Guild Bank Overhaul?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Takk, Jan 11, 2024.

  1. Takk Elder

    Wasn't there some feature coming around guild banking, like the Guild TS Depot or something? I'm having trouble finding any info (though the search here is bad). Was this just dropped explicitly? Still sitting in limbo with "eventually" based on prior commitments?

    Has anything been said on this? Certainly would be nice.
  2. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    There was talk about adding a guild TS depot when the TS depot was being worked on but that has not been released yet which I would assume is due to issues that they ran into when creating it.
  3. Takk Elder

    Wasn't it announced as a real feature at one point? Am I imagining things?
  4. Soulbanshee Augur

    It may have only been announced in the 2022 beta forums which aren't accessible anymore. If it was in the marketing release, it would have been scrubbed by now.
  5. Tatanka Joe Schmo

  6. Takk Elder

    Ah, that's the one! May we hope to see it with the 2024 roadmap (assuming they do it and I haven't already missed it).

    A guild bank overhaul would be pretty amazing. The interface is awful and super limited. Would love to be able to just throw all the collectables, ts, spells, newbie gear, whatever in there and be able to sort.

    Good money making opportunity too if you sell the expansion slots like the ts depot.