Would hate to be Redundant but..

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Kirkisx, Jan 2, 2024.

  1. Kirkisx Tunare's Chosen Paladin

    can devs give insight when they will add tov and cov collectors items in market missed those expans and would love to get the clickies
  2. Soulbanshee Augur

    We never know until they post the release announcement. If they have already been released, theres an almost zero chance to have them purchasable on live again. Not sure any throwback bundles have been re-released, I can't recall.
  3. Brickhaus Augur

    They've been doing 2 a year ... last one was EoK at the end of summer. This year should be RoS and TBL ... so I'd estimate at least a year and a half before ToV ... and a few months after for CoV. That is if they keep to their current schedule.

    Just remember that the reissues are only *1* per buy. A really poor deal, but if you gotta have ... ya gotta have.
    Ozon likes this.
  4. Brickhaus Augur

    There have not been any re-issues of the re-issues.

    One would think that if they were going to do it, this year with the 25th anniversary would be the time. At least the current slate of events lends some hope to an extra special year of things being available in the marketplace. But who knows?
  5. Ozon Augur

    If anything they should release all the bundles up to NoS, as you said it's the 25th Anniversary. What better time to celebrate all of EQ's history?
    Yinla likes this.
  6. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    We always say they should keep finding ways to stay profitable, right?

    Just put them all up, ALL THE TIME. Why on earth wouldn't they do this?
    Barraind likes this.
  7. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    They're also only for the character that purchases it through the Marketplace. The items do not go into /claim like the do when purchasing an expansion. So, you cannot split the items between characters on an account.
  8. Soulbanshee Augur

    Marketing, something available all the time doesn't sell, something with scarcity sells.
  9. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    I hear that all the time. Personally, I think it's BS.

    What, they think the people on the forums here who keep screaming about wanting to buy collector's from years ago are gonna be happy about waiting 5, 6, 7 years til the one they want comes up in the rotation? Will they even still be playing EQ then? LOL, it's EQ.... will they even still be alive then?

    Put em all up, be done with it. You want to create fake "scarcity"? Put em up one month a year (around anniversary maybe). But put 'em all up every year.
    Barraind likes this.
  10. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    These should be up for a month every time a TLP reaches that expansion (for all servers), all should be available during the anniversary.
    Rijacki likes this.