Welcome to the Anniversary Tower!

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Angeliana, Jan 17, 2024.

  1. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    It is time to see what trials await you, traveler.

    As you are traveling through the North Desert of Ro, you spot a tower floating in the sky. As you get near it, you see a glowing platform. Dare you climb onto it? Where can it possibly lead? You step onto the pad and find yourself inside the tower, being greeted by a lovely merchant maiden named Miacallie Herlsas. She invites you to view her wares but informs you that until you have gone through the trials and perils of the tower and defeated that which needs defeating, you might not afford or even see much in her shop.

    Tower Merchant Miacallie Herlsas

    You explore and find that the anniversary tower features 11 floors (that will unlock monthly), resplendent with artwork from around Norrath. Getting in the locked doors within the tower is rather tricky and can only be done once a key for the door is obtained through the completion of its Tower Trial. These Trials will send you places across Norrath, so be sure you have on your traveling boots. When a door is unlocked, the real challenge begins as you will go up against powerful beings. Upon the successful defeat of the monster behind the door, you will earn timeless tokens which Miacallie will accept as payment for her wares.

    Only once you have defeated the monsters in every tower room will you be strong enough to awaken the final tower boss. Dare you begin this treacherous journey? What will you find behind those doors? There is but one way to find out: be the hero you were born to be, and let’s get started. Once you are ready, look for the shinies in the tower, they will lead the way!

    Be sure to follow us on social media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Discord. 
  2. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Level required?
    Unlocked on which TLPs?
    Rijacki likes this.
  3. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    Are the trials and floors level specific or do they scale? If they scale is a group average used or the level of the highest character?
  4. Mithra Augur

    On Test it was easy enough for a fresh 85 heroic to molo it
  5. strongbus Augur

    dose everyone in the group have to have the key or just the person getting the task?
  6. strongbus Augur

    and do you have to get the key each time yo do the quest?
  7. Riou EQResource

    Yes and the HA deletes it from everyone in zone
  8. Wyre Wintermute I'm just a butterly dreaming I'm a man

    I don't get it. Got the key, did the quest, made the key. Clicked the key to get the mission for the first door. Beat the first door. No completion update. All 3 tasks were completed. No Achieve update. No other shiny on the floor for the next door...
  9. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    Doors will unlock on a monthly schedule.
  10. Wyre Wintermute I'm just a butterly dreaming I'm a man

    It'd be nice if that was in the announcement or mentioned.. anywhere in game. (over time isn't really specific)
  11. Kahlev Al-Calen Augur

    So... if you are like me and try to Google Miacallie Herlsas to see what she sells, you might find she has a... side job. I would like to think it was just a sad name coincidence and not someone letting his fetshes get into the game XD
    Cidran likes this.
  12. Valcron Elder

    Will the rewards get better or will it just be the same stuff over the next 12 months?
  13. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    For those curious about levels and such...
    Tonight my 122 beastlord was grouped with my friends who have four 108s (they're returning to Live with limited playtime). The quest to get the keys with all 5 characters having the quest had level 110ish targets. The tower floor with the four lower level only entered (my beast in group), the mobs scaled to 110ish as well. As soon as my beastie entered, they went to 120-125. However, they're severe undercons and we were able to dispatch them with no deaths and no issues.

    Because of the request timer (1 hour, bah!), it took 45 mins after completing before we could enter again. That was enough time to get new keys, take some short afks, and fiddle with the new filters. The replay message of 30 mins after completing in a lie, or rather is not accurate because of the request timer. We were able to complete 2 runs easily in the time they had available to play.

    I'm curious to see what it will be like on my lower leveled characters.

    The only odd thing was the unlocked rewards I could see with my beastlord were all level 115, the charm and augments. I think they saw 110 items or it might have been 105 for them.
  14. Kirkisx Tunare's Chosen Paladin

    so i will post it here just need some clarification are we suppose to do the key quest over and over again or can one player get it for group and zone in wait till lock out timer is up and click again b/c i saw in general chat someone just did the key quest on alt that doesn't need coins and just repeats quest over and over don't need a key on players to zone in he said i feel that's an exploit or is it intentional
    Rijacki and Yinla like this.
  15. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Just done the first tower, that was a bit underwhelming, 5 mobs and it was all over, took longer to do the key. :(
    Rijacki likes this.
  16. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    If there were better items on the merchant (other than the mount), it would be a loot pinata. But, it does make that mount achievable for a wider range of players/characters.
    Celithan likes this.
  17. Xeris Augur

    Very very curious to see if new items appear in the coming months, and if the content will get more interesting. First floor mission is underwhelming.
    Gialana and Yinla like this.
  18. Santrigan Lorekeeper

    what you can do is
    1. get the key quest on all your toons and only hit combine on one,
    2. do the mission and
    3. combine the next key once you're done be sure zone back out before you combine.

    that way you can do the mission multiple times inbetween what else you do in the game.
    Fanra likes this.
  19. Xeris Augur

    I thought the mission has a replay timer?
  20. Morisasa New Member

    76 BST.
    That was fun. Got the key after spending way too long trying to trigger the Sand Giant section (Hint, it's further South then you think.), started in the tower, killed the first 4 mobs. Tough, but doable. Somewhat fun really. No loot, but hey. Started on the last mob, got instantly hit with a DOT for 18,000 a tick. I died in 1 tick. Good fun. so fun. yay. whee. yippee. joy. By the time I realized I had a DOT on me, I was dead. I have 13K hps. At least try to make it doable.

    I'm pretty sure this is why I rage quit this game every few years. It's like the devs heard of balance, but they would like no part of it. It's either brutally easy, or death. Those few times I do hit that serotonin sweet spot of difficulty is so rare it only comes by accident. I'll try it again, but I have a feeling it will end the same. Maybe I can finally break out that poison resist buff. If it works.