[Mischief] Monk vs . . Wizard?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Dirae, Oct 31, 2023.

  1. Dirae New Member

    I never made it this far in a tlp before (about to hit UF) and for all my years on live I’ve always heard that monks fell off and never quite made it back up with other dps classes. I’ve heard conflicting opinions on when this occurs, though. Right now I’m just coming back from quite a long break and am looking to invest my time wisely for the foreseeable future.

    The core of my debate is between my monk and my wizard. I want to get back into raiding and I’m not sure which one has the most longevity moving forward. I love my wizard, but it definitely can be a lonely life when you need to grind AA’s or exp when the level cap goes up. On the same token I love my monk but I know they don’t stay OP forever either and they suffer from a lack of utility unless someone happens to need a puller. I know casters are starting to take over but will monks be decent dps for much longer? I just want to put my effort in the right place so any insight would be helpful!
  2. FranktheBank Augur

    Just play what you want. Casters are already pulling ahead of melee.
    code-zero and Dirae like this.
  3. Mithra Augur

    Monks are good dps for awhile yet. COTF is a full year away which is start of stagnation
    Dirae likes this.
  4. Vitaez Journeyman

    Monks are no longer the top of the DPS charts but are a fun class to play. Wizards are getting crazy, but necros take it to live. Wizard you can sit back and relax while a monk to do great you must try hard to be a good wizard.

    So, it depends on your play style.

    On raids right now the amount of wizard to monk ratio is 6 monks to 1 wizard.

    Hope this information is helpful.
    code-zero and Dirae like this.
  5. Blastoff Augur

    Current Wiz play style...we're top right now, I don't know how long it lasts.
  6. Randomized Augur

    Get ahead of the curve where the blue bar starts to beat out the yellow bar
  7. Xhartor Augur

    Keep in mind Wizards aren't as common as Monk. there are a handful of encounters in the upcoming expansion where Wizards are super important.

    However a wizard isn't going to be independent as monk, the class is easier to play if you good support network.
  8. FranktheBank Augur

    Ok Blast, it's time for a come to Jesus moment about your UI.
    /show 1, schinx is a bad person, your chat 2 is heinous.

    Edit: Also, speed up your gina =p
  9. KushallaFV Playing EverQuest

    How do you play like that?
    WeCameWeConquered likes this.
  10. CdeezNotes Augur

    Thats one of the worst UIs I've ever seen and I've seen a lot of bad ones.
  11. Blastoff Augur

    Many have tried. I play on a 110 inch projector so everything needs to be big or I can't see it from 15 feet away. Chat 2 could be better but the only info I look for in that one is that spells aren't getting resisted.
  12. Strawberry Augur

    Monks do about the same sustain DPS as rogues and zerkers in UF. And they do maybe 80% of the burn DPS.

    There's many raids in UF where clearing mobs is part of the raid event, like Masked Invaders where you have to kill heavy hitting trash. Even with the best tanks, non-tanks are going to get hit in these events. Every melee DPS class in our guild switched to AC augs so you can at least survive a single round. Good sustain DPS and able to take a hit is why Monks do very good in UF.

    Monks are basically light tanks, they have an unusually high AC cap for a DPS class, and they're pullers. So that's the logic behind not giving them the top DPS spot. But they still do crazy good sustain DPS in UF, and survivability is really more important in UF than who tops the DPS charts.
  13. Alyxi New Member

    I play one of the better geared monks on Mischief, at least in my guild....and I get smoked by Necros and Wizards on raid parses...burn, multi-mob, sustained, and full raid long parses. For raids, monks aren't the pullers anymore...that falls to SKs mostly, or Bards. We can help mez for trash skips (twice, as we have to be OOC for it to work). Some other utility of course, but nothing that is uniquely monk anymore. Zerkers have been almost even on parses for a while, but have pulled slightly ahead overall now, and rogue have stormed up from the depths to beat us on occasion. Even warriors will beat me on parses from time to time now (individual fights, not sustained unless they are getting big boosts from DS damage).

    One issue that always has to be kept in mind for parsing is range. If am one of the ones on Exxtan (usually), then the damage from the farthest minis (Umkus and Tenndxx) do not show on my parse...which really bummed out a shaman that was trying to crack the top 10, as my log does not show any damage for those two mobs, so the full fight parse had him at 17th...but just the final 4 linked mobs had him at 11th. Most fights wont be affected by this, but some will, and have to be kept in mind....as rangers and casters can sometimes stand far enough away even when damaging a mob I am punching that their damage wont log....I have had this happen with my own ranger/monk duo on Agnarr.

    But for group content, hard to beat a monk for a DPS slot. Zero downtime unless having to mez pull non-stop (and even that takes longer than a lesson burn to run out of END). Molo with a heal merc is hard to lose as well. I did most of Timeshear molo. Monks can tank for a group in a pinch, as long as the rest can control aggro. They are still a top DPS class for long slogs. And the utility they have always had is still there.

    I cannot speak to what it is like to play a wizard...even though I have leveled a couple, I am wholly inexperienced in actually playing them. They out DPS me now, and can port. That's all I know.

    I also cannot speak to what it will be like moving forward, as this is the farthest I have played. Quit just after PoP back in the day, and came back to Agnarr, where I stayed pretty much until GoD on Mischief, when I switched.

    But for now, either is good, and I don't see that changing any time soon, based on the gear I have been making wishlists of for the next few expacs. Play what you like, and if you like both, play both...the expansions last long enough to gear both out with Mischief rules.
    FranktheBank likes this.
  14. Penelo Lorekeeper

    Monks can continue to pull just fine. Generally for pullers the rule is "who wants to pull and is willing to die if something paths wrong/the pull sucks? Grats, you are the puller go bring us mobs". Pulling also becomes less and less about splitting mobs and more about keeping a steady flow of mobs incoming / the raid moving to the boss.

    There really is no special skill set needed to be a puller at any era of this game other than the statement above. We have an enchanter who raids with us who loves to pull. More power to him go bring us some mobs.

    I was always told that the only reliably parse for your damage is your own. Someone may be out of range of damage logging or have portions of your damage filtered. So make sure to link multiple parses if you want an accurate picture of where people are on the charts.

    Generally speaking casters will take over from SoD onwards. There are still plenty of fights where melee shine (silence/etc.) and still some fights with mechanics left that require a decent class balance (Pillars in VoA). I believe eventually Wizards fall down the DPS charts very slightly, but also they are fun if you like big numbers and just deleting mobs in groups.