Laurion's Song mounts?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Exuo, Oct 11, 2023.

  1. Exuo Journeyman


    Before I preorder...

    which is the stat mount, and is it better than NOS Mount Blessing Neza?
    A. Polar Bear Saddle
    B. Phoenix Harness

    which is the reward mount, for Achievement completion of "...gained upon completing all quests and missions in Laurion's Song..."?
    A. Polar Bear Saddle
    B. Phoenix Harness

    Thanks in advance.
  2. Lithosir New Member

    The mounts are separated by which version of the expansion you get.

    The polar bear saddle is granted with Collectors ($69.99) and up,
    and the phoenix is premium ($139.99) and up

    I don't know if they both have stats, but the mounts usually have the mount buff from the previous expansion's progression mount. So I think that they will come with Neza

    Generally the collector's edition mount has a similar mount granted through progression. So the progression mount should be a bear model of some kind.

    Assuming they're following the trends of previous expansions of course lol
  3. Soulbanshee Augur

    Both are.

    NoS had:
    Collector's Edition - Sonic Wolf Saddle - Meda
    Premium Edition - Shik'Nar Saddle - Neza

    Expect the Collector's to be Neza and Premium to be whatever is next for O.

    Neither. Achievements haven't even been created in beta yet too.
    Exuo likes this.
  4. Exuo Journeyman

    Thank you!

    So, if they repeat the past expansions achievements though, the in-game reward will be O***, based on the past rewards.

    I have a tiny budget this year, I didn't remember that the collector's edition had a buff on it. I can squeak by and get standard versions then....
  5. Lithosir New Member

    Oh so the shiknar was the premium edition.

    So that means the progression mount is probably a phoenix thing? If they added a new phoenix model it's probably that, otherwise maybe a blue phoenix
    Exuo likes this.
  6. Soulbanshee Augur

    Yeah, the achievement Shik'Nar is also Neza, and the ToL achievement Owlbear is Meda, so same increase of the buff.

    ToL Premium was Owlbear, and achievement was Owlbear, I'm not spending time to look back any further, so could be.
  7. Lithosir New Member

    Yup, reskinned phoenix model. Says it's a hawk /shrug