"-responded with the urgency and gravity-"

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Sammi, Nov 24, 2023.

  1. Randomized Augur

    Stop using raw plat and use other items of value.

    Raw plat has been useless on many servers for awhile now. Know what they use? Krono.
    Raw plat isn't useless, just inflated. Until Krono starts elevating beyond the 2m benchmark, it's not useless.

    If it took you a week to farm 500 silks that sold for 10p a piece and now sell for 2k a piece, guess what that weeks worth of farming nets you: 1million. Go get your Krono. It's really not that hard of a concept to wrap your head around
  2. Trident Elder

    After dealing with the dupes on mischief over the years, really the worst thing to come from it was the bazaar being useless for any valuable items due to the cap. Of course, that problem was probably exacerbated there due to free trade but will still be felt going forward on oak.
  3. Elabone Augur

    Got it, youre just trolling. Understood, I wont take the time to reply anymore, but one last thing...

    You also cannot just throw around the term "free market" when people were printing money.

    The market value of items is based upon the overall amount of platinum on the server, when the platinum on the server is all of the sudden multiplied by 10, in order for it to remain a "free market" all the items would need to be taken down and reposted, since the most BASIC core concept of "free market" is that buyers and sellers determine prices based upon supply and demand. Most sellers werent around to determine a fair price once the platinum was introduced, therefore its not a free market. Stop using that term lol.

    To give you an example I think makes it alot easier to understand. It would be like if I printed billions of dollars into the economy, then, before you knew it had happened, i bought your 250k house from you. And then only after that transaction was completed, you then discovered the cheapest house you could buy was 2.5 million...

    Youre just being dense for the sake of being dense. Just stop. Noone is buying it.
    Taladir, Lawyer and Ravanta Suffer like this.
  4. Randomized Augur

    Free market has nothing to do with the printing of money or the value of a currency. It means I'm not regulated in what I can sell, nor the price I put on said services/products. Meaning I can turn around and buy up every Spider Silk available in game and then turn around and resell it for a 10x mark up.

    Still a free market. Free markets don't suddenly stop being such after hours lol are you serious? Again, I can buy up everything and resell it at whatever I want. You're free to compete against me and put your items up at a lower cost (I do this constantly) if you disagree with the average market value. You don't have to be there the very second something is introduced. Part of the word "free". Do as you see fit. When you see fit.

    Except I can buy bitcoin for $20k and sell it for 2.5million. This is why the inflation isn't that big of a deal. There's an outside source to bring in CURRENT VALUE for plat. Now if prices of Krono from DB store rose in accordance and now it costs you $17,990 of USD to purchase a Krono to sell in game for 1.5million, then you can complain.

    But the fact that someone bought my Krono for 75k three days ago, and will buy one from me for 1.5million tomorrow...everything still holds the same value as before. There's just extra arbitrary 0's added on to the end now.

    Example: If i bought and sold a Krono for 75k last week and it allowed me to buy 1,000 items on average with it, and suddenly someone flooded the economy with billions of plat and everything inflated to 20x it's original price. Now I can only buy 50 items with that 75k. But I can turn around and sell a Krono for 1.5million and guess what....back to buying the same 1,000 items again.

    The economy isn't ruined. Take Krono's out of the equation and yes, you'd have an argument. But the fact that the value of the Krono rises with the inflation keeps the economy the same since 99% of the playerbase buys and sells Krono in some form
    Rijacki likes this.
  5. dentalplan lisa needs braces

    Anyone who sold krono a few days before the market went nuts got completely screwed. Anyone who had a significant portion of their wealth in plat instead of krono got screwed. Anyone who wasn't in a position to capitalize on the people buying krono for 2 million per this week got screwed. It's extremely disingenuous to act like everything's fine and nobody got boned here.

    The value of Krono didn't "rise with the inflation." The value of Krono didn't change at all, plat has just been massively devalued because billions of it was injected into the economy this week. Yes, if you had a bunch of krono you are fine. Yes, if you mostly buy and sell in krono you are fine. But a lot of people got screwed this week and the economy being zimbabwe mode is not actually a positive thing for most people.
    Lawyer likes this.
  6. Randomized Augur

    It's extremely disingenuous to act like people didn't just go drop $100 on Krono when they spiked either. That's what I'm saying. 99% of TLP players buy Krono in one form or another and sell it for plat. In which, the crazy spike in platinum really has no effect as people will just absorb the infinite plat coursing through the server with the Krono they're selling.

    The only people who got screwed are those who don't deal with Krono's in one form or another. All 10 of them out there.

    Okay, so you're agreeing that for the majority of the playerbase, everything is fine. Then why is everyone complaining? Go buy and sell a few Krono like you would have anyway, and benefit from it. You're doing it the legit way so there's no repercussions you'd be facing.

    And don't act like you weren't ever going to buy a Krono and sell it. As we've discussed, most of the players do this. And they do this because bots go around and mass produce platinum because of a 24/7 play script. Eventually the price of Krono was going to reach 1.5million. It just happened a lot sooner. Once everyone sells a few Krono (sell at a 5% discount for quick sales), then the economy is balance itself out as the masses of currency are distributed throughout.

    Yes, it sucks if people missed out on the duping and missed out on snatching platinum as it rained out of the sky, and how dare someone not fill you in so you could benefit. But it's not the end of the world. In the next few weeks everyone will have adapted to the new prices.

    People who sold items for plat will continue to do so at the increased value and pull platinum that matches that. People who sold Krono's for items/platinum will continue to do so. The people who were sitting with their wealth allocated in plat and not Krono will continue to do what they did before to acquire said plat and they'll continue to survive and be fine as well. It's not the end of the world as everyone is making it out to be.
    Rijacki likes this.
  7. Oscig Elder

    Imagine blaming the customer for the fault of the developer.
    Fideles and Lawyer like this.
  8. Oscig Elder

    How much did you benefit from this? Just give me a ballpark range, please. How many kronos did you buy and sell after plat spiked?

    Quite honestly, I see zero reason to not ban people who took advantage of the situation aswell. They were actively participating in the exploit just as much as the exploiters themselves.
    Lawyer likes this.
  9. Randomized Augur

    I didn't even know about it until the blowup about the server not being rolled back. Guild has been done raiding in SoD and waiting for UF to drop in 2 weeks so I've been on live leveling alts


    I also don't do tradeskilling, I despise EQ's version of it. So even if I were on a server where this was taking place, I'd have not known about it. And seeing as I'm still sitting on 3-4 Krono on my account, it's fair to say I haven't made squat off of it
  10. Oscig Elder

    So you don't even play on the server most affected, aren't one of the people most affected, and therefore authoritatively state most people aren't affected.
  11. Randomized Augur

    If you can prove that "most people" don't buy and sell Krono, then we can talk :)
  12. Oscig Elder

    Considering there were hundreds of people selling thousands of items for small amounts of plat in the bazaar at any given moment on Oakwynd, I'm going to assume most people don't.
  13. Sicarious Journeyman

    I hope you had a great Thanksgiving, and it must be frustrating to be thrown to the wolves like this, but...

    the economy is broken i mean, silk shoes are so expensive as a new player on the server I cant afford them, its almost like darkpaw wants the economy to be broken so we are forced to buy krono to afford to buy stuff. Meanwhile theres farmers and PLers that absolutely RUIN TLPs, and dark paw does eff all about it.
  14. Randomized Augur

    Oh, I was unaware that if you dabbled with Krono you were forbidden to use the bazaar...I was also unaware that a couple hundred people makes up the majority of the population. Sad day for Oakwynd if that's the case
  15. Ecidew Journeyman

    I hope this Post does not get deleted ..
    The reality is DB probably sold more Kronos to regular players this past week than the previous year ..
    If they Roll back the Servers .. What happens to Kono Sales ?? .. This probably has a real economic impact on DB .. This is a decision that must come from the top of DB Management ..
    If you roll Back Server and repopulate Krones in accounts that sold them and Ban obvious exploiters .. There will be a lot of regular players with Kronos in their accounts .. These Kronos will still have a negative impact on the economy .. DB just cant make the Kronos go away in a role back and keep the cash ..
    The only solution is to roll back Krono sales too .. Or lose Regular players that got caught up in this mess ..
    I really don’t care about the economy I solo play living off the land .. Currently on Oakwynd .. I was planning on joining a raid guild prior to PoP and reliving the PoP days .. The best Raiding Exp imho .. I am now dubious that there will be a worthwhile raiding guild left on Oakwynd when it comes out ..
    I have always viewed the DB store with Kronos as an Evil necessity to keep the game going .. Now we are paying the price for it ..
    Ecidew ..
  16. Tuco Augur

    Can you please characterize what you predict the negative impact on the economy would be from a swathe of regular players having kronos on their account would be?
  17. Ecidew Journeyman

    When you have too much Plat chasing Kronos the Price of Kronos goes up .. When You have too many Kronos chasing Plat the price goes down .. Simple economics .. And it will not go over well with those who bought Kronos expecting the opposite ..
  18. Ecidew Journeyman

    After some thought, of all Possible outcomes .. Having a mini crash in prices due to lots of Kronos is probably the least damaging .. I am not sure since I do not trade in Kronos and those that do will not agree ..
  19. phatmattfu New Member

    Oakwynd casual here to chime in with my opinion.

    I put in alot of time harvesting raw plat from HG's, IG's. I wanted to get established without buying a Krono.
    Now all casuals are forced to buy a Krono to be able to trade with other players.
    That kills part of the experience.

    If they don't do anything, it brings up a few questions about the company.
    Oscig likes this.
  20. Elabone Augur

    Dude, dont reply, hes either trolling or hes one of the biggest idiots these forums have ever seen.
  21. Randomized Augur

    Because you didn't take an economics class in school makes me an idiot? Got it lol

    Buy a Krono, sell it, be on par as you were before the exploit. Nothing changes