What does "Report as spam" do in the chat window?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Bernel, Nov 7, 2023.

  1. Bernel Augur

    Clicking on a name in the chat window brings up a popup with a variety of options:


    What does that "Report as spam" option actually do? In my experience, it doesn't seem to do anything. I've clicked that for dozens of this spammer's same message and nothing seems to change. Is there actually anything going on behind the scenes when that option is clicked or is it a waste of time?
  2. Barton The Mischievous

    iirc it used to mute people if enough different "people" (accounts) reported their messages as spam it was buggy and did not work well and was abusable. I don't know if it actually does anything anymore.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  3. Conq Augur

    Nothing. Spammers keep spamming.
    Fenthen likes this.
  4. Randomized Augur

    Depends on what one considers spam. Or what DBG considers spam. Someone who says the same thing repeatedly, but once every 5-10 minutes, doesn't fall under spam. Even if he is the only one on that channel.

    Now spam would be the same thing like 2-3 times a minute (at least that's how i'd categorize it). But /shrug
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  5. fransisco Augur

    my guess is nothing. Bertox general channel is camped by RMT bots all day long every day. They are all "your supporting our guildmates, its for a good cause". Though by "guildmate" they mean their bot army.

    Game would be so much better if we could just not allow cross server access to chat channels. Literally the only use is spammers and rmt
  6. Riou EQResource

    It adds their chat to the system that flags words or string of words together as auto spam
  7. Dre. Altoholic

    Literally every server.
    Fenthen likes this.
  8. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    And for some reason, Ignore is not in that drop-down list.
  9. Nennius Curmudgeon

    However /ignore does work.
    Bernel likes this.
  10. Bernel Augur

    Yes, please, please, please have an "Ignore this user" option added to the popup menu.
    xcitng and Nennius like this.
  11. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Of course, but having "Ignore" in that list seems absolutely obvious to me. Strange that they never included it.
    xcitng and Nennius like this.
  12. newc322 Lorekeeper

    yea its annoying seeing Collesette.(insert server name) spam their paragraph for expac collect sets. at this point i think they should disable the function to join another servers chat channels.
  13. Lianeb Augur

    I personally join a couple other server chat channels though not general, I would not like this. What they need to add is the ability to ignore people that are xserver in a channel. I don't know of a way currently to /ignore bertox.spambot