Simple QoL feature request for Overseer

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Mirthe, Nov 20, 2023.

  1. Mirthe Journeyman

    I'd like to suggest that the duration of each overseer quest be indicated in its name, like:

    "Guard the Goods (12h)"

    Hopefully by putting this in the text of the title it's easy to implement. Right now I need to click through all the quests to find the ones of the duration I want to use.

    ForumBoss, Bernel and Raptorjesus5 like this.
  2. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    All you need to do is click the title. Then it shows in the middle the duration/hours and success rate. You don't have to actually open the quest to preview it. Pretty simple.

    Too simple.

    I would rather they had a way to show the reward so I don't have to open all the 12 hour "preview reward" to see which have the collect item

    Some players memorize the different ones, like crafting are always 6 hours and research ones are 12 hour etc.
  3. Soulbanshee Augur

    Exploration, Trade, Deplomacy.
    Yinla likes this.
  4. Bernel Augur

    They should indicate both the time and type of quest. An Exploration could be shown as (E12). They really could just show the type (E), since each type has a different duration. You would soon remember that R's are 24 hour research, H's are 6 hour harvesting, etc.
  5. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Do overseer a bit. Just seeing the titles of the quests in the list, you'll know which are Trade, Research, Plunder, etc. And knowing that, you'll know the duration ;)
    Brildon likes this.
  6. Bernel Augur

    They have unique icons for each of the quests, like these hammers for Crafting:


    They could put the icons next to the quest name in the list. It's not as explicit as listing the hours, but people would soon remember that the hammers were the 6 hour crafting quests, the graduation cap was the 24 hour research quests, etc.
    Yinla likes this.
  7. ForumBoss Augur

    Good idea, they should also hide the quests that we don't have the required agents to start it. Why should we need to view and click through quests that we can't do anyway? This could be the default setting, with a check box to show quests which are not possible.
  8. Soulbanshee Augur

    That would make overseer even slower.
    Nennius likes this.