How do I ...

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Mr.Big, Dec 18, 2023.

  1. Mr.Big New Member

    Scuse me can someone tell me how to make a macro key or bind my forage to say my move forward button? I had one at one time and it seems to be gone. Thank You
    Beerbatterd likes this.
  2. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    There might be an easier way to do it, but I put the skill I wanted to bind to a movement key into a hotkey slot and then, for that hotkey slot I made the 'alternate' key bind as the movement key. So... my hotbar 10th position has a forage macro (with /autoinventory) and have have that bound to my turn left key bind. This lets me forage without thinking anywhere I go. (and don't feel bad on forgetting how, it took me about a year after my return to finally dredge it out of my memory, too)
    Hegsheoshed and Beerbatterd like this.
  3. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casualâ„¢

    I instead made a macro to forage and then automatically drop the items into inventory. Yes, I still forget to hit the dang thing from time to time, but it does remove at least one click from the equation.

    /pause 2, /doability 1 (or whichever slot you put forage)
    /pause 2, /autoinventory
    /pause 2, /autoinventory

    I put in two lines for autoinventory, because after you start getting AAs, you can have a chance to forage up more than one item. I then put the regular Forage button on a hotbar, and after changing the color of the macro text to green I put its button next to it. I have a visual timer to see when to hit the macro again. I understand this isn't exactly what you were looking for, but you should at least have an option.
  4. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    I do the same thing. Couple comments:

    1 - you don't need the pause on the last line. The way macros work, you have to put the pause first on the line, but it's done AFTER whatever comes next on the line (silly!). So, for the last line, there's no need to pause, because once it's done the last auto-inventory, you're done.

    2 - You may want a third auto-inventory line. With the later expacs and the "luck" stat, it is possible to have "lucky" forages, and get three items :)
    Rijacki likes this.
  5. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    That explains why I sometimes have an extra item in my hand (i.e. on the cursor), but 'turn left' and poof it drops in inventory since my forage is linked to my left turn key.

    A few small issues with binding a movement key to a hotkey...
    • If it's one that gets set on a new character (even if you copy the layout from another) to the find, you'll get an annoying box in the middle of the screen when you start a new character in the tutorial until you get hotkey bars on the screen and can remove it. (Can you guess my bind is on 0? *laugh*)
    • If your macro bound to movement it has an /autoinventory, when you need to adjust movement while trying to hand something in or trade, it can be swept back into your inventory.
    • Keybinds, like most options, are for every character played on that computer. If you have forage bound to a movement, a character without forage would still have that hotkey bound. So, put something like Sense Heading there to avoid accidentally putting something else there.
  6. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    One nice feature of ISB, each char has their own separate profile for storing this information.

    That is, until you make a change that you want to be there for all your characters, and then you have to make the change for all of them ;)
  7. Hegsheoshed Augur

    By left turn key bind Rijacki is referring to the hotbar that shows left and right inside the boxes. This hotbar has 10 bars you can cycle through and the first 2 on each are marked left and right. It is possible to trigger the hotbuttons set on other pages from the first or I have memories of strange things happening I didn't want such as an unwanted Harm Touch. I use /autoinventory with no pauses and it cause no issues with the forage /doability on the hotkeys.

    Just don't hotkey anything that does a cast from those first two so turning left and right doesn't drop IVU or ITU.
  8. Hiiro New Member

    IIRC doing this on a bard interrupts melody.
    Spacemonkey555 likes this.
  9. Beerbatterd New Member

    I didn't make a macro like this I just put forage as a quick key and under movement alt key I put the action button for forage. I'm wondering if I make a macro like you did I could set it to right turns?
    I still need to relearn to make macros....when I was heavy into raiding had a macro for the heal rotations.
    %T is target but what are the commands for different chat channels? We had healers in a channel that was spamming rotation number and who was next and when to go.

    (Sorry for stepping on this thread....but this 8s exactly what I was looking for....macro and key binding help!)
  10. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    It has never interrupted my melody. It might be the macro you're using.
  11. Hiiro New Member

    I had eating and forage tied to move keys and it was interrupting melody at one point I think.
    Spacemonkey555 likes this.
  12. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    once you have luck can get 3 on a druid or ranger.
    Doranur_Aleguzzler likes this.
  13. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    I thought I was getting 3 items long before luck came out in TBL. Must be getting old.
  14. CrazyLarth Augur

    not 100% sure I got all the steps right not at my EQ PC

    Create that HOT KEY above see what HOT BAR its on and number

    ALT-O > spells > SHOW ALL > scroll down the list (find your HOT BAR and its number slot) add your movement key press