Bring Gamma back please

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by The real Sandaormo, Jan 17, 2024.

  1. Velisaris_MS Augur

    Yeah, I fully expected some sort of emergency patch last night. The fact that they didn't do one tells me they'll probably just let all the bugs sit until next month.

    I REALLY miss the days when there was a problem, they would work to fix it RIGHT THEN, and push out a patch as soon as they did have it fixed...instead of waiting until the next "scheduled" downtime.

    And yes...the PTSD memories from the Luclin launch are real.
    Jack and Yinla like this.
  2. Vumad Cape Wearer

    I'll likely be playing less until the next patch. I can deal with the gamma/brightness, but I'm getting 50-60 FPS yet the game is playing like I'm getting 5-10. Autofollow is having problems. My graphics keep glitching. I don't believe this is a driver problem but I'll have to make sure my stuff is up to date before I point fingers too much.
  3. CdeezNotes Augur

    My two monitors were fine for years. It was getting a new GPU that messed it up. Never worked when I went newer Nvidia. And I tried everything to get gamma to work again prior to yesterday. I removed monitors, swapped them, reverted OS updates, reinstalled windows completely, etc.
  4. Ravanta Suffer Augur

    Like I mentioned, it impacted a wide variety of people. There were reports of AMD and Nvidia users being among them. Personally, it applied to my 1080, my 4090, and my laptop with integrated graphics.

  5. kizant Augur

    Two things I know cause a problem on my system. I did need to turn off resizable bar. This may be true for anyone with RTX 3060 or newer. And with Windows 11 I turn off the optimizations for windowed gaming. That seems to cause a flickering problem.
  6. Yoda Journeyman

    No GAMA issues here.. Maybe it's video card releated. /shrug
  7. Kyzvs Augur

    I have a 1080ti running two sessions in two windows, one monitor is limited to 75hz, the other 85 (in game and windows).

    Other than the first time I logged in and my char was spinning at least twice as quickly as normal on char select, I've had pretty much zero issues. I'm going to counter the opinion on this thread and say that there's been a long history of feature rollouts that have gone badly in EQ and it's very much rose-tinted glasses to say that there were fixes underway immediately for everything. I still have a folder on my NAS from all the little things I had to install / files to tweak to make EQ work back in the day, many big fixes took years.

    Fixing DX11 for those affected is one of those "lift everyone else up" moments rather than staying as it was being "hold everyone back". I'm sure there are glitches for some people - some will be DB's issue to resolve, some will be user setup no doubt.The fact this work has been undertaken at all helps secure the future life of the game and is to be encouraged and assisted where possible.

    <TLDR> Stop moaning :cool:
  8. Razorfall Augur

    EQ's gamma has been broken since the beginning. I remember when my monitor broke, I went back to one monitor, and watching Netflix or Youtube while playing made the video look like garbage.

    For the most part, I've gotten used to it, and it actually looks better to me this way. However, good luck doing anything in a dark zone like Bloodfalls. It's the only zone I can think of where I had to adjust the gamma in my video card settings.
  9. Windance Augur

    Double check your in game Max FPS and Max Background FPS are both set to MAX

    Alt O -> Advanced button
    Sliders on the lower left column.
  10. chronicler Augur

    and name of lower left column ?
  11. Arzamas New Member

    I usually play on Test so I have been looking at a dark world for weeks now. I thought maybe when the patch hit Live it would be fixed. No such luck. However, I think I may have found my culprit. The Nightlight setting in Windows was always on for me. Turned that off and I can finally see something and the Enhance Vision slider actually does something. Is it as good as the gamma slider? Hard to say but maybe this tidbit will help someone else out there. Fare thee well adventurers!
  12. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    How the game plays on one computer vs another can be vastly different. Until I was playing a box on a completely different computer when I was on Oakwynd, I did not see a couple issues reported by others for earlier UI changes, such as the target of my target window going missing. For that one, it was all the way to the left in an odd location on my usual computer, but not completely lost.

    They cannot possibly have every combination of hardware and set up available for them to test with in house. There are a lot of "common players" who don't have this problem either and see no issues with the change on their computers. One of the reasons they ask for system specs and set up from those having problems is to try to find a commonality between them or even to try locate similar equipment to try it in house.
  13. Kyzvs Augur

    This - I have also been lucky as I've just reformatted my machine - ironically as it could not play EQ in December without CTD's on zone in and wasted about 16 hours trying to fix it, so I make did with my laptop for a few weeks until I put on my brave pants and took the plunge to wipe the drives and start again. My install is about as vanilla a W10 Pro setup as you can get so I'm not surprised that it's working quite well.

    I really do hope there are some quick wins out there - it obviously can be made to work and work well - I just really strongly feel that this is one of those ones where we don't have a choice, we have to move up at least a little bit.
    Rijacki likes this.
  14. fransisco Augur

    looks the same and zero graphics issue. However I'm not playing on an ancient computer. That may be part of it.
    Corwyhn Lionheart and Yoda like this.
  15. Tyranthraxus Grognard

    I'm playing on an ancient computer and no issues, windows 7, msi 1050 ti
    Only graphic issue i've seen is some armor ornaments don't finish loading in, in North and south ro, they load black and reflective layers but not tones
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  16. Drencrom Beimeith's Supervisor

    It was never broken, there is an option in your video driver control panel that sets gamma control either to Apps or Hardware.
  17. Drencrom Beimeith's Supervisor

    An ancient computer still has 10x the minimum specs to run EQ
  18. Drencrom Beimeith's Supervisor

  19. MischiefMage00 New Member

    Yeah, and that slider makes everything else washed out because somehow every other game and app looks fine with gamma set to 1.0. And if they don't, they all have brightness sliders despite being DX11 or even 12.
  20. Drencrom Beimeith's Supervisor

    Don't do this. Set the limit to the refresh rate of your monitor. If you don't know it, it's probably 60hz because people who know about refresh rates specifically target 120 to 144hz monitors for gaming. If you set it to MAX for no reason, you're just wasting CPU and GPU power.