Laurions Song... I have to admit - You did good

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by hein, Jan 2, 2024.

  1. fransisco Augur

    Anniversary missions don't count, because they are only around for a little while and then are gone. Its terrible design.
    Barraind likes this.
  2. Tolzol Augur

    Best way to handle this mission if it’s mostly melee is to burn the spider queen down while it’s inactive, and roll them into the lich. That’s how i do it anyway, queen dies before she goes active. If your unable to do that can put one person in each of the 4 rooms it can port to before it ports so someone is there to kill the egg sac. The lich is mad annoying if your not able to burn him down as a melee i will agree with that. I should add it’s probably a good idea to pull the blob over to where spider queen pops and start your burns like the last 10% of the blob.
    Ozon likes this.
  3. Valcron Elder

    I think this expansion is very good, I enjoy it a lot.
  4. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Depends on the raiders, the number of times my raid groups have run through this missions and have questioned the difficulty, because if we have trouble, how the hell do they expect non raiders to do it.
    Kaenneth and fransisco like this.
  5. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    This years anniversary looks to be a year long, so I'm hoping any missions added will last at least a year. I may regret that comment in a years time...
    Roxas MM likes this.
  6. Velisaris_MS Augur

    Oddly enough, this issue is hit or miss for me. Three accounts on the same computer, all running with the same options/settings...some toons (mains and alts) start to experience lag/framerate issues when heading towards the inn...some are just fine.
  7. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    To me, the Laurion's Song artwork and graphics are pretty well done. Unfortunately, the group progression is a 2-day park walk while the next 363 days are filled with repetitive content to get the evolving necklace, gear, leveling the necklace, and so on. The raids aren't going to be a whole lot more exciting, Tier 1 is expected to last about 14 minutes come this Saturday.
    Sissruukk likes this.
  8. Sissruukk Rogue One

    An observation brought up by one of my guildmates yesterday: The humanoid models over the past few expansions have looked great. Why don't character models look as good?
  9. alanus Augur

    So far I really like LS as well
  10. Allayna Augur

    ...Kithicor from the original EQ circa '99.
  11. Marton Augur

    I think Anniversary Tower sounds interesting but I would prefer anniv. missions ...heroic adventures whatever those are ... to be released ALL in January and have the content available starting now, not a bit of it appearing every month.
  12. Velisaris_MS Augur

    The NPCs have better unions.
    Rijacki and Sissruukk like this.
  13. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    Because many players don't like having 'their' character changed.
    CrazyLarth, Fanra and Rijacki like this.
  14. Fyreaway Fire da bow!

  15. Cidran Augur

    This, *very* important.

    I wish they took a little time and went back to some zones from the previous expansions to stop the looping music.

    Take ToL's Ka Vethan for example. I'm not saying it's a bad soundtrack, but the endless repetition makes it annoying.

    Please DBG, consider improving the immersion of these zones as well.
  16. Jhenna_BB Proudly Prestigious Pointed Purveyor of Pincusions

    That all depends on the quality of the models. Some Luclin models are nicer than others. We need whoever created Guktans back. On the flip side, we don't need whoever made Drakkins back. #noemokidmodels
  17. Allayna Augur

    My biggest review of the expansion is that there are not enough mobs, large open spaces and they are barren.

    Quadruple the density.

    I'll add that merc gear sharing the loot table with type 7s is terrible as well as flipping the named camp randomly in LI, a better option would have been something like in DSP where you killed a certain mob to flip the spawn cycle.
    Velisaris_MS, KushallaFV and Jack like this.
  18. Warpeace Augur

    A TBM like clickie to flip between camps/versions would be better. I guess killing a specific mob to flip the spawns would work also.

    I liked the concept of the zone changing until I was after a specific rare for the drop and the mob's change.
    Barraind, Jack, Allayna and 1 other person like this.
  19. Venuhm Journeyman

    ill tell you what i do like. I like the idea of persona. i think its cool and once its fully implemented with hero AAs and bane AAs it will be a worth while adventure. atm, its harder to grind to 125 then if you made a new character because you lose the exp of missions with out the benefits of mission. so in its current state, beyond useless but i am hopeful it will be fixed.

    i like the design ish. i think they put to much stuff in the way which once again, plays agenst the mechanics of EQ and its horrendously bad pathing but looks nice! One nice touch its the look of the mobs that help you in the FF mission. they are updated versions of EQ races and it makes me wonder if thats a thing? i dont know, a new look maybe? if they are working on stuff like that for a game this old i think thats really cool.

    I like the balance attempt for Melee class's. I think upping the weps with out nerfing another class to the ground was a good call. i will tell you as a necro main. pretty underwhelming with new AAs and spells but understandable.

    lastly, i like that we even got an expansion. as many things i don't like, i still very much enjoy playing EQ. which is something to be said 20+ years later. so... some tweaking but over all a good expansion thus far
  20. Iven the Lunatic

    Looping music for an outdoor zone does not have to be bad as it does depend on the music. The North Ro zone is an outdoor zone but with looping music being played. It was not always just quiet in outdoor zones and it maybe was only quiet because Jay Barbeau was not able to compose that many tracks. Many sound triggering areas in original EQ were broken for a long time and unfinished. TRoK and TSoV were missing music because not enough tracks got composed. This is what happens when 121 zones do get releases within less than 2 years. So it was just quiet because of unfinished music content.

    Wilderness sounds like wind and animals can be combined with smooth atmosphere music into a single mp3 track. Of course it can be better to split them into music and sound files for the classic EQ immersion.

    Examples of sound and music being merged into a single mp3 file:

    Heroes of Might and Magic II - Ocean theme
    Heroes of Might and Magic II - Swamp theme
    Heroes of Might and Magic II - Snow theme
    Heroes of Might and Magic II - Grassland theme
    Heroes of Might and Magic II - Dirt theme
    Heroes of Might and Magic II - Wasteland theme

    That one is great because the music is very soft in the background:
    (Could be a little bit more soft tho.)

    Heroes of Might and Magic - Grassland theme

    I think that it is important to add music breaks and volume changes into songs to not overcharging the listener's ears, and to prevent a noise pie. Most games do fail on that.
    Cidran likes this.