Huge xp gap after finishing ToL progression

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Xyphen, Dec 3, 2023.

  1. Xyphen Maximum Augur

    I have a group of 120s already but decided to level an alt. On my mains, I was 99% into 115 when Terror of Luclin dropped and easily cleared 120 via progression missions + quests.

    For my alt, I did 0-110 grinding mobs + TBL for illusion, 110-115 via Torment of Velious progression then started ToL at 0% into 115.

    But for some reason he's stuck at level 117 w/ all of ToL progression done. I don't remember having to grind 2-3 levels at 0.034% xp/kill. The xp from CoV and NoT progression isn't even enough to fill the gap.

    Did I miss something somewhere?
  2. Soulbanshee Augur

    Bonus exp/potions.

    I kinda remember grinding the last 1 1/2, but probably because I had stacked LOTD on some of the ach. This sounds expected from flat exp without any bonuses.

    Non-level is heavy on AA rewards, light on exp rewards.
  3. Velisaris_MS Augur

    Well, you can't use non-level increase progression to level a's not designed that way. Only the level increase expansions provide the huge xp rewards, so there's that.

    If one toon started at the start of 115 instead of 99%, how many tasks/missions did it take to hit 116? I suspect you may have wasted some of it getting that level.
  4. FranktheBank Augur

    You did all the group missions too? Because the group missions alone is over 1 level.
    Svann2 likes this.
  5. Tuco Augur

    Unless you missed a progression / mission achievement, nope.

    Likely you were maxed out at 115 when you started ToL and had some overseer stuff ready, XP pots, LotD, etc.

    AFAIK there's been nothing to change XP since ToV released.

    Here's what Drakang had to say about LS exp. tldr you'll probably hit 125 doing hunter / scavenger.

  6. Eaedyilye More stonehive bixies.

    I made a heroic character (level 100) and it took me 10 days to get it to level 120. The only big XP missions I did was the ones in TOV. I did most of the partisans and mercenary quests in all the expansions from TOV to NOS. I still need to finish some of them in COV.

    I wasn't particularly trying to get to level 120 ASAP, it just doesn't take that long for me.
  7. Xyphen Maximum Augur

    Does LoTD work on achievement xp? For some reason I thought it didn't.

    This is an SS from last night (the last 6 put him 40% into 117). Just seems way far off to be grinding on mobs the rest of the way.

    What do you guys suggest doing for the last stretch?


    What level were you when you started ToL? Maybe I'll try that.
  8. Tuco Augur

    Afaik the only the thing that works on achievement XP is the the extra life bonuses. I feel like I've tested the normal xp bonuses, xp pots, lotd etc and only the extra life bonuses worked.
    alanus likes this.
  9. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Seriously? Overseer is the obvious answer. And use the time you'd be grinding those three levels to grind a metric $h!t-ton of AAs :)
  10. Xyphen Maximum Augur

    That's what I thought as well. It's always been exactly whatever the reward preview % said.
    alanus likes this.
  11. FranktheBank Augur

    I've always basically had to grind the last 1-1.5 levels. Typically Ill lesson daily when we find a good kill quest with good mob density, grind out for 30min, then go back to finishing paragons.
    Roxas MM likes this.
  12. Soulbanshee Augur

    That would fall under server bonuses, so any bonus exp weekend then.
    Gialana likes this.
  13. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    I've seen general server bonuses affect mission/quest/HA rewards, but have also seen them NOT boost achievement awards (you know, 20AA for completing a zone partisan, etc). Haven't completed any achievement awards for AAs during extra life bonus.
  14. Tuco Augur

  15. Spazu Journeyman

    Server bonus events will boost reward experience if the reward is a percentage based reward. It will automatically reflect in the reward window. Aa rewards are static and do not get the boost. For example, partisan of xxx is worth 10% on a normal day. With a 50% bonus, it’s worth 15% and will show as 15% as long as the server bonus is active. Collections used to show this as well, but the last couple bonus events have seem bugged? It shows at 2% but still gives 3 for a 50% bonus. AA unaffected there as well. overseer rewards also boosted by the server bonuses - they are percentages. As far as LOTD goes, it doesn’t work on anything outside of kill experience, excluding some mission reward chest experience - most notably nos missions.

    Personally, I try to level alts only during bonus times. I’ve found it to be much more enjoyable this way, lol. Usually I’ll level to 111 via kill experience first. Then I’ll do tov missions and progression, usually skipping kael merc and partisan as well as CC partisan because I dislike them. Then I’ll do ToL missions along with a handful of the easier ToL merc and partisans. VT, Basillica, ME, and Umbral is usually enough even with just the 50% bonus to get to 120. There’s just not enough experience in the achievement rewards to get you to each expansions level cap unless you do it under a bonus. Would be really nice if the off year expansions had a little better experience attached to their rewards. Wouldn’t have to be as high as the level up expansions.
    Tuco likes this.
  16. Micker99 Augur

    Well they really should put more exp on mobs, that was what the game was created on and based on, that made it what it is today.

    All my toons are 99.999% into 120, so I can ding 121 with just Overseer. So actually thinking about it, if you have 120 maxed now, you only need to get exp for 4 levels, to get to 125. Luckily, we don't have to start at 120, with 0%. Only need to fill up 125 enough to have a buffer for deaths. I wouldn't mind missions, if they were easily boxable. I would honestly just rather kill mobs for exp, that is what the game has always been for me. Why have zones filled with mobs to kill for exp, if that isn't what the game is about??
    Nennius likes this.
  17. Alnitak Augur

    Another notable example - CoTF missions are cumulatively affected by LoTD, and server bonus, which can be combined with Clayton's Daily Bonus as a cherry on top. Although, those are insignicant %-wise past lvl 100.

    Also Overseer Collectible Dispensers - the full reward for finishing previous expansion Scavanger is about 50% of the level as a baseline. With server bonus it goes up to 75% and even 100% of the level. Not affected by LotD though.
  18. Velisaris_MS Augur

    The xp per kill from mobs is fine and always has been.

    The problem is that they drastically...DRASTICALLY...increased the amount of xp needed per level for 111 onwards, so the amount you see your toon getting looks very, very small.
    Dre. and Tuco like this.
  19. Micker99 Augur

    Well they should fix the amount of exp per mob, whether that is adding more exp to the mobs or lowering the exp needed to level.
  20. Mirthe Journeyman

    I completely agree. I play very casually, and would love to be able to grind for an hour after work and make some progress. It's a shame they made that totally useless.
    Corwyhn Lionheart and Dre. like this.