Post your Old Fixes and Nerfs that ought to be undone in 2024... I'll start.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Montag, Jan 2, 2024.

  1. Fluid Augur

    Thanks, I am aware of that distinction Mask-Guise. From the post you quoted.

    "Mask of Deception is still in game, still can get it on live."

    I didn't use Guise there. I'd have to check my earlier posts but it IMO it is quite common to use nerf and prenerf to distinguish between the original and modified versions even with a name change. Come to think of it, I'm not sure I ever said Guise in any context although it would have been correct for the prenerf version. I'd guess most people know when you say nerfed Guise of Deception exactly you are talking about, Mask of Deception.
    You have to remember you started the thread under the title

    "Old Fixes and Nerfs that ought to be undone"
    Doesn't that pretty much make it such that people know?

    And I have a character on Agnarr up right now, you are of course correct in that it is the Mask of Deception version or as I would probably say "nerfed Guise of Deception." :)
  2. Defenestrated Vase Elder

    I had mentioned before that the Guise of the Deceiver stopped dropping in Kunark and that is has been replaced by the Mask of Deception. You might have missed that post...
  3. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casualâ„¢

    I admittedly scrolled through pretty quickly, so it's possible I missed it.

    Remove True Box from all servers, and never implement it again. You're only hurting regular players, as the cheaters ignore the restriction, and use third party means to get around it.
    Crabman likes this.