Personas : First Impression

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Achillez, Dec 5, 2023.

  1. Velisaris_MS Augur

    EQ: If you're not hoarding, you're not trying.
    Janakin, Nennius and Metanis like this.
  2. kizant Augur

    I'm definitely not trying. For the like 3 or 4 TS raids items I get per year I just buy the containers. :D
  3. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    Alt bank space is free.
    code-zero likes this.
  4. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    If you buy the base expansion with 3 persona slots you are able to create 3 personas on every character on every server. The same is true if you purchase a higher version with more slots or purchase more slots in the marketplace.
  5. Tyranthraxus Grognard

    So if a level 1 persona were to somehow accidentally do the final hail for a level 120 task..., how many levels of xp would that be?
    Kaenneth likes this.
  6. Captain Video Augur

    Zero levels. XP can only go to the main or persona which was assigned the task, and level requirements always apply when the task is assigned.
  7. Jaylnn Gnomish Bog Jogger

    Each character does not have its own inventory and shares the main space. When you swap out each set of gear that is not shared equiped is dropped into inventory. Kind of like how bandolier works. One good thing though, is the augs carry over to wherever you have them. So if you reused the augs, they arent locked in to the armor of the other toon. You have to remove them from the gear in the inventory, and place them in the new personas gear. Everytime you swap it swaps the gear in, with the augs where you left them. So a Single aug could be in 16 different pieces of gear.

    Each persona is linked only to the toon it was created on. So BB and Toon 1 and you make 6 personas, they are only available to that toon. Any other character you make has their own set of personas.
  8. ScreentimeInfinity Lorekeeper

    Did the mouse buy Everquest ? This seems lame.
  9. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    They did it. They made personas worse than an alt. And worse than a merc.

    Bravo, Darkpaw. Bravo.
    Fenthen, Clave and Micker99 like this.
  10. Flatchy Court Jester

    I am not interested in personas at the moment. I'm not giving a thumbs down to DBG for trying something new, I'm all for that. Just as someone who has 4 accounts and at least one of every class at 120 I do not really see a need for it. I am sure some folks love it and I am glad DBG is working to give the people what they want.
    Rijacki, Micker99 and Tatanka like this.
  11. Xerzist Augur

    Its just more useless $ grab
  12. Risiko Augur

    There was a few ways this new feature could have benefited Live servers:
    1. Ability to switch personas when out-of-combat in any zone. This is a no go as they made it only work in fast-camp zones and starting city zones.
    2. Ability to convert an alt character in to an Alternate Persona. This is a wait and see thing because they said it might be made available later on.
    3. Give a set of equipped inventory slots to EACH alternate persona rather than just throwing their gear in their bags when you switch personas. They went with the easier bandolier-style of just throwing your gear in your bags when you swap personas.

    So, ultimately, it's not designed to benefit players that play on Live servers, so it is probably intended for TLP player. Right? Well... not really, and here's why:
    1. You can not swap personas anywhere except a fast-camp zone or starting city zone. People playing on TLP servers are going to not want to run all the way back to a starting city to switch personas when they find out the current persona they are playing is not needed in the zone they are trying to grind experience in. Can you imagine running all the way to Unrest only to find out you need to go back to a starting city, switch personas to a different class, and then run back out to Unrest to see if that spot you was trying to get in a group has been filled yet or not? No. Neither can I, and probably neither can anybody else who plays on TLP servers.
    2. The fact that your gear (the gear that wont be used on the persona you are switching to) gets thrown in your bags is a huge problem for TLP servers because of the limited bag space that most characters have on TLP servers. These are not characters that have been playing for many, many years and have collected up a plethora of oversize inventory bags. These are generally brand new characters who are lucky to have a full inventory of 8 slot bags. This is definitely NOT going to work for TLP players.

    So, quite literally, this new feature is not designed for any players no matter if they are on a Live server or a TLP server. It's pretty much a dead feature right out of the gate.

    I tested it in beta, I streamed it, and I have it up on YouTube. It was a horribly buggy mess to the nth degree, but AT THE VERY LEAST, when I tested it, you were able to switch personas anywhere. That was it's ONLY saving grace in beta. When they changed that, it became a dead feature that next to nobody will use more than once and then abandon it for actual alt characters.
    Clave, ForumBoss and Micker99 like this.
  13. Cicelee Augur

    Alternate Personas are awesome for two types of players-

    1. TLP servers who can start at level 1 and can level up 2 different characters at once and not have to redo keys, progression, hunters, etc on both.
    2. Live servers where a main wants to start an alt from level 1 and not have to worry about redoing progression, keys, hunter, etc on the alt toon.

    Most Live players who already have established alt(s) are not concerned with either scenario.
    Fenthen likes this.
  14. Alnitak Augur

    3. Live server main who wants to switch to a different class Alternative Persona to contribute on a mission/task, which is unfriendly to that mains class.

    My raid-geared max AA zerker will roll a ranger Alternate Persona to do missions and earn coins for THAT character, even though on the same account I have raid-geared max AA ranger alt. I'll do those missions twice in a row on that account (actually more, for other characters too, but saying twice in reference to those two characters) and will earn coins for both characters by playing them, not just waiting for TA outside the mission as my Zerker does these days.
    I still want to play that character, and I still want to progress it. It will just switch situationally to a different class via AP. And the same goes for my other characters.
    All established, all well developed, all on live server, all on accounts with multiple alts, and probable all will make AP's. Lots and lots of fun playtime ahead.
    Ndaara likes this.
  15. Szilent Augur

    Kizant's wondering about y'all's inventories, I'm here wondering about y'all's main characters. Do you not have any Hero's Fort/Vit/Reso? Do you not have Explorer done for Journeyman's Speed AA? A Jann's Veil and fancy Familiars from doing high level missions? +a bunch of trophy slots, and high stats trophies at your house?

    Do you *not* wish your new alts benefited from these things? Never been like "well I'd love to learn playing beastlord, but there's just so much stuff to get to be good"? If I were to roll a rogue (and, weirdly, not PL it straight through? whatever), I could have it wielding the best raid dagger at every level from 90-120 because my main character has the bits to burn. Rk3 spells from many (most? not quite "all") expansions, too, for any spell caster.

    All of my prospective Personas already have - Bifold, Skull of Null, Immaculate Shield & Venenium, anniversary clickers Stein/Feather/Horn/shineyfinder, invuln/invis/shrink & grow clickers. Just sitting in inventory from my main.

    Many of my preexisting alts also have these things, or many pieces of them, but any new alt is clearly just way better off being a Persona instead, if the slot or 1350 daybreakbux is available.

    I feel like observing that 500 monthly is included in subscriptions, too. So the cost feels pretty manageable to me, unless one feels obligated to Heroic each.
    Yinla and Sprooce like this.
  16. Micker99 Augur

    All those things are not that important or needed. They are little perks to keep you busy. It's nice, but the issue is, that personas are much more inconvenient than an alt, because of the limitations of switching, getting progression exp etc.. Most people have tons of alts and aren't looking to make another. Most wanted a new feature, that would enhance the game, not just a different way to make an alt. If you find use in it, great, but it isn't something I see enough value in to use.
    Annastasya likes this.
  17. Iven the Lunatic

    Cui bono ? Here a list of players, that I think would benefit the most from APs:
    • Raiders
    • Crafters
    • Questers
    • New players
    • Players on true box TLP servers
    Burdi likes this.
  18. Burdi Augur

    The persona feature is looking nice.
    I don't quite understand people complaining loudly about the fact you need to be in a fast camp zone or city because there are way around.
    To spell the obvious you can use origin then switch then use a fellowship token to get back.
    EQ player base is like a whimsical old lady complaining about everything.
    Raptorjesus5 likes this.
  19. Alaïa New Member

    As a returning player with new characters on Oakwynd, the persona system has some great conveniences. For example, I just rolled up an SK persona on my druid I've been leveling. Rather than having to continue leveling in Ogguk/Feerot area at lowbie levels; I was quickly able to change to druid, port to Nexus, bind in Shar Vahl, change back to the SK and level in PC.

    I also like the idea that these are basically alts on this account that I don't have to redo trade skills or keys for as I really haven't worked on alts much yet given that I'm new to Oakwynd.

    The shared inventory is a downside to consider though. I imagine things can get pretty messy with gear for 3+ personas in the same main inventory. Daybreak to offer up new 50+ slot 100% red containers in the shop in 3, 2, 1...

    It also would be far more convenient if we could change personas anywhere, rather than just in safe zones. Or at least if they are going to lock combat areas out of the persona system, then set it to just raid content only. This way people can quickly rebalance pick up groups, and it makes for some great strategies as the group can become more flexible towards the content they face.

    As it stands now, you would have to bind near the content you are playing in, then clicky/port to a safe zone, change persona, gate back, and then return to your group. Which, along with the inventory issue, is going to make players feel a generous annoyance in contrast to the QoL improvements.

    I can see why players with existing accounts that already have leveled alts are probably not interested in the system very much.
  20. Raptorjesus5 Augur

    I agree I don't understand why people are making such a huge deal about not being able to switch in any zone. It really seems like a nonissue to me. I am loving personas.

    The biggest thing I would change is making it so the gearset you save doesn't need to be in the inventory.
    Rijacki likes this.