Reflective Emberquartz Flecked Timber drop rate?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Andarriel, Dec 14, 2023.

  1. Thunderkiks Augur

    Have gotten the brunt of the merc gear drops from Named and their PH's but got a couple off trash mobs also.
  2. Allayna Augur

    I have not seen a single instance of an aug, fort/heroism and a merc gear piece dropping from the same mob.
    Jack likes this.
  3. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    Difficult is not synonymous with dreadfully boring. Difficult is not AFK auto-combining 80k fish scales/patches while I go to sleep and wake up the next day for a few hours of auto-combine patches/swatches.
    Barraind, Ndaara, Kaenneth and 4 others like this.
  4. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Absolutely agree! Just making conversation more than refuting the idea that fish scale "refining" is ... silly.
  5. Zarkdon Augur

    Id love to be done by New Years Day. Then I can forget this game exists until next year. If we promise to pay for a full year subscription can we get an increased modifier for drops?
    fransisco, Ozon and Fenthen like this.
  6. Allayna Augur

    There's a dad joke about next year being in like 2 weeks buried in here and I love it.
    Stymie, Tuco and Fenthen like this.
  7. Tuco Augur

    My solution to this thread is that for the first two months of release, all loot drops, experience gains, currency rewards and rare mobs in the new expansion are halved.

    To balance this, lumberjacks will now drop timber.
    Kaenneth, fransisco, Nennius and 2 others like this.
  8. Nennius Curmudgeon

    And sing their favorite song.

    Stymie, Grove and Andarriel like this.
  9. Drencrom Beimeith's Supervisor

    Timorous falls:
    I spent 30 mins at the white colored flower mobs used in a quest, and got 2.
    I spent 30 mins at the zone in killing the blue colored lashvines and got 3.
    The drop rate is only a problem if you're looking to dominate the bazaar. If you just want to make your containers, it's like any other item you'd have to farm.
    Kaenneth likes this.
  10. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    No the drop rate is bad because they only drop off plants and sometimes treant mobs and there's really only one zone that drops them. Please go onto other servers and do a timber search and tell me how many you actually see for sell pls thanks! other emberquartz drops you will pob see stacks for sell. They drop best off actual plant mobs and all the others are less than 10% and mostly 1% to drop.
    fransisco and Fenthen like this.
  11. Drencrom Beimeith's Supervisor

    There are none for sale on my server, that's why I farmed all mine. I poked around to see where they drop, read some tips here, and then went to town and I'm done now. That's EQ, right? You're saying they're not dropping enough. I say to you: I have 160ish timber from NoS in my TS depot. A year from now I will probably have 160 LI timber.
  12. Nightops Augur


    Only 15 different combines listed for the timber. If your a trade skill completist, your going to farm the items and not have a difficult time.

    If you want to run the bazaar and make a TON of plat because EVERY melee wants weapons fast in this expansion... you will do it anyway.
  13. fransisco Augur

    People are giving him crap about "expansion is supposed to last longer". But most people havent killed over 2k mobs already. Age of the expansion doesn't matter, if you've killed over 2,600 mobs and found a tradeskill drop to be unreasonably rare, then its important to mention.

    Eventually everyone piling on about "age of expansion" will have to face the same issue.
    Zarkdon and Jack like this.
  14. Allayna Augur

    Just under 5K total mobs this expansion and I have 5 timber. That's an insanely low drop rate for an item that *can* drop from non plant models also.
  15. Alnitak Augur

    I've seen 7 timbers for sale on BB for 150K ea. Too expensive to my taste, so I've decided to farm those myself.
    1 calendar day of farming (several hour online), about 300 mobs dead. 17 timbers collected.
    An acceptable drop rate in my books.
  16. Velisaris_MS Augur

    Which mobs were you farming?
  17. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    How is that acceptable?
  18. Allayna Augur

    300 mobs let’s say is roughly 5 hours of continuous play killing 1 NPC a min and you think 17 timber is acceptable?
  19. Bigstomp Augur

    Ore seemed low when I started. Wood is no biggie. Have not tried the combines yet since my trophies no longer exist due to my house going poof a week ago.
  20. Drencrom Beimeith's Supervisor

    For me the drop rate off Timorous plant mobs was roughly 1 per clear, with, I think, 7-8 min respawns. Sometimes I got 0, sometimes I got 2. But I finished pretty quickly while mostly tabbed out watching youtube, waiting.

    So, we started off talking about the guy with 2600 kills and 4 timbers (Odd because I had 5 just from plowing through every quest, never mass killing if I could mez/memblur my way out of things). Then someone said 300 kills for 17 timbers and you're still acting like its 4 out of 2600. I'm telling you right now you can expect a minimum of 5 per hour if you bounce between both flower camps in TF. So when will it be "Acceptable"? When it's 1:1?