30th expansion raids NEED to be harder

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by uberkingkong, Oct 5, 2023.

  1. uberkingkong Augur

    I should be getting a vibe like this,

    T1 is ok for everyone
    T2 gut check for everyone
    T3 needs to be hard. Even harder.

    Beta raids not done yet, hasn't begun yet.
    T3 raids mindset should be T3 should be a CHALLENGE for the top 5 guilds. If top 10 guilds are breezing through its TOO easy.

    GW2 previous expansion no good, too easy. 2nd latest, EoD expansion the final meta was hard, lots of wipes, coordinated 100+ people in discord doing the meta wipes. Feedback its fun.
    Diablo 4, lots of people left because, too easy, the only thing the end game players enjoyed Uber Lilith its the only challenging content.

    Moral of the story, games are just too easy, EQ past decade, too easy.
    Make not T1, not T2, but T3 raids challenging.

    Challenging is not beat within a week by top 10, but beat within week by top 5 MAYBE. That's challenging.

    T3 raids they actually do not deserve to be in beta honestly. Because all you get is people asking for it to be easier. The flavor of the year is not "easy", if you look at the gaming scene. It's opposite. HARD. HARDER. CHALLENGING. MORE CHALLENGING.

    Also, make the raids longer, maybe not T1, but especially T3. Past expansion, they beat all of T3 all of T2 all of T1 within the first it unlocks. Raids just are not long enough if they can beat all of it day 1.

    Tier 3 raids should be keyed to the final boss. To drag out the raid.
    When people beat its just not that fun anymore, theres no hype building up when people beat everyone day 1.
    Storybuilding hype it up.
    T3 raids should be keyed unlocks in that raid progression. Keyed within T3 zone, T1 and T2 can go into T3 but say the 4th boss you gotta be keyed, the final boss gotta be keyed.
    This game has lost its storybuilding since the past couple years.

    Storybuilding, roleplaying, lost a lot of its identity.

    Make T3 raids, not T1 not T2, T3 harder, longer, keyed. It's the final fight hype it up.
    blurpppa likes this.
  2. tsiawdroi TittyGOAT

    At minimum, t3 raids should not be beatable by 30ish toons... Firefall/gumdrop are both winnable with 4-5 groups.

    1. Make mobs hit harder. Tanks should not be able to tank 4-5 adds with little problem. Make the bosses hit harder so that it involves warrior's using primary + secondary mitigation necessary to not get one rounded. This probably would even require the real need for tank swaps when their best mitigation is on cooldown.

    2. Check tuning regarding defensive check on mobs or strikethrough. In Tol/Nos you could stand front arc as a melee with no penalty. I recall letting blizzard of blades go on defenders and being one shot via riposte by the drakes on defenders because I was not in the rear due to the rear cone damage they did.

    3. On the same topic as 2- have real consequences (scaling per tier ideally) if the mobs are not tanked and positioned correctly. IE: on tier 3, if two adds are facing the raid or they are not facing away the pb ae damage should be high enough that you can't just "heal through it" as I highly doubt they will ever nerf squall/passive healing.

    4. Hopefully mechanics actually involve raids to not just be pile up and heal through the damage.

    5. Tune the content so that "progessing" via upgrades for dps/survivability actually matter. If the final t2 event had a hard dps check (dragon 2 on crusaders is an example) this would serve gearing out the dps classes with upgrades.

    6. T3 should involve having the lockout on the first event in order to request the final two raids. If not for anything else, it would make launch day and the decision of which event order to go with the same for every guild.

    Lastly, more hp does not equal harder. Mechanic based events instead of just tank/spank with a few run away emotes would be a nice change. Penalties like over dpsing causing wipes/resets. Guilds that do not participate in beta (granted some were gifted the strats/gina) being able to win t3 the first attempt means the difficulty level for nos was too easy. Making the vanquisher achievements harder also would be a request when the reward is as strong as they have been the last two expasions.

    P.S. Lastly, on my wish list is that the beta reward is not another familiar ;p
    Mesil and blurpppa like this.
  3. Wildeone New Member

    Big. Bad. Bosses.
  4. Nennius Curmudgeon

    How tough would you like it? Perma death. Ship to ship combat? RNG control of lag so that just as a critical point is reached, half the raid goes LD (Sorry, that is already a feature). I am not sure that most folks, even raiders, want a big jump in difficulty. I may wrong. On the other hand, the raids could be really tough for the first three weeks or so and then they could be nerfed so that mere mortals could do them.
    Fenthen, minimind and Barton like this.
  5. kookoo Augur

    this is what it should be . tier one to be easier and the last t3 raid to be brutal , i wouldn't mind after 5 or 6 months to have a difficulty check , for lower guilds to catch up , or when summer hit and less players raid ( atm we raid from 28 to 40 since a while ) .
  6. Barton The Mischievous

    How about no
    Annastasya likes this.
  7. Marton Augur


    Why create content that 2 - 3 guilds can do? Waste of time.
    Fenthen, Syylke_EMarr, alanus and 3 others like this.
  8. Svann2 The Magnificent

    At minimum get out of aura mechanics should hurt enough that people dont just heal through it.
  9. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!


    Some guilds help in BETA and know Raid Strats before LIVE. (we beat it first!)
    Some guilds and raids don't know from BETA and go at it when active on LIVE.

    Today some guilds are still struggling to get achievements and we are already going to BETA.
    I play normally, I don't share accounts or use programs but GINA (which is allowed) and I'm 100% fully raid geared. Been raid geared for about 1.5 - 2 months now. I'm just helping out.
    I have alts that are not raid geared, I'm still in need of certain items, one aug, lots of Hero's.

    The only thing I request is to not change the game so our mains are useless, and or, don't change UI or make it so others can't log in with old pc's... work it out. (Fix it before Live). That would be a loss of business. ( I would think, if you are still on Win 7, and eventually it won't run EQ.. buy a used pc or something )

    So maybe toward 3rd quarter, pop in a bonus insanely (piece of content) hard Raid. (for those that are 100% fully raid geared).

    The ' cookie cutting ' I'm happy with it. I'm happy with the hard work we don't know about or see.. you all deserve pizza everyday!

    ps. OP, I'm not clicking your link.
  10. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I'd like to see mechanics not being ignored by out dpsing them.

    Final event of the expansion should be harder than the rest and all other raids must be beaten by the requester to get the dz. This does not mean raids have to be on a lockout.
  11. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    Longer time-sink raids are OK, harder short duration raids are OK.

    Longer AND Harder? there is only one thing I like that way, and it's not raids.
    alanus, Maedhros and Sissruukk like this.
  12. uberkingkong Augur

    2-3 guilds beat it on week 1 of opening? thats good, exactly this.

    You can always make raids easier, but making them harder, thats a lot of negative feedback incoming.

    You start off hard, people enjoy it.
    Those that beat it feel really really good, even more good than past years.
    Those that don't beat it, they feel getting better, progress is progress.
    You make them easier, those that didn't beat it become happy its easier now, they have better chance at success now.
    They feel really really good from beating it from trying so many times and finally its beaten.

    To keep the good feeling you have to make it remain still a challenge.
    If people steamroll every single day they do it, that good feeling isn't there anymore. Unless you got some loot from it.

    Data shows recent data shows people really really enjoy challenging content. Content that smashes them.
    Elden Ring
    GW2 EoD meta pre-nerf
    Diablo 4 Uber Lillath

    Need to think long term, evolving game.
    Make the T3 raids hard, you can do it, just try harder.
    Learn your class even more.

    check in a month later, how is it
    needs to be easier make it easier.

    I've been touting AGILE AGILE AGILE
    Current system, thinking they do is waterfall, they make sure its beatable everyone and do nothing.
    Should be challenging, its T3, T3 should be challenging, its suppose to last a whole year. Beat a game day 1 they open something, thats not fun for the rest of the days.

    If all the decisions are being in beta, thats waterfall.
    Agile is short month check in, month check in. How we doing this month. How we doing this month. Not plop an expansion, thats that, everything was done 1 time in beta. Thats that. Thats waterfall.

    T3 Raids needs to be harder, the top 5 guilds should be able to beat them.

    Not every guild is the same tier, same skill wise.
    Your not challenging the top 5 guilds with this easymode T3 raids you've been doing lately.
    Believe me the top 5 guilds are way better than the 10 guilds after them.

    Game has 2 problems year after year I see.
    1. Does not challenge the very top guilds
    2. Does not provide content for returners/new to catchup on
  13. Zunnoab Augur

    Asking for 3/9 raids to cater to five guilds is lunacy.
    Hobs, Syylke_EMarr, alanus and 2 others like this.
  14. FranktheBank Augur

    If you want challenging MMO content, play literally any other MMO. Not the one built around a geriatric audience. As long as beta is the way it is, difficulty means nothing.
  15. uberkingkong Augur

    Yeah beaten in beta, figured everything out in beta. So no changes later.
    Waterfall. Not Agile. Agile you change slowly put something there, let progression happen.
    Waterfall, make it so easy everyone beats it, so you don't come back and tweak.

    Vaniki server, they messed up, made it too hard, and Daybreak, EQ, etc. is not AGILE enough to change adapt. People that played Vaniki enjoyed Vaniki for being hard, but since no dev support no AGILE no help, no one to fix things, changes. Population dropped because dev team couldn't be AGILE.

    Simple thing like changing a raid target for the reward, cannot be done them, or too slow realize, or no one is actually looking data, no one has triggers, ex. no guild beaten it and its 1 week away before a new opening, we should looking into.
    Nope the data team, the dev team they let that server die, their fault.
    Not AGILE.
    Can claim to be AGILE, but best believe from data, from events, not AGILE.
    Not really looking at data either, only use it as excuse to not do things, but not to be reactive and change when needed in AGILE situations.

    So you may have a point, since the methodology the game goes by, being waterfall and not modern times AGILE, I suppose you make point in easy easy easy. Figure out everything beta, make sure a ton of guilds can beat it in beta.

    EQ used to be challenging and you know what not anymore. What's EQ most known for, the challenging times.

    EQ hasn't had challenging times in a long time.
  16. blurpppa New Member

    If the 30th expansion does not have a boss at least as hard as Mearatas TBL something wrong with this dev team.

    There is no prestige left in EQ when everyone can clear everything and if the 30th expansion does not bring something prestigious back, when should they? The 40th? The 50th? :oops:
  17. Sissruukk Rogue One

    I'm a bit confused. Here you say that EQ hasn't been challenging for some time, but in another thread you state that it takes years to get to max level. If it took years to max level, then there is a lot of challenge.

    That being said, most of EQ's population is on average probably older than in other MMOs. Heck, I started receiving my AARP membership offers now. I know people in their 70's playing this game. We are getting older, getting slower, getting blinder, and getting hard of hearing.
    Syylke_EMarr, NatazzEvoli and Yinla like this.
  18. uberkingkong Augur

    Exactly, people remember the tough bosses.
    Keeps a memory.

    Just like EQ before all these changes that took away the classic EQ vibe.
    The challenging times. People remember them.

    Raids in easymode times, its forgetten, who cares.

    However, group game, remember easymode in group, and the challenging times in raids.
    People remember solo kiting, people remember the good times solo xping, getting groups and going to places that wasn't overly complex and gut checks.

    Chilling in SoF zones, doing my solo kite in loping planes, doing my faction building, chilling and getting excited for nice groups in nice zones. Doing raids and struggle in MMM Crystallos.
    People didn't beat whole MMM and Crystallos day 1.

    Beat a boss a day consider it a success.
    Not today's beat the entire thing 1 day. consider it game over.
  19. Jhenna_BB Proudly Prestigious Pointed Purveyor of Pincusions

    The top guilds are the top guilds because they're good, not because they have leet beta infoz. RA beat an awful lot of guilds before we started receiving beta invites - which we earned btw because we had consistent finishes while never deviating from our Sun, Tues, Thurs raid schedule before the days of Tier releases.

    The answer is always improve, work as a team and burn your pixelated boobies off.
    Tacoheals and Nennius like this.
  20. Nennius Curmudgeon

    This seems a bit unfair for male characters. In any case, congrats on your success.