Targeted on merchant... command to "open" them?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by HoodenShuklak, Feb 14, 2018.

  1. HoodenShuklak Augur

    So basically, I'm wondering if there is a /command or button that lets you "open" a merchant or offline trader? For isntance, in the bazaar it's super crowded right now, difficult to see which PC is which but if there was a way to open that up (instead of right-clicking) while just being "close enough" then that would be super handy.

    Thank you!
    Graag Baash likes this.
  2. Niskin Clockwork Arguer

    I was wondering the same thing the other day. A trader I was trying to use must have been invis because I could target him but not see him. His name appeared shadowed like when you have "hide afk players" turned on, but I double-checked and I didn't.
  3. fransisco Augur

    I know the "u" key used to work.
  4. Goodn Augur

    There is a Hide All Traders button on the /bazaar window (bottom center/right). If you hit that, all the traders go bye bye. Then in your bazaar list, right click on the trader you want and only that one should reappear.

    There is an old bazaar bug in which a trader will disappear and you can only seemingly purchase through the /bazaar window interface. Not sure where the issue lies on the bug since sometimes it can be fixed and sometimes it cannot.

    Sometimes logging yourself all the way out and back will bring that trader back in view. Sometimes it doesn't work and you are either forced to buy from the window or wait until that trader fixes itself.
  5. Felicite Augur

    /use works I believe.
  6. Goodn Augur

    Neither /use (which is now short for /usercolor) nor the u key work when someone is targeting a buyer in the bazaar. Just checked with my buyer. Didn't work on the trader side either.
  7. rahzel44 Journeyman

    It's /uset
    Syylke_EMarr, Tatanka and Tuco like this.
  8. Tuco Augur

    /uset also works great for giving your pet weapons that are on your cursor, or giving items to quest NPCs.
    Svann2 and Tatanka like this.
  9. Ravanta Suffer Augur

    And opening trade with people, especially if they are mounted.
  10. Gialana Augur

    /uset, short for /usetarget like others have said. Also, in the bazaar window, you can click hide all traders. Then when you find an item you want to buy, highlight the line and click Find Trader. That will make only that trader visible.
    Graag Baash and code-zero like this.
  11. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    Sometimes the trader will be bugged and invis. Its happened to my traders but they showed up when they moved. When its bugged you can see them not sure if someone could if they have something that see sos's. I know my ranger can but never tried it as it doesnt happen very often. Think my eye of zomm can too but its been so long since ive used it on wizard.
    CatsPaws likes this.
  12. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Yes, the bug is actually in the location/spot the trader is standing on, not the trader itself. Even just backing up a step or two will clear it but you don't know others can't see you. Dev's attempted to trouble shoot this in the past but guess it fell thru the cracks.

    Being the conspiracy theorist I am I figured it was DBG way of making me use parcel to buy so I would have to pay that delivery fee.

    I will usually send and email to that trader to let them know.

    I think pets and mounts should not be allowed in the baz. And that guy on FV that has 30 traders all with real similar names and all standing together? He just needs to stop lol. Its not cool and he is losing sales.
    Andarriel and Graag Baash like this.
  13. jeskola pheerie

    For invisible bazaar traders, you can log out and back in while in front of them and they will appear for about 5 seconds on login.
    Eviara, Andarriel and Nennius like this.
  14. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    Yea there's a bunch of traders like that bout 30 feet from my trader i mean its just stupid its like they want you to use parcel there just not thinking.