Swapping Personas Wipes Vitality

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Nudia, Jan 11, 2024.

  1. Nudia Augur

    I've recently started enabling sharing to try and help with the grind on this persona. Unfortunately, when changing back to my main that is exp/AA capped, all stored vitality is lost on the persona. I assume this is because the main is capped and cannot gain vitality.

    If possible, vitality should be tied to the individual persona. Leveling these things is painful enough. :(
    Bernel, Yinla and Sirene_Fippy like this.
  2. Nudia Augur

    I've identified another related bug with this - if you are completely capped on vitality before switching to your persona, be it either at max AA and 99.999% exp OR below that and at capped vitality, your persona will also have vitality in a capped state and unable to gain vitality.
  3. Nudia Augur

    Additional information on this - one kill after the above while in persona form seems to reset things and vitality can again be gained. Until (unless?) this is fixed:

    If your main character/persona is capped, do not change to it if you have vitality built on your alternate persona. If you change from your capped main character/persona to your alternate persona, make sure to get one experience hit via mob kill so that you are able to gain vitality.