TLP Plus: Merge Legacy of Ykesha with Original EQ Release

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Brontus, Oct 30, 2023.

  1. Brontus EQ Player Activist

    One of the bigget problems in the original release of EverQuest is the underwhelming itemization for grouping players. Usable loot is so rare that most players who are grouped are herded into 2 zones at release: lower guk and Solb. Yes there is Cazic Thule and Permafrost but those dungeons are not used very much because of the poor loot.

    I've suggested many times in the past hat the devs go back to classic EQ and do some proper itemization. For example Blackburrow's itemization is beyond pitiful. There are no weapons whatsoever for melee or casters unless you consider rusty weapons legit. There are other dungeons that are bad as well like Befallen. Crushbone is pretty lame as well. The Hole could use an itemization overhaul as well.

    What ends up happening is the players often end up purchasing krono and sell it for platinum and buy weapons from farmers in the EC tunnel. These are typically: the Serated Bone Dirk, the Dark Reaver, Executioner's Axe, and the Yak from Guk.

    Players should not have to buy their weapons from farmers to advance their characters. Players should be able to adventure to get them on their own. If itemization was done properly, then players would have the reasonable expectation to get items while adventuring. But this is not the case with EQ at release as many of the best camps are monpolized by professional farmers.

    Another problem is that a lack of proper itemization at release hurts melee classes and gives caster classes who are more dependent on spells and pets a much bigger advantage because they don't have to spend time farming weaponis or spend plat to aquire them.

    It seems the devs do not want to go back and itemize the old zones. I'm not sure the rataionale. Some people say, the devs don't have time. Some say the devs are trying to keep the hardcore flavor of EQ for nostalgic reasons. I really do not know what to believe. All I know is that the itemization at release is terrible. In fact some ex-devs have mentioned this in interviews.

    There is a possible solution: incorporate the Legacy of Ykesha zones into the original release of EQ along with the Warrens and Stonebrunt. There is some half decent gear in those zones and LoY but the problem is by the time it is released during Planes of Power most mains will never use it because they have planar gear by then. LoY doesn't have much impact when it comes out. It is essentially another place to level alts for mains who are fully geared.

    If the Legacy of Ykesha zones were available at launch, the loot would be very meaningful to mains on their leveling and progression journey. It would fill a lot of the itemization gaps in EQ. The great loot would be a magnet for players and it would provide some variety to counteract the typical guk/solb/hole drudgery.

    The devs would not have to lift a finger to do any itemization. Sure there would be some logistics involved in getting those zones released but I'm sure it's achievable. They could even release some of the LoY zones on a staggered basis such as Gunthak and Crypt of Nadox with release and the rest when Kunark comes out.

    They could even call it TLP Plus. I hear a rumor that WoW is coming out with Classic Plus. That's a bandwagon worth jumping on. Thanks in advance for your consideration. :)
    Defenestrated Vase, Skuz and jeskola like this.
  2. ForumBoss Augur

    I'd rather the server just start with all expansions up till Luclin or pop+ldon. That and/or unlock revamped zones while they are still relevant (sol c , vp 2.0, veksar etc)
    Brildon, Xhartor and jeskola like this.
  3. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    Paludal nightmares.

    and that's Everzerg.

    It specifically is the opposite of EverQUEST and encourages zerg to max level prioritized over completing in era classic quests





    Not Unlocked festival seating.
  4. ForumBoss Augur

    Is this UKK's alt account? The text formatting and logic seems like it. Anyway, emphasizing "quest" in everquest, particularly in tlp seems like an odd leg to stand on, when all quests in the first 20+ expansions been nerfed to yield next to no experience. People only really queat for their epics and flagging, and few find flagging enjoyable.

    I'm also ok with the OP's idea , just expanding on it since the raid content in the first few expansions leaves a be desired. That and selo's luclin launch was super fun with the extra leveling and gear progression options open.
    FranktheBank and jeskola like this.
  5. jeskola pheerie

    I love Legacy of Ykesha and would like to see it moved up earlier, however I am not convinced classic is the place for it. Jaggedpine was released with classic on Combine/Sleeper and literally everyone was cramming in there.

    Math fail

    The Hole has Smoldering Brand and Mudman Enforcer and is one of the most popular classic zones on these servers. Do you even TLP bro?
    Brontus and Joules_Bianchi like this.
  6. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Special Ruleset Server.

    Not everything HAS to follow the standard delineation.
    Barton likes this.
  7. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Interesting suggestion.

    Not sure I would merge it with Classic though I could see it working well with a Kunark or Velious start TLP but that's mostly as I think Classic start TLPs are a waste of time unless they do an All Classes in at the start Classic Start TLP and even then I would only want Classic as a 4-week stint. Throw LDoN in with it too maybe, could be a lot of fun.
    Brontus and Vanesae like this.
  8. Brontus EQ Player Activist

    I was tired when I wrote the post. Fixed now.

    Granted, but that's 3 weapons for the entire zone if you include the Earth Axe which also drops. No rogue daggers, no swords, no caster weapons. There's the Bow of the Underfoot but its no trade, no drop.

    The Temple of Cazic Thule has one weapon for the whole zone: Bladed Thulian Claws, which is junk that often ends up being sold at a vendor or given to newbies.

    As mentioned, the zone unlocks in LoK could have a staggered release schedule either within classic or even some in Kunark.

    Legacy of Ykesha is one of my favorite expansions. However, it's the black sheep of the EQ expansion family and doesn't have much impact when it is released during Planes of Power. Let's make it more meaningful to more players by offering incorporating it into EQ classic.
    jeskola likes this.
  9. Xhartor Augur

    I don't remember Paludal being overrun when Selo launched. I do remember it being the first time I ever saw FoB has PUG's and see results from /pick in that zone.

    When a TLP currently launches in the bulk of the player base use the Crushbone > Unrest > LGuk > Hole leveling path.
  10. jiri_ Augur

    I would really like (it will never happen) for a TLP to start with berserkers, somehow. It's always sucked that they come out after the post-Gates population decline and aren't available to play during the most populated, most PUGgy part of a TLP's lifespan.
  11. coltongrundy Augur

    Bro, this game was never about questing to level in classic.
  12. jiri_ Augur

    No, it wasn't. But quests were an important part of progression in ways that are still pretty familiar today. On TLPs, the pace and population are such that getting two rare drops from two rare spawns in empty zones at level 30 isn't worth the time invested. You're simply not going to be in the low 30s long enough for the Ivy-Etched Tunic to be valuable. Because leveling happens more quickly than what classic was designed for, multiple instances of zones exist and, critically, players are much better and more knowledgeable, it's better to just get to 50 as fast as possible then fill out your gear from there, especially if the gear quests require you to drag other players to low-xp zones for any length of time.