"-responded with the urgency and gravity-"

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Sammi, Nov 24, 2023.

  1. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    How exactly are they supposed to get krono without having to spend money on them if they can't get enough plat to buy one in game? Sure prices will go up eventually but they should not have gone up this much this soon. And suggesting that people spend real money to get around the issue isn't a solution.
  2. Pimpmobile Journeyman

    Okay, cool. Say you do get a group to go camp a rare spawn with a rare drop that's highly valuable, do you expect the rest of the group to just give it to you and waste their time? Do you cross your fingers for weeks every time it drops and hope that you just happen to win the roll? Both of those seem completely unreasonable.

    This is why currency and an open market is in the game, to trade to other players. Otherwise, they might as well just make every item in the game no trade and call it a day. If the cost of every valuable item you want increases 10x and you don't have the income to deal with the instant inflation, you can't be expected to just grab a group to go farm each of them for you, and not everyone has the resources to run their own 6 box teams.
  3. Ecidew Journeyman


    What is it you do not understand Random ?? .. No One in this thread agrees with you .. People just do not want to buy Kronos to get needed items to progress their characters .. No One wants to be your Farm Bot .. They want to play the game !!
    You come off like a used car salesman that believes in his BS like it’s a religion ..
    If you want to understand the issue start a level 1 Toon on Oakwynd and don’t spend any Kronos on it .. don’t transfer in items or plat and get it to level 60 reasonably group geared .. Then you can tell me about your experience .. Maybe a few years from now ..
    My choice now is to buy a Krono .. Or my progression in Oakwynd just stops .. And that is true for all of these other people complaining or leaving the server ..
    I have seen three corpse piles of toons that abandoned the server in the last two days .. If you would get off your duff and leave the Bazar you might have noticed them .. This server is starting to die an ugly death .. Nothing else can be done on it except multi-box farm it .. Its sad ..
  4. Randomized Augur

    How do these items become available to be bought and sold by other players? Certainly you don't just log in one day and DB puts items in your inventory to sell to promote an in game economy now do they?

    Let's think about this for a second. You're just trying to be a contractarian (and i try to avoid using this term). Why would you buy a Krono with plat, just to sell it for plat?....I'll give you my $5 for you $5?? Come on man, you're smarter than this.

    Again, how do these items end up in the game, floating from player to player? Someone is out there camping these items, someone is forming groups, someone is killing these mobs.

    There's 3 types of players in the game.

    1) Proactive: they're the ones out there farming the stuff to put it into circulation
    2) Reactive: this is the majority of the player base. They simply buy the items from the proactive players
    3) The inbetweeners: Kinda self explanatory really.

    The reason new TLPs pop up constantly is because its a cash crop of Krono sales for DBG. There's a handful of players (and some bots) that constantly re-roll and have a ridiculous advantage with an insane amount of Krono's they have on their accounts. For most everyone else, they buy a krono here and there (i'd wager it averages about 1 per person per expansion) to get the plat they require to buy the few items they need to be part of the "in crowd/competitive" for that expansion.
  5. dentalplan lisa needs braces

    There are a lot of players who choose not to engage with the krono system because they dislike rmt or find the system unfun or immersion breaking, and although that isn't my stance I think it's a valid one. A lot of people are probably wondering right now why they should continue playing on a server whose non-rmt economy is in shambles.

    Likewise, I feel confident that there are many people rethinking how much they should be paying out to a company that clearly doesn't prioritize reinvesting those funds in the game generating the money and isn't being a good steward of the IP.
  6. Oscig Elder

    The % of players that buy krono is tiny, probably 2-3% at most. We can estimate this just by looking at the revenue of daybreak + the revenue breakdowns released + the MAU numbers released. The numbers do not support a large part of the userbase buying krono.
    Unless someone has evidence otherwise.
  7. Razorfall Augur

    There are also those that farm to make money off RMT. It's not allowed but they still do it anyway.
  8. Critt Augur

    I find it interesting that people are still shocked when this type of thing happens, I mean literally nearly every TLP has run into a plat dupe that exploded it's economy... I think Phinny was probably the last time I played on a server that didn't have a jacked up economy until well after POP..At this point it's not a question of IF a new plat dupe will appear to ruin your server economy but WHEN, and they have never done anything as far as I can recall to correct it once it's blown up.
  9. Randomized Augur

    True, but the people who constantly re-roll on TLPs aren't doing it for the immersion. At least not a large portion of them

    I know a lot of people are wanting to quit because their fun (buying/selling/trading) took a major hit. Which I'm not arguing against. I understand that. It's a lot easier to make Krono/money when things are new and fresh and platinum reserves are low. Now that's there's billions of plat rolling around, the incentive to acquire plat and buy krono that way is lessened. And it's just a perception thing. So long as everything stays below that 2m mark in the bazaar, you can do the same things you did before the dupe.

    It just looks and feels different, but has the same outcome. Those TS mats are still just as required, for example.

    Do you have the numbers for this? I'm curious to take a look at it. And are we able to determine what the unique number of players are? Not just MAU based on accounts/characters, as people running 3-6 at a time highly skew that number as well.

    They're part of that proactive crowd.
  10. Aablan New Member

    I know I'm not a whale, but I also know I'm the kind of customer they no longer seem to want. I've never used any third party cheat program; never bought a single Krono from anywhere other than the DB store. I'd buy every bag pack as soon as it hit usually, on more than one account.

    When they decided that they were just going to let the cheaters win, they decided they no longer wanted my money, so I cancelled the three accounts I had.

    Yeah, yeah, I know, this isn't an airport. That's not the reason for this post.

    I sincerely hope someone can actually listen to the customers that just want a clean game that's not RMT always, all the time. Sure, I make plenty of money to afford it. That's not the point.

    I just don't want to pay a company who then turns around and uses that cash to subsidize the RMT Krono lords, which is exactly what happened when they allowed the cheating to stand.
    Erekai likes this.
  11. Randomized Augur

    Yeah I don't think you indersrand how Krono works if you think this is true.

    That means 10,000 krono would have to have been available. For a single person. That means a krono was bought/sold once per minute. For that singular person. Not to mention all the other krono that was bought and sold during this time.

    That doesn't quite add up lol
  12. CdeezNotes Augur

    Do you have any bit of proof of that statement?
  13. Slambit Journeyman

    how many of the kronos bought from DBG gets consumed for game time, without that information we can speculate all we want about how many krono some people may or may not have
  14. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Buying krono with plat on one server in order to use on another server? But you missed my main point which was that you can't expect people to pay real money for krono in order to participate in the economy on a server. Krono should never be used as a method for someone to get into the market on a server if there is an issue with the market due to a plat dupe bug.
    jiri_ and KushallaFV like this.
  15. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    One can still obtain an item in game through the normal drop/forage/craft methods and then sell that item in the market at the inflated plat price to get the current 'market rate' for that item and then use that to buy a different item in the market for plat even if the current 'market rate' for the item they want is now inflated. It's really not much different than before the exploit just bigger numbers. Before the exploit it was highly unlikely you could farm just money drops and vendor trash to make enough money to buy anything in the marketplace without also selling some items from drop/forage/crafting if you did not sell a krono for plat. LONG before the exploit, it was already very difficult to progress with Oakwynd's economy unless you bought or sold a krono.

    The ONLY market that's really affected is the easier krono acquisition TLPs in early era allow. If the plat to krono price is the same as a Live server, it makes the TLP less useful for "krono lords". Because krono can be exchanged on any server, any game, they're in a different market than the individual server though with the potential to affect all servers. Krono already manipulate the economy of one server vs another because of the variable of plat worth of the traded krono. The 'krono lords' with 24/7 box crews generating plat (via item drops to sell) to buy krono will likely be the most affected. They're also the ones who would feel the most "robbed" by a steep change in the 'market price' of krono to plat (which is considerably a lot like currency exchange in the real world, even if you don't think on it too hard - but too many in the US never go outside of the US borders so might never experience it).

    The exploit was considerably less noticeable on Live servers and probably also less noticeable on later expansion TLPs past the point where many tradeskilled items are desired in the marketplace. That's probably also why it hit servers other than Oakwynd more, because the tradeskill materials have a lot more value in the earlier eras
  16. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Sure, but being locked out of the market because a plat dupe massively inflates the value of items isn't a good thing.
    jiri_ likes this.
  17. magikarp Elder

    They could just about turn the server off and some of you would apologize on their behalf.. I can see it now: "Well it's actually not so big a deal that the server is gone because historically speaking most players take breaks and so it's actually you who is wrong for wanting to play."

    Server has gone full Anarchy Online economy.. Yeah it will live, but they'll lose customers and money from this, faster than they would if it didn't happen. Just hoping the TLP program as a whole keeps making money enough to keep going on after blunders like this.
    OldTimeEQ1 and FranktheBank like this.
  18. Parts Journeyman

    Had lots of friends who quit after this debacle and haven't logged in since.
    How do they plan on getting players back? What a complete failure.
    Erekai likes this.
  19. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    How are they locked out of the market? If you have an item that sells for a high amount, you can sell it for that high amount. That's not being locked out nor it is any different than before.

    In June, I needed tailoring materials. I went out and farmed them myself with my friends. I could have made a lot more selling the spider silks than doing the combines. Because I didn't obtain a krono to sell for plat, and I was spending so much time farming silks and skins, I didn't have the plat to buy more to move my tailoring faster to be able to make Wu's when they were high value. Did that mean I was "locked out of the market"? That was months before the exploit.
  20. FranktheBank Augur

    No, they dont. They probably saw the very, very old screenshot with 8 pixels of someone with 10 stacks of 1000 krono.