Weapon Ratios!

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Filter, Dec 11, 2023.

  1. DruidCT Augur

    Changing past expansion weapons to make them better for new content doesn't make sense. Those weapons were for that expansion. Updating them would throw them way out of balance (such as it is) for the expansion they are in. The only thing even slightly wrong is the chase loot, but even that... oh well. I feel this is just another case of raiders being upset when groupers get something nice. Go spend 30 minutes and get a group weapon until your raids start, they drop like candy. Its such a non-issue. Your raid weapon gets an upgrade with a group weapon, hurrah its an upgrade, be happy.
    Jennre, fransisco and Nennius like this.
  2. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Agreed, and it made me laugh in an evil Grinch like sort of way.

    P.S. Not a raider and when the elites drop a notch, I do chuckle.
    fransisco likes this.
  3. Xyphen Maximum Augur

    Well then they definitely missed the mark there. My Warrior's weapon ratio improved by 5.4 whereas my Rogue/Monk by 4.79 (T3 group vs T2 NoS raid).

    Unless they put Warrior's in the "not very useful" category as well.

    This has the opposite effect on servers where raid loot is tradable. The people probably most unhappy about this are groupers on FV who've farmed/spent millions on raid loot that they can no longer recoup on.
    Micker99 likes this.
  4. Zunnoab Augur

    The melee DPS already is out of balance (too low compared to casters) for the expansions they are from.

    The reasons have been explained and I do not know them off hand, but basically they were scaling melee in a way that stagnated in a way different from casters.
    Micker99 likes this.
  5. DruidCT Augur

    I said "as such" regarding balance. Thats how that expansion was balanced. That expansion is done. No point in changing stats in the done expansion. Also don't care about FV economy, thems the chances you take. New expansion always blows up prices on some things, this may be bigger than usual but again who cares. You get an easy upgrade. Enjoy it.
  6. Tyranthraxus Grognard

    But the expansions weren't "balanced" Melee we're left in a nearly unplayable state, or at least un-enjoyable, due to lazy coding. Going back and retroing ratios now that that is fixed would make those late expansions at least interesting for melee dps to play through on TLP's, though granted most TLP's are weak numbers by the time they reach that stage. It would definitely help though as once you reach the cap at this point, you have very little reason to push through to live as your class was just ignored for 3 years+ of development.
    Micker99, Xyphen and KushallaFV like this.
  7. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    I played a melee the last two expansions. I had fun. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    In fact, I rather enjoyed simply participating in the game. Maybe try basing your 'fun' around something other than anti-reticent DPS mantra and enjoy being with groupmates and guildmates and fellow Norrathians.

    EQ's biggest strength has always been community - regardless what the parser says.
    Roxas MM likes this.
  8. Tyranthraxus Grognard

    Maybe don't try and tell others how to have fun. /shrug, for me it's sweaty raiding and parses, for you it's casual both are fine.
    Xyphen likes this.
  9. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    People are going to replace their weapons along with all of their gear anyway. In the end they never have enough time in the development cycle to get everything they want done, would you rather they put off more expansion content to adjust older weapons? Or would you rather them not give the adjustment in the first place to not make people replace their weapons a few months earlier?
    fransisco likes this.
  10. Xyphen Maximum Augur

    What are you talking about? That is completely not how EverQuest works specifically because it's the only thing on paper that makes it different from literally every other MMO lol

    I'm not going to explain the reason why people are valid for being upset/concerned because it's obvious. But here are some clues:

    1. A majority of MMO players are transient (they don't play consistently over the span of years)
    2. Dialing up weapon damage every year and scaling your expansion to those numbers is very bad news for (1)

    A very nice and unique aspect of EQ is being able to complete an expansion and know you're in a comfortable spot for the next 2 years (group gear) or 4 years (raid gear). The new precedent is either a) play every expansion first because each one is itemized like a different planet b) get f***d trying to kill a 5 billion HP rat with a toothpick.

    Which, oh by the way, is unequivocally worse for the unfortunate souls that can't hand their buddies the latest nuclear weapon when they come back.

    Also FV (nor Mischief), don't care if you don't care. It doesn't take an economist to figure out where most of EQ's revenue is coming from and it certainly isn't CT.
    fransisco and Micker99 like this.
  11. Svann2 The Magnificent

    I prefer content that has upgrades over content where everything gets tributed from day 1. They should do this for armor too.
    Jennre and fransisco like this.
  12. Bilbo Backpackens Lorekeeper

    Its weird enough complaining about the youths like this when we're the generation in charge doing it. But it's weirder to complain about how the same generation as you (based on who still plays) was raised.
  13. Micker99 Augur

    The issue is that they should have made the curve a little smoother. It's like suddenly, at 121, your classes dps shoots way up, for no real reason. The mobs have more hps, but only a little bit more. The reason was that melee weapons SHOULD have been higher in the last few expansions, but they had an issue with the code. Now that it's fixed, go back and fix the weapons to what they should have been. At least the level 120req weapons, that now have a lifespan of nothing.

    I agree that it is fun to be able to get upgrades, but I would rather have my raid weapons or even group weapons, be viable still. It's not like they are small upgrades, that wouldn't bother me, it's that if you are using last months best raid or group weapons, you are way behind in dps. Like using weapons from 4-5 expansions ago. Sure they work, but are you using 5yr old weapons? Of course not, you want to be as efficient as possible and numbers are a big reason why we play this game.

    Also, on FV, groupers are the ones who benefit the most from the last year or so raid weapons. They become cheap and allow groupers to enjoy raid items, without having to raid. A big reason most play on the server to begin with. Also, the chase weapons will be worthless, from any previous expansion, up through LS.
    Xyphen likes this.
  14. DruidCT Augur

    Spend 30-60 minutes, get a new weapon. You good to go. Really that simple.
  15. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Yes, it would be good if they went back and adjusted past weapons now that the expansion is launched but there was no reason to worry about that during the beta over working on expansion content.
    Tyranthraxus likes this.
  16. Knifen Augur

    Every weapon I got/made was lvl 125 required so its not that sudden.
    Roxas MM likes this.
  17. fransisco Augur

    This is what they want. Filthy group players are getting 1 good peice of gear without spending their oh so hard earned dkp.

    The level of entitlement in this thread is mildly surprising even for these forums. Only mildly though, as most these people would rather keep melee sucking rather than make thier magelo not look as good.

    Although all the salty tears of people who were cheated are entertaining. All the schadenfreud about how this is bad and it only should've been done if impossible things happened (like devs having spare time to personally grant them dkp). Moar tears little raiders!
    Jennre likes this.
  18. Tyranthraxus Grognard

    Thats an odd take, have seen literally no melee asking for that. The change is good, it fixes a known issue, now go back and fix the prior gear now that the base issue is handled.
    Xyphen likes this.
  19. Velisaris_MS Augur

    T1 weapons can be used before 125.
    Xyphen and Micker99 like this.
  20. Knifen Augur

    Good to know but still proves that old weapons aren't obsolete since I did the entire progression with old ones.
    Svann2 likes this.