In Progress Persona - Merc Banked AA loss

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by justamonk, Dec 30, 2023.

  1. justamonk New Member

    Tried persona for the first time... when my character leveled from 1 to 2, my merc banked AA was reduced from 45 to 5. I assume this is a bug where the max bank allowed is adjusted against the persona's level (2).
    Veltio and Joules_Bianchi like this.
  2. Grizzy New Member

    I have a 85 bst, 12 merc aa's banked. persona'ed to a mage, took them to 30, switched back to the 85 BST, sold stuff then logged for the night, came on the next morning ran my overseers and after a quest completion it came up and said I have 6 aa, brought up the aa window and sure enough I lost 6 merc aa, it has happened once before, went from 9 aa banked to 5 aa banked but did not really think much of it at the time, thought I was thinking wrong because I have the aa's I needed until lv 87 but now I know I was not. This really needs to be fixed.
  3. Aanuvane Augur