Epic Turn in Issue

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by mylifeasbrad3, Jan 8, 2024.

  1. mylifeasbrad3 New Member

    I have been doing some epics recently and I ran into some turn in issues.

    On my mage during the epic 1.0, I turned in part of my items to Jennus Lyklobar for the Power of Fire. I believe someone had killed him/despawned as I couldn't find him for over a day. When he respawned I turned in my other items and he never gave me the Element of Fire.

    My theory is that if a turn in NPC is killed/despawns, then any turn ins at that point get canceled/unchecked/missing. I am not sure if there is a character flag on the NPC that gets messed up because of the NPC death/despawn. I would believe that there should be something saved to the player character to say it has been successfully turned in and not loose your position in the quest line. I know its old sony code but maybe this might help in some way?
  2. Soulbanshee Augur

    Welcome to multiquesting, never turn in items until you are ready. Old quest system, turnins are not saved on the character, its saved in zone data, if its wiped its gone (server or NPC reset). You need to reaquire the drops.
    Kendeth and SteamFox like this.