Raiding is far too easy and too predictable.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Strawberry, Dec 3, 2023.

  1. Strawberry Augur

    I don't think it's a good thing. Static raids and predictable mechanics allow strict raid schedules to exist. Predictability saps all of the fun out of a game and hurts replay value.

    EQ created predictable timed tasks where people are taken out of the world and funneled into a static event that removes most of the challenge and excitement of adventuring. Events where no one can dynamically join and no one has a story to tell.
  2. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    We're looking forward to the streams of you leading the raids I listed above!
    toxicsmell and Rijacki like this.
  3. Brontus EQ Player Activist

    This problem partly exists because Darkpaw is using EQ players as unpaid testers. This would not be happening as much if Darkpaw hired internal quality assurance (testers).

    Almost every single problem with EQ today is a result of years of SOE/Daybreak chronic underfunding and failing to reinvest their profits back into the game so they can adequately staff the studio.

    Raids are essentially puzzles. Once the puzzle is figured out by the guild, the mystery is gone and it's all about gearing up your guild.

    I think the MMORPG endgame (raiding) needs to be reimagined with some fresh ideas. Having bosses with variable abilities that are not predictable that would keep players on their toes would be a good start.
  4. FranktheBank Augur

    You seem to have an idea for "raids" different than the entire mmorpg world. People do not want to relearn the same fights after 6 months of raiding content. "Farm" status is actually a good thing. Now, in EQ it lasts way too long, but we know this is a bad game.

    You see Farm status as a failure. I see farm status as a success. We got our guild comfortable enough where we can goof off in discord during raids. Or have a movie night. Most people dont want to super sweaty tryhard every single raid, every single night, for a year.

    I would encourage you to look into games like Rimworld, that might be more enjoyable for you.

    This reads as if you have never raided for any amount of time.
    Wyre Wintermute, Trolgar and Roxas MM like this.
  5. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I'd rather have the predictablity of raiding at set times than logging on and doing nothing because there isn't a raid force to do it or there is nothing up.

    But as with most things after you have done them half a dozen times you know what is going to happen. Same with films, but we still watch some of them over and over and over....

    There are some raids I find fun and there are some I find boring. Some raids are a predictable others can be interesting if someone does something they shouldn't or doesn't do something they should. Being booted out of a zone, getting adds, etc

    If you have a decent raid force that can follow instructions your going to have an easier time than a pick up raid that doesn't follow instructions and you get the punishment for it and have everyone pulling their hair out. Though if your doing older raids there isn't much they can mess up.

    Maybe you should try beta, the most unpredictable time of year where an event you did last night may well be different than the one you do today.

    We get 2 months a year where chaos reigns. Until broken mechanics are fixed, changed and finalised, we never know what is going to happen. Trying to decide if we need to be in or out of an aura that spawned. What we did different to not get mana drained. While I enjoy this while the raids are in development I wouldn't want it on live for 9 - 11 months.
    Wyre Wintermute likes this.
  6. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    Strawberry Troll Post #493943.
  7. Cicelee Augur

    You know what else is also far too easy and too predictable?

    Group missions
    Progression on your second/third/fourth character
    Camping a named
    Sitting in one corner of the zone for a lesson burn

    Everything in the game is easy and predictable. Not just raids. Seems like maybe EQ is no longer the game for you. Should leave and find a game with the challenge and randomness you seek to make you happy.
  8. Febb Augur

    Another Strawberry "I hate the design of EQ, change it!" post. I think it's time to move on to a game you do enjoy.
  9. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    He's either trolling, or as you say hates everything about the game.
    FYAD likes this.
  10. Strawberry Augur

    What a weird stand to take. Advocating for mindless easymode raids so you can "goof off" in discord and are never challenged.

    A game should have a level of excitement, fear, and unpredictability to make events memorable.
    Brontus likes this.
  11. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Knowing what time you are going to raid and for how long you plan on raiding doesn't mean that they are easy raids. Players like to have expectations of how long to expect to be raiding but that doesn't mean that they will beat the raids they want to within that timeframe.
  12. Strawberry Augur

    After the initial excitement of defeating a monster for the first time, EQ raiding turns into a checkbox list of mobs you can farm from Monday to Friday.

    Extra playtime and risk taking should be beneficial, but is cut short by raid schedules. Predictability is rewarded, discovery and challenge is punished.
    Brontus likes this.
  13. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    What exactly is the problem with that? Players tend to like to know when they are going to be raiding as it takes a lot of work to get a large group of players into a raiding schedule.
  14. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    If you don't like your guild raid schedule you should talk to the officers. If enough of you want the same thing maybe they could scrap the raid times and have raids as and when those on line want to.
  15. Roxas MM Augur

    you can always make the raid harder for yourself by using only h2h skill or something.

    besides, what's easy for you might be a serious challenge for someone else.
    Yinla and Rijacki like this.
  16. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Or raid naked!
  17. Evye Augur

    Let users design raids
    I know I have lots of out of the box ideas that would be different.
  18. Thren Elder

    Is this Uberkingkong? under a different profile?
    FYAD, Trolgar and Conq like this.
  19. Strawberry Augur

    What is this notion that EQ players are suddenly too dumb and too scared to learn anything new?

    I thought raiding was supposed to be a challenge, yet it has devolved into mind-numbing and predictable loot farm events. When people address this, some players come out of the woodworks to defend a status quo.
    Brontus likes this.
  20. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Why does having a set raid schedule mean that raids are easy? It used to be very common in the past that guilds would have a set raid schedule slowly work on beating a raid over a period of days/weeks as the figured things out. Current raids being easy has nothing to do with set raid schedules.
    Silvena likes this.