Final Fugue - Pal'Lomen Mission Discussion

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Tuco, Dec 5, 2023.

  1. Tuco Augur

  2. Alnitak Augur

    One may try
    It is a clickable ALL/ALL Stun spell, it MAY use mana when casted.
    Otherwise - invite a proper class, or spin and level up a proper class persona (as an illustation of Persona use)
    There is a big discussion on Beta forums about this mission - basically, Stun is a lesser restriction than cure for Deepshade mission, as in 5 of 16 classes for cure and 6 of 16 for Stun.
    Yinla likes this.
  3. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

  4. Axxius Augur

    You need to make an Alternate Persona of the class that can cast stun spells.
    Sancus, Yinla, Tuco and 1 other person like this.
  5. Tuco Augur

    Zunnoab and Metanis like this.
  6. tanknit Journeyman

    whelp i was enjoying this expansion but this ruins it for me completely
  7. Tacoheals TACOBELL !!!!

    War,Clr,Pal,Rng,Dru,Mnk,Brd,Rog,Shm,Nec,Wiz,Mage,Enc can ALL stun with the Wep Entwined Hammer, put it in primary and stun boss. Player made smithing wep. Makes mission 100 times easier.

    Also, maybe the point of using a mana stun was to bring back actual grouping and have people who play classes who are going dead in EQ
    Qimble likes this.
  8. Grove Augur

    I am not seeing that the effect of the Entwined Hammer, that being Ethersmash, is also an effect of a cast spell. So, it stuns, but does it work here?
  9. Velisaris_MS Augur

    I think it was confirmed in another thread that the hammer will work for the stun.
  10. Qimble Augur

    Gnoll Hide Lariat also works. Had a guildie farm it up to test.

    For tuning issues: I'm not quite sure how dev's intend for it to work but the 3rd(iirc) mini drains all of the tanks mana even if he isn't attacking or casting. Also the mini's really don't like to be pulled sometimes, but that could've been the usual server lag type of problem. Regardless, if there's any aoe as a tank you should be ready to hit a button if you're undergeared or have a bad healer because there's a decent chance you'll eat it.
  11. Act of Valor The Newest Member

    Fugue you too, buddy!
  12. Alnitak Augur

    Entwined Hammer works on the boss, also works when a pet wields them. My mage's pet tanked the boss and used a pair of hammers, unlocked the shield stance in a few procces.
  13. Tuco Augur

    Used an Entwinned Hammer on my bard. Hit Flurry of Notes the first time Kar locked. I might get a couple more for my mages, I dunno. I also had a necro in the group casting their stuns.

    I got the Plucked achievement on my Shadow Knight by running super far from the emote, but I was the only one who got it, which others have said happened to them.

  14. MyShadower All-natural Intelligence

    Eyyy, fugueaboutit!
    Fenthen likes this.
  15. JaimeG316 New Member

    Bard - duel wield Gnoll Hide Lariat and Flurry of Notes works like a dream.

    As for the "Plucked" achieve, well.... by now I am sure everyone has figured out how to get it :)
  16. Cicelee Augur

    You are not the "first" to talk about that achievement
    JaimeG316 and FranktheBank like this.
  17. Spacemonkey555 Augur

    Warrior and pet tanks are fine (no mana), SK is fine (thought leech as Firethorn dies or on next mob), Paladin is fine (Marr's gift). Basic "know your class abilities" test for Pal/SK. Beyond that there are cleric, necro, bard, bst, mage abilities that also provide a mana dump that can be used at or near the end of Firethorn or at the start of the next mini.
  18. adetia Monkess Wonder, Ruler of All

    Plucked appears to have been fixed so the whole group can get it now. Happy hunting!

    * your mileage may vary but multiple people have reported full groups getting it.
    Fenthen, Yinla and Svann2 like this.
  19. Zunnoab Augur

    If a crafted weapon works that solves this.

    They should have just used the Mearatas stun bane code for detection (which iirc doesn't have issues?), but this sounds fine.
  20. Tuco Augur

    Any good stun weapons I can put in the offhand next to my bard's Entwined Hammer? Or weapons I can wield with a Shadow Knight that work? Specifically weapons that are particularly effective or easy to get.