So, that's it? A hotfix and no rollback?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Xerzist, Nov 22, 2023.

  1. Torga Journeyman

    Why does the economy bother you so much. Go buy 2 -3 kronos and sell them, you will be able to keep up then. Maybe you are the one who sold 50 Kronos for 60k the day before, and if so I say to you oh well, you shouldn't be playing this game to make Kronos
  2. Tulisin_Dragonflame Augur

    Imagine a bug lets people kill AOCs and agents of change just cease to be available overnight. If I said "Get over it and enjoy the game. Don't focus on raids, focus on playing the game", doesn't that sound ridiculous?

    The economy is an important part of the game, it's a *huge* content driver for a lot of people who play, both from a gameplay and socialization aspect.
    Kennebec likes this.
  3. Torga Journeyman

    You guys are getting upset over things that have been repeated multiple times before, yeah this time was worse. But do you really think it's going to stop? I doubt it, there will always be someone who finds an exploit. I understand the frustration with DBG I really do, but I have given up trying to persuade them to do the right thing because it's to no avail. I try to focus on having fun and not let things that I cannot control bother me.
  4. Oscig Elder

    Weird how the people telling others to "just get over it" change their tune when you ask if they'd just get over raids not being available.
  5. Oscig Elder

    The response to this has been … not good. I wouldn't be surprised if many see this as implicit encourage to cheat, because nothing has been done to undo the damage.

    Someone doesn't like the next TLP? They'll just find an exploit to ruin the server for everyone. And it's encouraged.

    Just something to think on.
    Kennebec likes this.
  6. Torga Journeyman

    You assume and that's your problem.
  7. Torga Journeyman

    And by the way I agree with you, however I don't focus on what I can't control
  8. Oscig Elder

    Complaining about poor service is a way to control this. EQ is one of EG7's top earners. Complain enough, get articles written, forward those articles to EG7 and ask why they allow this.
  9. Torga Journeyman

    You want to complain, complain to the CEO of EG7 Ji Ham his personal and company email are public information.
  10. Tulisin_Dragonflame Augur

    I think a polite and well-thought-out email to the CEO is actually a pretty solid idea. It's also worth noting that Ji Ham was previously the CEO of Daybreak so will have some familiarity with their revenue model and products compared to a total outsider.
    Torga likes this.
  11. Torga Journeyman

    Maybe he will listen and give DPG the funds/Resources needed to combat these situations, who knows.
  12. jeskola pheerie

    Until one day they don't. Nothing lasts forever.
  13. Torga Journeyman

    This isn't the first time an economy disruption event has taken place in game and it won't be the last. Yet EQ will still continue like it always has.
  14. Qalliel Lorekeeper Is the CEO email and I highly recommend sending him a email explaining the lack of response here on the forum and the horrible handling of the situation thus far
  15. Zalphos Journeyman

    I once thought that the acquisition of DBG by EG7 might lead to positive changes, but the guy running DBG quickly took over running EG7. Maybe if he receives enough complaints he will do something, but ultimately things will remain mostly the same while the same person continues to make the decisions.
  16. jeskola pheerie

    Minus yet another chunk of disaffected players. Then another, then another, etc...
  17. Juantothre New Member

    jeskola likes this.
  18. Torga Journeyman

  19. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    The guy who along with Epstein oversaw the largest layoff of EverQuest game staff in history (probably) is the guy you think will put money into EQ?

    Good joke.
  20. Torga Journeyman

    He will in
    he will invest if he forsees a return on that investment however that comes about.