Mob kill rules in case anyone doesn't know

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by magshamenc, Jan 21, 2024.

  1. GrandOpener Elder

    Which is how it should be. If the game mechanics are built around dps races, then it should be allowed to dps race. If it's not intended for conflicts to be resolved in that way, then the game mechanics should be changed (which is apparently on the table, with the first-to-engage mechanic they're trying out on Oakwynd). I remember the SOE PNP fondly, but in retrospect having the game mechanics differ from the enforced rules was actually quite bizarre.

    Personally, I've never liked competitive dps races since it smells suspiciously of PVP in my PVE. I'm here in Norrath to chill out, not to compete with people. But if I run across someone else who is playing that way, I'm not going to let it harsh my mellow. That's just how the game was implemented. /shrug
    code-zero likes this.
  2. magshamenc New Member

    bin playing this game for over 20 years. im pushing 60 i do this to relaxe, i was just kinda shocked GMs dont care. the funny thing is he told me he wanted a mask after he killed it in 5 seconds not sure if he got it , after the kill he left and the namer poped again and i killed it low and behold the melee mask dropped, guess what i looted and deleted it lol. moral of the story don't be an a$$ and maybe i would have given you a tell to come get it
    Rijacki and Flatchy like this.
  3. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Daybreak won't recognise camps but most players do. Those that don't have no respect for other players.

    Daybreak does recognise harassment. So if the same person/group is constantly taking the mobs you are killing they will take action.
    Rijacki likes this.
  4. Drencrom Beimeith's Supervisor

    I had a run-in with someone who appeared to be afk killing. Basically, they were at a camp for as long as it took to complete all other hunter kills in the zone except the camp they were at. Over 2 days. I watched them kill named after named and let the loot rot. Checked their targets, only 2 of them were ever engaged at a time. Buffs- all worn down to perma buffs only. I killed a few PHs and shockingly they said in ooc that it was camped. I sent a firm tell saying I would be getting my last named, leaving the loot for them and departing. They still had an attitude. To me, its more rude to perma camp a single named just because it's a convenient spot. It's not like efficient exp was their goal or they'd be dps'ing on their bard. Luckily, I got my named immediately and left.
    Xyphen and Kaenneth like this.
  5. Eaedyilye More stonehive bixies.

    AFK bot crews when they're totally unmanned are a joke DPS wise. I was watching one once and I was killing rare mobs quicker than they killed trash.

    I watched them kill a rare and it took forever. I left them alone because KSing to me is rude. But, if they were hogging the same spot for a few days I was going to take their named and face-melt it. It was open the next day so all is well.
    Xyphen and code-zero like this.
  6. Flatchy Court Jester

    I believe in respecting camps but I think people can work together. Been working on my hunters for Timmorous and wanted to get Rallosian Lunatic done. Both picks there were camped (seems it always is) The one told me they were camping collects. Well if that is the case I would think they would have said "Ill give you a call when named comes and you can take it, I dont need it" But no I got nothing like that.
    Rijacki likes this.
  7. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer


    However, the game is much, much different than it was 20 years ago. Respawn timers are single-digits, named spawns seem much more common (likely a function of decreased spawn timers), and trash dies in seconds.

    I think this thread is much ado over nothing.
  8. code-zero Augur

    What DPS race means in practice is that no one can monopolize choice sections of a zone for hours and hours. Recently I was looking for a clicky and when I went to the zone where it drops there was a low level group already there. I told them what I was there for and after chatting a bit they stopped pulling anything from the room where the rare was likely to pop. I had my clicky within half and hour and then linked it in /ooc and thanked them. They congratulated me and I went on.
  9. Tuco Augur

    I tend to lean very cautious when it comes to camp contention and happily give up camps that players contest. Too many high-strung players who bark like small dogs when they something they have a claim to is under contest.

    That being said, I can't help but think EQ would be spicier if some players unashamedly killsteal an area until the zone rucked up to fight them off. Not that EQ gives any way to meaningfully fight someone, you could only form a raid to "win" a mob.
  10. Silvena *poke*

    Bring back guild wars! Roaming bosses! Oh no! Gorenaire! Don't be in wolf form!
  11. Svann2 The Magnificent

    It used to be "You're in our world now" but now its more like "Do as you will".
  12. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    On TLP servers its far closer to being the norm then on Live servers. Live servers use community/social pressure and to be honest the greed factor on Live is much less then say a new TLP where everyone needs all gear. Anytime RL cash gets involved somehow people get nasty. New TLPs can make people RL cash via drops and kronos etc so it brings out the worst in folks.
    Rijacki likes this.
  13. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    The game was never built around DPS races and originally Verant/Sony enforced play nice rules. That was the intention. At some point (I suspect when they could no longer use Guides for CS work due to labor laws) they stopped supporting Play Nice rules.

    The game mechanics allow DPS races but were not designed for that purpose. I dont think this was bizarre just that they took to a CS method to deal with it. As a guide in the old days I was always doing work sitting with GM invis at camps reviewing Play Nice complaints. I would write up a report send it to the GM if it needed his intervention. When they could no longer use volunteers for that (either management decision or legal reasons... I think California labor law changed excluding the use of Guides for CS).
    Rijacki likes this.
  14. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Been many years since I got riled up at a camp stealer because at some point you just have to roll with it as not worth the effort. BUT thats if it happens to me. If it happens to one of my guild members I will do what I can to fix things ie talk to the offenders guild leader and if they are really being a pain I will do what I can going right up to the edge of whats allowable to get them to back off a guildie having problems. I don't get upset though. And to be fair most of the time situations are just mistakes on camps. I don't like bullies in RL or game so if they are bothering someone I know I won't get mad because I think getting even in a calm and cool ways has better results :)
  15. sieger Augur

    There has never been a time when rules on camps and "Killstealing" were part of the game's actual, enforced rules. Very early in EQ history, when servers had dedicated GM staff, GMs were empowered to make rulings on player behavior to settle disputes--and some GMs would sometimes enforce certain rules around camps.

    The "official" Play Nice Policy has never stipulated that camps exist, or that you are entitled to a camp--Brad McQuaid back when he was active on the ancient original EverQuest forums, frequently stated that "camps" do not exist and were not intended by the game's designers.

    The collective EQ community, has frequently conflated their ideas around "cultural norms" like "camps" and the old (or current) Play Nice Policy. You can still dig up some of the old PNP stuff on forgotten corners of the internet, camp rules and "kill stealing" were not part of the PNP or EQ's official rules.

    Because old school GMs could serve as ad hoc mediators, empowered to make decisions with a lot discretion, it is entirely possible someone back in 1999 or 2000 experienced a GM mediation that respected camps or etc, but that was not the game's official rules--the official statements dating to the earliest eras of EverQuest explicitly said camps do not exist. To some degree there was even a "cultural antagonism" to the very concept of "camping" in super old EQ. That's what the jokes about "Anti-Camp Radius" are referencing. In old EQ, even more than now, a lot of players believed in various urban legends and myths in the game. One of them was that, because VI/SOE had denounced "camps" as a game design feature in the forums and elsewhere, didn't like players camping static spawns so had covertly introduced a mechanism called the "anti-camp radius". The anti-camp radius supposedly prevented a mob from spawning if a player was too close to its spawn point. This was, of course, a myth with no basis in reality, but it shows that way back when not only were camps not part of the rules, it was understood to some degree they were not even "accepted" by VI/SOE.
  16. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    I see nothing wrong with people staying on a named for several hours. Past 12 hours or so I get very suspicious of bots but I still don't assume that. Back in the day when I was much younger I once held down a camp for 3 days no sleep and bringing in guild members for a drop. That was 20 years ago but I would have understood if someone thought I was afk botting though no idea if that software was even around then.

    And considering RNGs can be very fickle folks can go many hours without namers so keeping a camp several hours makes a lot of sense and should get zero pushback from anyone.

    Even though I did a camp for 3 days once no sleep I still would agree that folks holding camps more then say a max of 16 days is suspicious these days. And I do not understand reports of AFK players being able to hold camps for weeks at a time assuming those reports by folks are not exagerated
    Aanuvane and Rijacki like this.
  17. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    I have to disagree I was trained as a guide on how to help resolve these issues. This would have been late 1999 or early 2000 ish. This never changed even when my server GM was replaced or occasionally another GM filled in. I sat invis at a lot of camps taking notes for the GM on camp problems as did the other guides working my guide server.
  18. sieger Augur

    Guides generally are not informed on the rules and people who volunteered as guides are a big source of misinformation on any number of topics. The PNP never included camping.
  19. Gorg00 Augur

    The entire idea of a "camp" is such a selfish thing to want enforced.

    "I showed up here first, therefore this shared resource belongs solely to me until I decide to relinquish it to you". The simple fact of the matter is that there is some shared, limited resource (in this case, named mobs) that multiple people want, and a "rule" that someone gets to lock out everyone else from that content for an arbitrarily long period of time because they happened to get there first? It's incredibly toxic and antisocial to think that way.

    There are better ways to handle these situations than DPS races, but they'd require EQ to implement them. At a minimum at least DPS races gives everyone a fair shot at accessing that content.
  20. FranktheBank Augur

    People who don't care don't make threads.

    Ok, how long is acceptable? Why does this person/group get to monopolize a named/camp for that long just because they may live somewhere they get off work earlier.
    code-zero likes this.