Fights with screen shake / motion sickess issues

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Gallicus, Oct 21, 2023.

  1. Gallicus New Member

    Hi all,

    Are there any possible settings or actions that exist to eliminate or at least mitigate the screen shaking that occurs in some fights and zones? The Lord Brekt raid fight in Citadel / Seeds of Destruction expansion is effectively unplayable for me due to the constant screen shaking, where I basically target one tank at the start of the fight, close my eyes, and spam one heal until the boss dies or I do.

    There have been some rare and predictable screen shakes in prior expansions that I could plan for, but Brekt has been the most egregious example of constant nausea-inducing screen shaking that just entirely eliminates the fun for me. I'm hoping this isn't going to be a common thing going forward.

    So yes, if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. If the option to disable screen shake doesn't exist, it would be awesome if it could be implemented. Thanks!
    Ileasa likes this.
  2. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Does going 3rd person camera view help? I never use 1st person, and never notice any shaking or bobbing, or whatever.
  3. Act of Valor The Newest Member

    I don't get affected by this, but if there isn't an option to disable this, there should be one. This is a very common accessibility option in most games now, you don't want your game to make people get sick if you can help it.
  4. Gallicus New Member

    Yeah, I play in third person camera view. Normally things are fine, it's just specific locations and bosses that have shake mechanics (though I also need to avoid mounts that bob around - luckily the plain old horse is fine). If there is an option, I can't find it. :(
  5. Knifen Augur

    Mobs that float up and down while i attack them give me headaches, best solution for that was to get 2 weapons with bone melt proc, turn em into a skelly and keep em on the ground. The shaking screen stuff I can see where that would be bothersome to some but dont know how to fix that for ya.
  6. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Would a mount help?
  7. demi Augur

    take some dramamine before you play :p j/k
  8. uberkingkong Augur

    They move up and down, gonna get motion sickness from that.

    Whirl to hurl is a thing in EQ.
    fransisco likes this.
  9. fransisco Augur

    I have a friend who has serious issues with most mounts. All that horrible up and down shaking for no reason when its moving.
    Is it possible to have the herky jerky mount shaking taken out? Its just annoying for some, and a legitmate problem for others.

    It may have been a neat immersive idea at first, but especially with most mounts now moving faster than when mounts were first introduced, the shakey camera is just awful.
    Ileasa, modsiw and Rikantiz like this.
  10. uberkingkong Augur

    The screen shakes create immersion. It makes the fights more intense so its both ways.

    Played ESO?
    Dragonknight flying slam ultimate skill. Makes everyone screen shake.
    Sorcerer meteor makes the screen shake intense noise.
    Sorcerer purge, intense sound.
    You know a big battle is happening just hearing all those sounds and seeing screen shake. If ESO needs to do anything, invest more and more onto Alliance wars.

    If ESO doing anything really well. Its those screen shakes and sound effects. EQ can learn something from ESO about screen shakes and sound effects.

    So continue with the screen shakes and sound effects, I'm expecting EQ3 to have it and be ESO quality with it.

    As for avoiding seeing the screen shake issues. In those fights just look away. Have a big achievement window covering entire screen with your other windows on top of it. Can't see anything but you can still help the group out and ensure your targeting the right things.

    There is a reason why mobs blind, whirl to you hurl, flip you around, float you, etc.

    But don't go breaking the fun of immersion for others.
    The immersions makes or breaks games.
    The little things add up.
  11. CdeezNotes Augur

    Nobody is asking for taking away immersion. He's asking if there a setting he can toggle to turn it off for him personally. You didn't have to go into a tirade about immersion being ruined for you.
    Ileasa, GrandOpener, Kaenneth and 5 others like this.
  12. Sissruukk Rogue One

    Some people have issues with screen shaking and stuff. It can cause headaches or worse for some people. While it doesn't bother me as much, it is becoming a problem for me because my eyesight is worsening.

    There should be an option for turning it off. That way people who want "immersion" can keep it, and those that it affects adversely can shut it down.
    Ileasa, Marton, ForumBoss and 4 others like this.
  13. uberkingkong Augur

    Curious how the motion sickness person likes or hates this video.
    Zoom in shake a bit, zoom out.
  14. Rikantiz Lorekeeper

    I have a perforated ear drum that's caused issues with my inner ear, since it happened I can't use the mounts I normally would either - the motion sickness is horrible. I can only imagine what it would be like for someone having to live with it constantly. A toggle option would be awesome.
    Ileasa and Sissruukk like this.
  15. Gallicus New Member

    Sorry to hear about your ear drum, Rikantiz. It sounds like there aren't any existing settings to help reduce or eliminate the shaking, so I'm just hopeful a dev will look at this and that a solution isn't too difficult to implement.
    GrandOpener and Rikantiz like this.
  16. Gallicus New Member

    For anyone like me suffering from this, a guildmate found a solution! It's not totally ideal, but for fights with heavy or constant screen shake, you can eliminate all non-UI elements of the screen with a viewport adjustment.

    "/viewport 0 0 1 1" effectively makes your viewing screen one pixel. You still see the UI over top a completely black screen. That solves screen shake entirely. Downside is you can't see anything aside from UI, but (so far) no fights with screen shake have required any major movement that can't be accounted for by using map positioning and the compass.

    Use "/viewport reset" when the fight is over. This does NOT impact any resolution settings or change any placement on the UI, which is great.

    This isn't an ideal fix, as the ideal would be simply to have a settings change that prevents shaking, but it makes the game at least somewhat playable for the fights that would otherwise be completely unplayable for me.
  17. fransisco Augur

    while it works, I'd rather just play a different game if I cant even see it
  18. Vumad Cape Wearer

    I hope you never have to understand why people would have to choose between their social group and such a sacrifice to their experience.
    Ileasa, Gallicus and fransisco like this.
  19. Gallicus New Member

    Pretty much this - I really enjoy raiding with my guild and they've been very understanding on the fights where I probably under-perform. I was certainly considering quitting if future expansions were going to have screen shake become the norm, but I've been assured that it's not common. There were a couple fights in Underfoot with it too (Cliknar Queen and the entirety of the Brath encounter - holy hell that one was bad).
    Ileasa likes this.