rpg ever, its not just an EQ thing and few others.

    This is EQ,
    9mo ago
    I died. Ok that’s gonna be 2 hours work to get the body and another 4 hour to get back the exp

    All you got is people reviewing the game 2024, of what they remember decades ago, its not real reviews of how it is 2024. Haven't had a tough game, haven't a corpse run in a long long long time.
    This is a real recent review, of someone not biased already on the EQ bandwagon.

    Pretty much all the guilds wanting to beat the raids, beat em all day 1.

    People aint smelling the roses, aint enjoying RPG aspect in EQ.
    Thats where EQ can take lesson from Palworld.

    Palworld is not just kill stuff and quests.
    - Smell the roses
    - Actually exploring (not download maps, everything already known, no need to go someplace where nothing happening)
    - solo
    - feeling of progress
    - purpose of something to do
    - RPG building a base, enjoying the creativity part of having fun
    - RPG managing your workers, creativity part of having fun
    - again exploring

    EQ your not exploring the unexplored, Goods everyone downloads everyone is too sweaty on min/max of their time. No smelling the roses. Thats what EQ lacks. Thats what a lot of people want. Its bad on, Live server, NO LFG, people box instead.
    Since it was released, Palworld has soared past 19 million players, with over 12 million on Steam alone. With so many players exploring its open world, countless discoveries and unique creations have been made. Among the Palworld discoveries that players have made is that Pals may mimic gamers' movements when playing

    Fun factor, smelling the roses factor.
    Not no sweaty sweaty sweaty, even when raids are digustingly easy, people still sweaty sweaty sweaty in EQ.

    Next expansion, take notes from Palworld, more fun factor into the game.
    Less kill stuff and quests. That same stale stuff has been happening over a decade and not top 20 anymore not top 30 anymore, not top 40 anymore, barely top 50.

    This is how bad EQ's fun factor is,

    Good video, did whatever they could. However, dance choices are bad so just turning, jumping, sitting.
    Because EQ doesn't have good fun stuff to do.
    Needs to FUN FACTOR.
    Less Kill Stuff and Quests. Less Sweaty sweaty sweaty. On disgustingly easy raids (casual thats hard for casuals). Why sweating so much?

    My ask is, next expansion. 40% or less kill stuff and quests. 60% modern MMO stuff, there is soooo much EQ is missing compared to modern MMORPGs.
  18. FawnTemplar Augur

    Real talk Uber - I don't know why you play EQ when you apparently dislike it so much. Don't get me wrong, I am all for bringing up criticisms and possible solutions but all your solutions seem to be "EQ needs to change to this other game" which is not particularly helpful feedback. After months of these kinds of critiques I have to wonder why you just don't play those other games instead?

    The truth is that EQ is not going to be able to do a lot of what modern MMOs offer without doing a serious overhaul of the game code and underlying engines (without it essentially becoming a whole new game) and that is not something that is likely to happen ever let alone in a new expansion update. It seems like most of us know this and accept that there is only so much the devs can do. It just is what it is.
    Rijacki likes this.
  19. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    I am 10% dumber for having read this thread...
    Nennius likes this.
  20. Nennius Curmudgeon

    I hope that you, and others, will remember that the effect of this individuals posts on the brain are cumulative. Thus, it is imperative that everyone place the OP on ignore. It truly is vital for the survival of the human race.
    Doranur_Aleguzzler and Windance like this.