Bazaar from Day 1

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Wassari, Jan 29, 2024.

  1. Wassari New Member

    New TLP

    Make all the POK stones connect to nexus. Change it up. I heard a new race was being released for the 25th anniversary. Make sure they have a stone also.
  2. Zinth Augur


    Innate likes this.
  3. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    You heard wrong.
    fransisco likes this.
  4. Fluid Augur

    Not dead set against it, but I probably wouldn't play on it. Most of the stuff a *LOT* of us do to make pp on TLPs is because of travel. While I have never charged for transportation, some people charge like 50pp to transfer people from say Butcherblock to Qeynos. It has been a constant ever since I can remember.

    There's also quests that are dependent on time sinks. Thinking of things like The Testament of Vanear. The bottleneck for completion is an approximately once every six hour NPC. Time sink is running to Highhold Pass and Qeynos from places as far away as Steamfront. Even at that, NPC is constantly camped and killed for months.

    I understand it would just open the quests up to people and change the economy. The change would make things better for some, just worse for me and dozens of people who have adapted to the current progression. You may be killing the fan base in the expectation of adding a different group of fans?
  5. Bewts Augur

    We had like a decade+ of nostalgia from making those classic runs on TLP.

    Perhaps its time to flip the script a bit on QoL items like the bazaar.
  6. Jinkies New Member

    ... from BobEQ69 on discord?

    Because unless we've all missed something, noone officially has mentioned anything about a new race. They haven't said anything at all.
  7. Laronk Augur

    What if, hear me out here.

    What if you could /trader in any zone? then people could either travel to you or pay the parcel fee?
    Defenestrated Vase likes this.
  8. Laronk Augur

    I do want to add though that trading manually while a pain in the rear really does add to the community feel.
    fransisco, Bernel and Zinth like this.
  9. Zinth Augur

    parcels are free ;-)
    and just stand by the parcel dude and use the chat channels to sell... ppl send payment, you send the goods... easy peasy... we are long past just using tunnel
  10. Laronk Augur

    oh i mean the fee when you afk as a /trader in bazaar mode and people chose the parcel option not when you just use the parcel and ask for plat.
  11. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Just start the server in Luclin. Problem solved.
  12. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    yes please - anything to avoid the commons tunnel "PST" nonsense as well as non-stop spam from new level 1s (24x7) with fake low krono prices to manipulate tlpauctions prices.
    Defenestrated Vase likes this.
  13. Doezit Lorekeeper

    If all the stones connected to Nexus, that would also allow worldwide transportation. Clearly not a classic function. A poster in another thread suggested placing a link to the Bazaar in the commonlands tunnel. The devs would probably want to make a few edits to the bazaar if this was a classic start: removing mounts and the mage spell vendor. I am not sure if any other vendor there offers out of era stuff.
    The upsides would be: open market information without the manipulation by a few, and more items offered by more sellers.
    Defenestrated Vase likes this.
  14. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    Just put a stone to zone into bazaar in EC tunnel and it should suffice.
    jeskola and Krizem like this.
  15. Krizem Augur

    Similar to last post--why not put a two-way gnome translocator to baz in a couple spots? No other Luclin zones available. Depending on how hard core you want to be about travel (cutting into druid profits?), I guess you can just keep it in commons again--but I wouldn't complain if say one was in commons and one in, like SFG or something.
  16. Innate Elder

    They can only change so much before this game turns into EQ 1.5
  17. jeskola pheerie

    Way too late for that, ninja.
  18. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    EQ 1.0 in 1999/2000 was really a punishment. Do we not remember camping 3 mobs every 20 mins, etc?

    I know we liked it then - with no other distractions - but 25 years later, let's not pine for single-aviak spawn camps, or 5% exp in 3 hour session being amazing etc like in those old days.

    To topic at hand, please the nostalgia factor of EC Tunnel really fades within a day or two, take it from someone who has played a few TLPs.
    fransisco and jeskola like this.
  19. Ghost Of Fippy Augur

    Bring back naked corpse runs and all the boats. I am having a blast flogging myself bloody over on P99.
    fransisco likes this.
  20. uberkingkong Augur

    I would like this.

    If you have a problem with Kronos.
    Disable kronos on TLP. Simple as that.

    Want to use your krono go log onto a live server and use it then go back to the TLP.

    Disable kronos for making it so can't setup a krono buyer/seller. Obviously you can still chat spam about it. Be more sketchy doing those krono trades though on TLP since you have to do it on a live server, which means logging out.

    But that works. More work for the krono traders to do. They gotta spend time logging out, making sure they not getting gipped.

    Sounds good too.

    TLP with true classic EQ ruleset would be interesting.
    I'd like true classic EQ ruleset but in earlier expansions too. Like a Velious start, and open multiple expansions per expansion release.
    like PoP released after Velious,
    then GoD release after PoP.
    Then PoR release after GoD.
    UF release after PoR.
    RoF release after UF.
    TDS release after RoF.
    RoS after TDS.
    CoV after RoS.
    Then see how server is doing and if should merge into a server after CoV.