Level 100, what now?

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Erydan Ouragan, Dec 10, 2023.

  1. Erydan Ouragan Journeyman

    I'm boxing a shaman/sk. healer and mdps merc.

    I've done gribbles from 85 to 100 basically. I'm kind of lost as to where to go and what to do. I've consulted youtube and the web and i've only found conflicting answers. Should i be doing Alaris progression and quests or Empires of Kunark? Or something else?

    I've tried the EoK mission goblins and fools. Apparently was supposed to be easy but i got my kicked and had to abort. Both my SK and shaman have lvl 100 gear (although no augs). So i guess i'm looking for some direction.

    Any help would be appreciated, thank you guys :)
    Dre. likes this.
  2. Sdoofbuc Augur

    Can you add 1 more character to your group? 3 boxing with 3 mercs is a full group. Also, some missions require 3 characters get it. Adding a Bard to your group will be a big benefit.

    Now to where you should hunt. Stick to these zones.

    Rain of Fear
    Call of the Forsaken
    The Darkened Sea
    The Broken Mirror

    Do the progressions. Partisan Tasks, Mercenary Tasks and Missions. Work on getting gear and augs for your SK. Lookup AC+ hDex augs and go camp the named.

    Add in overseers and you will be 110+ before you finish TBM.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  3. Alnitak Augur

    RoF is depressing past lvl 100 - not much to gain and slow experience.
    CotF past 100 - same thing, experience is slow, gear is getting outdated.
    TDS - the sweet spot past 100. Doable by a pair of 100 with CotF gear. Nameds are beatable, the gear is an upgrade to CotF.
    TBM - a hell at 100. Mobs are nasty - twice more HP comparing to TDS with dps notably higher.
    TBM advantage - very peaceful with single pulls. Random lvl 100 gear from trash, which is actually better than TDS (although, very rare drops and not all slots). Missions for the currency are nasty at 100, need a decent group to win.
    Heploc likes this.
  4. Sdoofbuc Augur

    RoF - I enjoyed the story. And there are some good tank augs you can camp here. Get out of Shards Landing and you'll find better exp.

    CotF - There is more here than Gribbles. I just finished this exp on my 3 box team. Started at level 103 and finished at 111. There are also some good augs here. You get a nice one for finished the progression.

    TDS - I finished T1 and half of T2 in one day. So far nothing has been hard. What's up with all the hails? Go hail this gnome 6 times to move to the next part of the quest. Feels like a lot of filler content.

    TBM - Yes it's harder than the previous ones. Some people like a challenge. And if you have gear and augs from RoF, CotF and TDS; then it shouldn't be too hard.

    OP said they skipped all that content and went to Empires of Kunark and got beat pretty bad. So moving back a few expansions is what you have to do. If you do all 4 of those expansions; then EoK will be a walk in the park.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  5. uberkingkong Augur

    They probably trying to rush to end game.
    100 to 105 is pretty bad, TBM missions give worse xp than CotF HA. TDS missions give worse xp than CotF HA. RoF grinding is worse xp than CotF HA.

    Keep on doing gribbles.
    This is when people remind you to do overseer even though I'm sure you are already doing it and have been doing it.

    btw, once you get to 106, xp is still bad. You gotta do achievements for xp, and if your struggling already doing achievement stuff in EoK. RoS and TBL is a whole new level of difficulty. ToV is a whole new of difficulty too.

    You start doing missions, like raids.
  6. Gnomeland Augur

    Kill experience at 106 is fine. It's not until 111 that it becomes terrible. Empires of Kunark was mostly people camping in the easy zones.

    If the game seems bad at Empires of Kunark, then future expansions are even worse. Once they adopt the "missions and achievements only" approach to levels, you either like it or you quit. It's that simple.
    Dre. likes this.
  7. disclose Buffz, slowz, & healz.

    I run a SK/SHM/ZER trio (all 42k-55k AA at this point), before I added the zerker, I only ran SK/SHM, EoK is impossible at 100, especially that mission. Those goblins flurry with 4 attacks, are sociable, and easily add, that's death in 5 seconds or less at your level. You'd need to be a pulling god with a BRD to ever have a chance at beating it. Do the progression in RoF, CotF, and TDS to get gear, levels, AA, focus on getting malo, slow (including AoE ones) and anything having to do with healing. You'll also get a lot of Hero's resolution, vitality, and fortitude for completing these, which at low levels seems like nothing, but once you get to the high teens and 20's with those you'll start seeing a difference and surviving will become easier. All of this is easier said than done though and is quite a grind. If you can get them both to 105 and at the very least t1 EoK gear (visible and non-visible) The Lceanium mission is maybe possible, but that Droga mission is rough. If you can beat the Tower of Rot missions in CotF pretty easily, I'd say it's time to move on to TDS, the only area I hated in that expansion was Caverns of Endless Song, a lot of underwater nonsense, and follow was terrible, and a lot of alt + tab, and setting the group up, Degmar had it's terrible moments also, and Arx has like 1 quest that has terribleness, but other than that should be fine. Don't under estimate the AA's though. Good luck! Hope all of the replies help.
  8. shadowogreFV New Member

    Veil of alaris is a good jump off point but it would take you a while to complete the storyline even at 100. If you want to go about, min maxing and racing to 125 then no don’t bother. I personally think it is interesting and worth doing absolutely. The storyline is good, and the final monster mission alone is something really unique and awesome. If you just start at RoF then you won’t really understand the story tbh you might as well just go to Kunark if you skip voa
    disclose and Xianzu_Monk_Tunare like this.
  9. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    It's not really a missions & achievements only approach. It is really just the efficient path for leveling. I know people who were 120 without having completed either ToV or ToL Quests, Missions, or Achievements. It takes longer, but it is not impossible to do.