Guild Hall Teleports

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by sdeco, Nov 7, 2023.

  1. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    Alow Guild Halls to have 2 Teleportals.
  2. Randomized Augur

    I'd have done them in chronological order myself lol I'm not going to remember exactly all the zones right away, but I do know the last one in line puts me in current content!
  3. adetia Monkess Wonder, Ruler of All

    i've sorted mine by continent and placed them in groupings or "zones" within the main guild hall room. it works fairly well. we also had our resident cartographer make a fancy searchable thing tht has zone names and item names in it for the guilds use.

    all that said, i've been asking for along time for a teleportation npc, where we could turn them in, and unlock permanent teleports from one dude to the zone of our choice somehow. not only would it make porting omre convenient, it could conceivably lessen the load on real estate demands.

    in my opinion you could easily get around the "ownership" issues by once donated, tehy belong to the guild, and cant ever be withdrawn, with a confirmation box indicating this on the "donation" of the original item it warns the person doing the donation that it is permanent without exception.

    that to me would be a win/win from a player/guild standpoint.
  4. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    They could change the small guild Hall and leave the other the way it is. We use the large guild Hall for raid banner and the small hall is used by anyone wanting to change the banner during raid time
    Conq likes this.
  5. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    That is an option but for most people it would require two zones to get there before they ported to their destination which means they end up just changing the banner in the large guild hall.
  6. KarmaKitty Augur

    The design flaw here is not handing the token to the teleporter (be it machine or gnome).

    You should be able to buy any number of stones and have them in inventory. Then hand one of those stones to the teleporter in order to be teleported to the associated location.

    You could then click on/talk to the teleporter and get a magus like text, which you could click on to teleport to the current location. Go all out and include the last two or three locations rolling as new tokens are handed in.

    Of course, this still does not eliminate the issue of the teleporter being memory wiped between instances. Be nice if they could retain that bit of information :D

    Finally, this cuts deep into the wizard/druid port economy. Deprived of income, they still have to pay :eek:
  7. Zipe The Healer

    Plot twist; new class added to the game... the guild hall teleporter. It kills people by opening their inventory window or, if you survive the inventory CTD it'll send you to a void zone with endless load time. It's like a CC class with Death Touches.
    adetia likes this.
  8. KarmaKitty Augur

    Ha Ha!

    Fortunately, the refresh time on the "rez without xp loss" loyalty button has been shorter than the interval between my stupid mistakes.
  9. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    Or enable handing them to a wizard merc for a group port.
  10. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    A banner-only portal would be nice.
    KarmaKitty and Fanra like this.
  11. Fanra

    As a druid, I believe that hasn't existed for over a decade.

    Perhaps on TLP servers...
    KarmaKitty likes this.
  12. KarmaKitty Augur

    Yes, cut sooooo deep it died off :D
  13. KarmaKitty Augur

    I like the idea of turning the port tokens into a single use (consumable) port clicky usable anywhere. Stackable (ok with 20). Save me the gate to the guild hall to use the portal.
    sdeco and Randomized like this.
  14. sdeco Lorekeeper

    That seems like a great idea
  15. Drax8 New Member

    I would just like them to last longer, like until someone changes it? They last a very short time currently, pretty annoying.
  16. Flatchy Court Jester