30th anniversary wishlist

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by instagate, Nov 4, 2023.

  1. instagate New Member

    I might be late to the party, but i was wondering what everyone's 30th anniversary wishlist/ideas are. I would like some EQ shirts / PJ's that when bought help supported EQ not just random T shirt customization stores online.
  2. Sissruukk Rogue One

    30th Anniversary? Let's make it to 25 first...
  3. Bigstomp Augur

    Hey, be nice. It's daylight savings day, everyone's day is messed up.
    Doranur_Aleguzzler likes this.
  4. Warpeace Augur

    You have to give Daybreak some time.
  5. Etha Journeyman

    Cleofatra likes this.
  6. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    25th anniversary I'd like a new zone with a new raid and some quests and missions. :) A bit like we had with GMM which will also stick around forever. :)

    I think I'm dreaming....
  7. Flatchy Court Jester

    No please! I dont want Flatchy to have black eyes from running!
    NatazzEvoli likes this.
  8. uberkingkong Augur

    OMM 2.0
    OMM small raids like 24 player max, could do naggy vox or even emerald jungle etc.

    Shrouds everyone gets something. Everyone benefits.
  9. Warpeace Augur

    No shrouds!:(
    Andarriel, aariell_xev and Yinla like this.
  10. Mossaa Augur

    Big no to this
    ForumBoss and Yinla like this.
  11. Spacemonkey555 Augur

    I'm an eternal optimist. I'm thinking that's where the time for the 9th raid and third and fourth group missions went.
    Ozon and Yinla like this.
  12. Spacemonkey555 Augur

    EQ tanks take enough damage to kill them a hundred times over every single day, it's masochism by design. Suck it up and cast a lifetap, buttercup.
    Flatchy likes this.
  13. Lilfella Elder

    Vegas fan faire please
    Raccoo and Fenthen like this.
  14. uberkingkong Augur

    Only people that don't like shrouds are those raiders who been playing for very long time.
    They like content that they look good in. But it only benefits them. Need more content that benefits everyone.
    Shrouds is fun for all, that 100% end game is only fun for the select few end gamers.

    OMM was the best thing back in the days. 20-50 mins of my time, good xp, stuff to earn for gear too.

    Sure isn't much on the amount of ways you can get gear 110+.
    The amount of ways you can get lvl 85 gear, pretty crazy actually.

    Boomerang brawl, that was a hoot back then. 85 gear. OMM 85 gear.
    Fableds? 85?

    Can't do something fun because of balance. Well news for you. Shrouds is easy way to make whatever you wanna do fun and have it balanced.
    Aint like I'm in boomerang brawl and someone has a raid geared triple shot boomerang that I'm at unfair advantage facing them.

    Minigames. They make a difference in how well an MMORPG can be.

    Game don't need more casual content for raiders to be in, they need to make raids harder, more timesink for them. Quit making casual content and timesinks for raiders not casuals to enjoy. Put those timesinks in raids for raiders.

    OMM casual group content and 24 person raid.
    The raids they take up like 3 hours no joke. 6 hour cooldown. Shrouds so you can't be overpowered or underpowered.
    Raids can be like box check where you gotta split into 7 groups of 2s or more and just defend an NPC at each location pretty far from each other for like 20 minutes. It doesn't have to be 24 people in the raid to do it, its just max, so invite more people to have higher success.
    Raiders can handle it, and know what, it opens it for casual open raids. Since you guys are for everyone should be able to do raids. Everyone should, if it includes doable for open raids.
    Raiders are the ones looking for timesinks, not the casuals. Casuals want log in daily for an hour be productive for an hour after logging. Maybe play 2 hours.
  15. Randomized Augur

    Yet no one uses it. Raiders, Casuals, boxers. No one.

    ...air quotes, fun, air quotes
    NatazzEvoli likes this.
  16. instagate New Member

    omg 25th not 30th lol my 2 brain cells are not awake yet. But yah i was thinking they might do another GMM thing, however they are adding 8 new zones with this x pac already....so well see.
    Sissruukk likes this.
  17. NatazzEvoli Elder

    Epic 3.0s.
    Flatchy likes this.
  18. Zolav Augur

    I would like for them to DO ONE major overhaul at a time. They currently have too many irons in the fire and from where I sit a good portion is gonna flop. Bettering the game is good but do it in a reasonable manner.
  19. Nennius Curmudgeon

  20. fransisco Augur

    A line a t-shirts. With a cool image for each class
    Barton likes this.